Commit 506f52d6 by wangweidong


parent d77c60bc
const BusRouter = [ const BusRouter = [
{ path: 'inffxd', component: ()=>import("./Inffxd/views") ,name: 'Inffxd', meta: { title: '资结售汇报表交易查询' },module:'Funds'}, { path: 'inffxd', component: ()=>import("./Inffxd/views") ,name: 'Inffxd', meta: { title: '资结售汇报表交易查询' },module:'Funds'},
// { path: 'infftd', component: Infftd, name: 'Infftd', meta: { keepAlive: true, title: '资金拆借/头寸调拨报表交易查询' } }, // { path: 'infftd', component: Infftd, name: 'Infftd', meta: { keepAlive: true, title: '资金拆借/头寸调拨报表交易查询' } },
{ path: 'fttatt', component: ()=>import("./Fttatt/views"), name: 'Fttatt', meta: { title: 'Fttatt' } ,module:'Funds'}, { path: 'fttatt', component: ()=>import("./Fttatt/views"), name: 'Fttatt', meta: { title: 'Fttatt' } ,module:'Funds'},
{ path: 'fttfcm', component: ()=>import("./Fttfcm/views"), name: 'Fttfcm', meta: { title: 'Fttfcm' } ,module:'Funds'}, { path: 'fttfcm', component: ()=>import("./Fttfcm/views"), name: 'Fttfcm', meta: { title: 'Fttfcm' } ,module:'Funds'},
{ path: 'fttfcn', component: ()=>import("./Fttfcn/views"), name: 'Fttfcn', meta: { title: 'Fttfcn' } ,module:'Funds'}, { path: 'fttfcn', component: ()=>import("./Fttfcn/views"), name: 'Fttfcn', meta: { title: 'Fttfcn' } ,module:'Funds'},
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