index.js 12.9 KB
import Pts from '~/components/business/commonModel/Pts';
import Pub from '~/components/business/commonModel';

export default class Giteng {
    constructor() { = {
            adaflg: "",
            gitp0: {
                explab: "", //  Label unlimited Validity		.gitp0.explab
                lialab: "", //  Label unlimited lLability		.gitp0.lialab
                aplmullab: "", //  Label, that is set, if there are multiple applicants		.gitp0.aplmullab
                expfldlab: "", //  Label for Field Validity		.gitp0.expfldlab
                liafldlab: "", //  Label for Field Lability		.gitp0.liafldlab
                recget: {
                    sdamod: {
                        seainf: "", //  		.gitp0.recget.sdamod.seainf
                        dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.gitp0.recget.sdamod.dadsnd
                aamgid: {
                    addamtflg: "",
            gidgrp: {
                rec: {
                    branchinr: "",
                    cnfsta: "",
                    inr: "", //Inr主鍵,不设置的话无法拷贝业务主键
                    fingua: "", //  是否对外担保		.gidgrp.rec.fingua
                    cfaguatyp: "", //  对外担保类型		.gidgrp.rec.cfaguatyp
                    cmtflg: "", //  跨境人民币保函		.gidgrp.rec.cmtflg
                    ownref: "", //  Reference		.gidgrp.rec.ownref
                    amenbr: 0, //  Actual Amendment No		.gidgrp.rec.amenbr
                    purposin: "", //  Incoming Purpose 		.gidgrp.rec.purposin
                    purpos: "", //  Outgoing Purpose		.gidgrp.rec.purpos
                    hndtyp: "", //  Handling Type		.gidgrp.rec.hndtyp
                    gartyp: "", //  Type of Undertaking		.gidgrp.rec.gartyp
                    legfrm: "", //  Form of Undertaking		.gidgrp.rec.legfrm
                    demand: "", //  Demand Indicator		.gidgrp.rec.demand
                    giduil: "", //  Language of Undertak.		.gidgrp.rec.giduil
                    atxinr: "", //  Choice of Text		.gidgrp.rec.gtxinr
                    exptyp: "", //  Expiry Type		.gidgrp.rec.exptyp
                    expdat: "", //  Valid until		.gidgrp.rec.expdat
                    liatyp: "",
                    liatypc: "", //  Liability Type 		.gidgrp.rec.liatypc
                    liadat: "", //  Our Liability until		.gidgrp.rec.liadat
                    orddat: "", //  Order Date		.gidgrp.rec.orddat
                    opndat: "", //  Valid from		.gidgrp.rec.opndat
                    expflg: "", //  Unlimited Guarantee		.gidgrp.rec.expflg
                    liaflg: "", //  Unlimited Liability		.gidgrp.rec.liaflg
                    nam: "", //  Name		.gidgrp.rec.nam
                    inudat: "", //  Inure Date		.gidgrp.rec.inudat
                    guaflg: "", //  Mortgage Flag		.gidgrp.rec.guaflg
                    vrfdat: "", //  核销日期		.gidgrp.rec.vrfdat
                    fenlishi: "", //  是否分离式保函		.gidgrp.rec.fenlishi
                    delori: "", //  Delivery of Undertak.		.gidgrp.rec.delori
                    deloritxt: "", //  Delivery of Undertak.		.gidgrp.rec.deloritxt
                    sndto: "", //  Undertaking Send to		.gidgrp.rec.sndto
                    delto: "", //  Deliv. To/Collection By		.gidgrp.rec.delto
                    transfer: "", //  Transfer Indicator		.gidgrp.rec.transfer
                    chato: "", //  Own Charges Borne by		.gidgrp.rec.chato
                    opndatc: "", //  Requested Issue Date		.gidgrp.rec.opndatc
                    gartypc: "", //  Undertaking Type 		.gidgrp.rec.gartypc
                    legfrmc: "", //  Form of Undertaking		.gidgrp.rec.legfrmc
                    demandc: "", //  Demand Indicator 		.gidgrp.rec.demandc
                    gtxinrc: "", //  Choice of Text		.gidgrp.rec.gtxinrc
                    stdwrduilc: "", //  Requested Language		.gidgrp.rec.stdwrduilc
                    deloric: "", //  Delivery of Undertak.		.gidgrp.rec.deloric
                    deloritxtc: "", //  Delivery of Undertak.		.gidgrp.rec.deloritxtc
                    deltoc: "", //  Deli. To/Collection By		.gidgrp.rec.deltoc
                    orcrefc: "", //  Contract Reference		.gidgrp.rec.orcrefc
                    orcdatc: "", //  Date from Original Contract - Local Undertaking Seq. C		.gidgrp.rec.orcdatc
                    tenclsdatc: "", //  Closing Date		.gidgrp.rec.tenclsdatc
                    orcratc: "", //  Original Perc./ Rate		.gidgrp.rec.orcratc
                    orccurc: "", //  Contract Amount 		.gidgrp.rec.orccurc
                    orcamtc: "", //  Contract Amount 		.gidgrp.rec.orcamtc
                    accc: "", //  A/c Adv. Paym. Guar.		.gidgrp.rec.accc
                    jurlawc: "", //  Governing Law 		.gidgrp.rec.jurlawc
                    jurlawtxtc: "", //  Governing Law 		.gidgrp.rec.jurlawtxtc
                    jurplcc: "", //  Place of Jurisdiction		.gidgrp.rec.jurplcc
                    tenrefc: "", //  Tender Reference		.gidgrp.rec.tenrefc
                    tendatc: "", //  Tender Date		.gidgrp.rec.tendatc
                    trmdatc: "", //  Latest Transmission		.gidgrp.rec.trmdatc
                    orcref: "", //  Contract Reference		.gidgrp.rec.orcref
                    orcdat: "", //  Date from Original Contract		.gidgrp.rec.orcdat
                    tenclsdat: "", //  Closing Date		.gidgrp.rec.tenclsdat
                    orcrat: "", //  Original Perc./ Rate		.gidgrp.rec.orcrat
                    orccur: "", //  Contract Amount 		.gidgrp.rec.orccur
                    orcamt: "", //  Contract Amount 		.gidgrp.rec.orcamt
                    acc: "", //  A/c for Adv. Paym. Guar.		.gidgrp.rec.acc
                    jurlaws20: "", //  Governing Law		.gidgrp.rec.jurlaws20
                    jurlaw: "", //  Law of Jurisdiction		.gidgrp.rec.jurlaw
                    jurplc: "", //  Place of Jurisdiction		.gidgrp.rec.jurplc
                    tenref: "", //  Tender Reference		.gidgrp.rec.tenref
                    tendat: "", //  Tender Date		.gidgrp.rec.tendat
                    trmdat: "", //  Latest Transmiss. Date		.gidgrp.rec.trmdat
                    juscod: "", //  组织机构代码		.gidgrp.rec.juscod
                    cunqii: "", //  流动资金贷款利率档次		.gidgrp.rec.cunqii
                    bilvvv: "", //  上浮比率		.gidgrp.rec.bilvvv
                    bngcod: "", //  企业海关编码		.gidgrp.rec.bngcod
                    mannum: "", //  手册号码		.gidgrp.rec.mannum
                    credat: "",
                    clsdat: "",
                    stacty: "",
                    iscrotra: "",
                    ownusr: "",
                    projnam: "",
                    guatyp: "",
                    flwsta: '',
                    countrycod: "",
                    projectname: "",
                    fromflg: "",
                    gidtxtmodflg: "",
                    gidtxtmodflgc: "",
                cbs: {
                    max: {
                        cur: "", //  Currency
                        amt: "", //  Balance
                    opn1: {
                        cur: "", //  Currency
                        amt: "", //  Balance
                    max2: {
                        cur: "",
                        amt: "",
                    opn2: {
                        cur: "",
                        amt: "",
                apl: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                ben: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                bec: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                ctr: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                iss: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                atb: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
            gcdgrp: {
                rec: {
                    inr: "",
                    pntinr: "",
                    ownref: "", //  Claim Number		.gcdgrp.rec.ownref
                    nam: "", //  Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract		.gcdgrp.rec.nam
                    clmdat: "", //  Date of Claim		.gcdgrp.rec.clmdat
                    newexpdat: "", //  Validity Requested		.gcdgrp.rec.newexpdat
                    docprbrol: "", //  Presented by		.gcdgrp.rec.docprbrol
                    payrol: "", //  Payer		.gcdgrp.rec.payrol
                    demstat: "", //  Demand Statement		.gcdgrp.rec.demstat
                    branchinr: "" //DCG表中的branchinr字段值,进入交易初始化时应有值。决定save后在保函赔付查询中是否能查询到记录
                cbs: {
                    max: {
                        cur: "", //  Amount Claimed
                        amt: "", //  Balance
                    opn1: {
                        cur: "", //  Open Amount
                        amt: "", //  Balance
                    opn2: {
                        cur: "", //  附加金额
                        amt: "",
                    max2: {
                        cur: "",
                        amt: "", //  附加金额
                apl: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                ben: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                bec: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                prb: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                oth: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                blk: {
                    addamtinf: "", //  Add. Amt. Information		.gcdgrp.blk.addamtinf
                    presentdet: "", //  Present. Compl. Det.		.gcdgrp.blk.presentdet
                tmpint: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                awi: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                int: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                iss: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                rmr: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
            dnfmodVo: {
                stm8023: "", //  8023STREAM		.dnfmodVo.stm8023
                ccvtyp: "", //  操作类型		.dnfmodVo.ccvtyp
                kehuzh: "", //  保证金账户		.dnfmodVo.kehuzh
                zhruzh: "", //  本金转入账户		.dnfmodVo.zhruzh
                zhqtyp: "", //  支取类型		.dnfmodVo.zhqtyp
                tizamt: "", //  部分提支金额		.dnfmodVo.tizamt
                zhhuye: "", //  账户余额		.dnfmodVo.zhhuye
                zhqucs: "", //  支取次数		.dnfmodVo.zhqucs
                lxzyzh: "", //  利息转入账户		.dnfmodVo.lxzyzh
                yewudh: "", //  业务代号		.dnfmodVo.yewudh
                qicuje: "", //  起存金额		.dnfmodVo.qicuje
                intdsp: "", //  利息转入账户		.dnfmodVo.intdsp
                pridsp: "", //  本金转入账户		.dnfmodVo.pridsp
                qixirq: "",//  起息日     			.dnfmodVo.qixirq

                jiluzt: "",//  记录状态
                //newn add for table
                cur: "",//币种
                kehzwm: "",//客户中文名
                zhngjg: "",//帐务机构号
                jixiff: "",//计息方法
                lilvbh: "",//利率编号
                jishuu: "",//积数
                zuidje: "",//最低金额
                zuigje: "",//最高金额
                kaihrq: "",//开户日期
                lilvll: "",//利率
                kemucc: "",//科目存储
                huobdh: "",//货币代号
                xiohrq: "",//销户日期
                ljzqje: "",//累计支取金额
                kaihje: "",//开户金额
                cunkzl: "",//存款种类
                cunqii: "",//存期
                daoqrq: "",//到期日
                youhll: "",//优惠利率
                zdzczh: "",//自动转存账户
            setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod,
            mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut,
            trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod,
            liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
            limmod: new Pub().data.Limmod,
            liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv,
            docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan,
            doctre: new Pub().data.Doctre,
            trndia: new Pub().data.Trndia,
			jshmod: new Pub().data.Jshmod,