Commit 7e38208a by s_guodong


parent 60e3de3c
......@@ -7,7 +7,29 @@ export default {
mixins: [exportExcel],
methods: {
async handleSearch() {
this.load = true;
// TODO rewrite url
let rtnmsg = await"/frontend/smtent/sel", {
pageNum: this.pagination.pageNum,
pageSize: this.pagination.pageSize,
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
this.load = false;
let list =; = list;
this.pagination = {
pageNum: || 1,
pageSize: || 10,
total: parseInt(,
} else {
title: this.$t("financing.错误"),
message: this.$t("financing.服务请求失败!"),
this.load = false;
async handleReset() {
let resetModel = new Smtame().data
......@@ -149,93 +149,113 @@ export default {
stmData: {
columns: [
label: "起息日",
prop: "valdat",
label: "错误类型",
prop: "errmsg",
width: "120px"
label: "20域编号",
prop: "ownref",
label: "收报日期",
prop: "recdat",
width: "120px"
label: "21域名编号",
prop: "othref",
label: "起息日期",
prop: "valdat",
width: "120px"
label: "币种",
prop: "cur",
label: "账户行",
prop: "chnnam",
width: "80px"
label: "金额",
prop: "amt",
label: "账户行BIC",
prop: "bic",
width: "120px"
label: "账号",
prop: "act",
prop: "acc",
width: "120px"
label: "费用明细",
prop: "dtlchg",
label: "币种",
prop: "cur",
width: "120px"
label: "报文类型",
prop: "subtyp",
label: "对账单参考号",
prop: "ref",
width: "120px"
label: "行内系统",
prop: "chnipt",
label: "对账单编号",
prop: "smtno",
width: "120px"
label: "处理状态",
prop: "sta",
label: "期初金额",
prop: "begamt",
width: "120px"
label: "账户行BIC(53域)",
prop: "t53bic",
label: "期末金额",
prop: "endamt",
width: "150px"
label: "账户行BIC(54域)",
prop: "t54bic",
label: "期末可用金额",
prop: "endvalamt",
width: "150px"
label: "发报行BIC",
prop: "sndbic",
label: "对账单类型",
prop: "typ",
width: "150px"
label: "收报行BIC",
prop: "rcvbic",
label: "页数",
prop: "pag",
width: "150px"
label: "报文标准",
prop: "msgtyp",
label: "明细条数",
prop: "dtl",
width: "150px"
label: "GPI标识",
prop: "gpi",
label: "发报行BIC",
prop: "sndbic",
width: "120px"
label: "子系统",
prop: "",
label: "异常信息",
prop: "excmsg",
width: "120px"
label: "处理时间",
prop: "sttdattim",
label: "收报行BIC",
prop: "rcvbic",
width: "170px"
label: "异常对账单参考号",
prop: "othref",
width: "170px"
label: "异常接收日期",
prop: "gendat",
width: "170px"
label: "异常对账单账号",
prop: "act",
width: "170px"
label: "异常对账单类型",
prop: "subtyp",
width: "170px"
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