index.js 18.9 KB
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import Pts from '~/components/business/commonModel/Pts';
import Pub from '~/components/business/commonModel/index.js';

export default class Hitpop {
  constructor() { = {
      checknomust: '',
      ptyList: [],
			ptsptaList: [],
			textTempData: {},
      addbcb: {
        label1: "1、申请人与我行已签署贸易融资协议(如需);",			//  国际部意见		.addbcb.label1
        label2: "2、申请人已提交全套业务所需资料;",			//  国际部意见		.addbcb.label2
        label3: "3、申请书要素齐全并已签章,签章已经核符;",			//  国际部意见		.addbcb.label3
        label4: "4、占用授信额度的保函业务,",			//  国际部意见		.addbcb.label4
        label5: "",      //  国际部意见		.addbcb.label5
        label12: "5、关联交易:",      //  国际部意见		.addbcb.label5
        label6: "",
        label13: "4、低风险开证业务:",			//  国际部意见		.addbcb.label6
        label7: "已提交《低风险业务授信调查报告》/《信贷业务通知书》;",			//  国际部意见		.addbcb.label7
        label8: ",并已完成审批报告手续;",			//  国际部意见		.addbcb.label8
        label9: "2",			//  国际部意见		.addbcb.label9
        label10: "额度已切分,结算系统将自动扣减额度,保证金(如需)符合要求;",
				label11: "额度未切分,《信贷业务通知书》符合要求;",
				label14: "6、效期是否敞口 ",
				label15: "7、合同尚未签订或生效 ",
				label16: "8、保函期限超过三年,已经分行有权审批人审批同意",
				bccls1: "",
				bccls2: "",
				bccls3: "",
				preexpdat: "",
				expdat: "",
      nitp: {
        dzbhflg: '', // 电子保函标志		.nitp.dzbhflg
        inc760: '', // incoming lose		.nitp.inc760
        lettername: '', // 面函标题		.nitp.lettername
        exptxtmodflg: '', // Modify Expiry Condition/Event		.nitp.exptxtmodflg
        prepermodflg: '', // Modify Document and Presentation Instructions		.nitp.prepermodflg
        chkpreper: '', // Allow *		.nitp.chkpreper
        covgodsrvmodflg: '', // Modify Object of Contract		.nitp.covgodsrvmodflg
        indirectswiadd: '', // InDirect Swift Add		.nitp.indirectswiadd
        gidtxtmodflg: '', // Modify Guarantee Text		.nitp.gidtxtmodflg
        chkgidtxt: '', // Allow *		.nitp.chkgidtxt
        prepercmodflg: '', // Modify Document and Presentation Instructions		.nitp.prepercmodflg
        chkpreperc: '', // Allow *		.nitp.chkpreperc
        covgodsrvcmodflg: '', // Modify Object of Contract Sequence C		.nitp.covgodsrvcmodflg
        orcratc: '', // Original Perc./ Rate		.nidgrp.rec.orcratc
        gidtxtmodflgc: '', // Modify Guarantee Text - Local Undertaking Seq. C		.nitp.gidtxtmodflgc
        tempOwnref: "", //临时业务编号

        covgod: {
          chkast: '', // Allow *		.nitp.covgod.chkast
        aamp: {
          aammod: {
            addamtflg: '', //  Add. Amount		.nitp.aamp.aammod.addamtflg
        aacp: {
          aacmod: {
            addamtflg: '', // Add. Amount		.nitp.aamp.aammod.addamtflg
        chargic: {
          chkast: '', // Allow *		.nitp.chargic.chkast
        usr: {
          extkey: '', // Responsible User		.nitp.usr.extkey
        chargi: {
          chkast: '',
        covgodc: {
          chkast: '',
        yptgimod: {
				orimsgtyp: '',
      nidgrp: {
        rec: {
          branchinr: '',
          opndat: '',
					guaflg: '',
					grtnam: '',
          ownref: '', // Reference		.nidgrp.rec.ownref
          needcuscomopn: '',//需客户确认		.nidgrp.rec.needcuscomopn
          grtjuscod: '',//被保证人社会统一信用代码/组织机构代码.nidgrp.rec.grtjuscod
          hndtyp: '', // Handling Type		.nidgrp.rec.hndtyp
          gartyp: 'F', // Type of Undertaking		.nidgrp.rec.gartyp
          legfrm: '', // Form of Undertaking		.nidgrp.rec.legfrm
          demand: '', // Demand Indicator		.nidgrp.rec.demand
          fingua: '', // 是否对外担保		.nidgrp.rec.fingua
          cfaguatyp: '', // 对外担保类型		.nidgrp.rec.cfaguatyp
          cmtflg: '', // 跨境人民币保函		.nidgrp.rec.cmtflg
          giduil: 'CN', // Language of Undertak.		.nidgrp.rec.giduil
          vrfdat: '', // 核销日期		.nidgrp.rec.vrfdat
          gtxinr: '', // Choice of Text		.nidgrp.rec.gtxinr
					fenlishi: '', // 是否分离式保函		.nidgrp.rec.fenlishi
          atxinr: '', // Choice of Text		.nidgrp.rec.atxinr
          orddat: '', // Order Date		.nidgrp.rec.orddat
          expflg: '', // Unlimited Guarantee		.nidgrp.rec.expflg
          expdat: '', // Valid until		.nidgrp.rec.expdat
          liaflg: '', // Unlimited Liability		.nidgrp.rec.liaflg
          liadat: '', // Our Liability until		.nidgrp.rec.liadat
          inudat: '', // Inure Date		.nidgrp.rec.inudat
					nam: '', // Name		.nidgrp.rec.nam
          othersno: '',
          rtnfilestyle: '',
          liatxtc: '', // Liability Condition		.nidgrp.blk.liatxtc
          delori: '', // Delivery of Undertak.		.nidgrp.rec.delori
          deloritxt: '', // Delivery of Undertak.		.nidgrp.rec.deloritxt
          sndto: '', // Undertaking Send to		.nidgrp.rec.sndto
          delto: '', // Deliv. To/Collection By		.nidgrp.rec.delto
          chato: '', // Own Charges Borne by		.nidgrp.rec.chato
          orcref: '', // Contract Reference		.nidgrp.rec.orcref
          orcdat: '', // Date from Original Contract		.nidgrp.rec.orcdat
          tenclsdat: '', // Closing Date		.nidgrp.rec.tenclsdat
          orccur: '', // Contract Amount 		.nidgrp.rec.orccur
          orcamt: '0.00', // Contract Amount 		.nidgrp.rec.orcamt
          acc: '', // A/c for Adv. Paym. Guar.		.nidgrp.rec.acc
          jurlaw: '', // Law of Jurisdiction		.nidgrp.rec.jurlaw
          tenref: '', // Tender Reference		.nidgrp.rec.tenref
          tendat: '', // Tender Date		.nidgrp.rec.tendat
          trmdat: '', // Latest Transmiss. Date		.nidgrp.rec.trmdat
          mannum: '', // 手册号码		.nidgrp.rec.mannum
          bngcod: '', // 企业海关编码		.nidgrp.rec.bngcod
          juscod: '', // 组织机构代码		.nidgrp.rec.juscod
          cunqii: '', // 流动资金贷款利率档次		.nidgrp.rec.cunqii
          bilvvv: 0, // 上浮比率		.nidgrp.rec.bilvvv
          jurplc: '', // Place of Jurisdiction		.nidgrp.rec.jurplc
          reccnfdet: '', // Confirm. Instr.		.nidgrp.rec.reccnfdet
          cnfdet: '',
          cnfsta: '', // Confirmation Status 		.nidgrp.rec.cnfsta
          partcon: 0, // Partial Confirmation		.nidgrp.rec.partcon
          cnfdat: '', // Confirmation Date		.nidgrp.rec.cnfdat
          exptyp: '', // Expiry Type		.nidgrp.rec.exptyp
          cxmflg: '', // 是否显示查询码		.nidgrp.nidcxm.cxmflg
          bennam: '', // 受益人名称		.nidgrp.nidcxm.benefi
          segtyp: '02', // 特殊保函类型		.nidgrp.ghd.segtyp
          bustyp: '', // 业务类型		.nidgrp.ghd.bustyp
          remark: '', // 备注		.nidgrp.ghd.remark
          aplnam: '', //申请人名称.nidgrp.nid.aplnam
          idcode: '', //统一社会信用代码.nidgrp.nid.idcode
          zsjzts: '', //追索截止天数.nidgrp.nid.zsjzts
          bdbdbr: '', //被担保人法定代表人.nidgrp.nid.bdbdbr
          bdbrdz: '', //被担保人地址.nidgrp.nid.bdbrdz
          bdbrdh: '', //被担保人联系电话.nidgrp.nid.bdbrdh
          dbyhmc: '', //担保银行名称.nidgrp.nid.dbyhmc
          dbyhdb: '', //担保银行法定代表人.nidgrp.nid.dbyhdb
          dbyhdz: '', //担保银行地址.nidgrp.nid.dbyhdz
          dbyhdh: '', //担保银行联系电话.nidgrp.nid.dbyhdh
          sqrdbr: '', //申请人法定代表人.nidgrp.nid.sqrdbr
          sqradr: '', //申请人地址.nidgrp.nid.sqradr
          sqrtel: '', //申请人联系电话.nidgrp.nid.sqrtel
          beyzd1: '', //索偿付款账号.nidgrp.nid.beyzd1
          beyzd2: '', //备用字段2.nidgrp.nid.beyzd2
          beyzd3: '', //备用字段3.nidgrp.nid.beyzd3
          beyzd4: '', //备用字段4.nidgrp.nid.beyzd4
          beyzd5: '', //备用字段5.nidgrp.nid.beyzd5
          beyzd6: '', //备用字段6.nidgrp.nid.beyzd6
          ptyhgq: '', //多个受益海关.nidgrp.nid.ptyhgq
          ptyhsx: '', //已经生效的受益海关.nidgrp.nid.ptyhsx
          bdbrmc: '', //被担保人名称.nidgrp.nid.bdbrmc
          sqqydm: '', //申请人企业代码.nidgrp.nid.sqqydm
          sqrnam: '', //申请人名称.nidgrp.nid.sqrnam
					sqqyhg: '', //申请人企业海关注册编码.nidgrp.nid.sqqyhg
          quycod: '',
        cbs: {
          cnf: {
            cur: '', // Confirmation Amount
            amt: '0.00', // Balance
          mac2: {
            cur: '',
            amt: '0.00',
          mac: {
            cur: '',
            amt: '0.00',
          max: {
            cur: '', // Guarantee Amount
            amt: '0.00', // Guarantee Amount
          max2: {
            cur: '',
            amt: '0.00',
          opc2: {
            cur: '',
            amt: '0.00',
          opn1: {
            cur: '', // Open Amount
            amt: '0.00', // Balance
        blk: {
          apprul: '', // Applicable Rules		.nidgrp.blk.apprul
          apprultxt: '', // Applicable Rules		.nidgrp.blk.apprultxt
          exptxt: '', // Expiry Condition/ Evt.		.nidgrp.blk.exptxt
          atxexptxt: '', // Expiry Condition/ Evt.		.nidgrp.blk.atxexptxt
          deltoadr: '', // Delivery to Address		.nidgrp.blk.deltoadr
          trfcond: '', // Transfer Conditions		.nidgrp.blk.trfcond
          feetxt: '', // Additional Details to Code for Charges		.nidgrp.blk.feetxt
          atxpreper: '', // Presentation Instr.		.nidgrp.blk.atxpreper
          covgodsrv: '', // Object of Contract		.nidgrp.blk.covgodsrv
          orcplc: '', // Original Contract Place		.nidgrp.blk.orcplc
          addinf: '', // Additional Info		.nidgrp.blk.addinf
          gidtxt: '', // Guarantee Text with Variables		.nidgrp.blk.gidtxt
          gtxgidtxt: '', // Guarantee Text with Variables		.nidgrp.blk.gtxgidtxt
        ben: {
          namelc: '',
          adrelc: '',
          pts: new Pts().data,
        iss: {
          namelc: '',
          adrelc: '',
          pts: new Pts().data,
        adv: {
          namelc: '',
          adrelc: '',
          pts: new Pts().data,
        apl: {
          namelc: '',
          adrelc: '',
          pts: new Pts().data,
        con: {
          namelc: '',
          adrelc: '',
          pts: new Pts().data,
        ctr: {
          namelc: '',
          adrelc: '',
          pts: new Pts().data,
        atb: {
          namelc: '',
          adrelc: '',
          pts: new Pts().data,
        // avc: {
        // 	pts: new Pts().data,
        // },
        cnr: {
          namelc: '',
          adrelc: '',
          pts: new Pts().data,
        at2: {
          namelc: '',
          adrelc: '',
          pts: new Pts().data,
        bdb: {
          namelc: '',
          adrelc: '',
          pts: new Pts().data,
        bencnt: 1,
      cfagit: {
        cfaflg: null,
        basflg: null, // 签约信息		.cfagit.basflg
        dclflg: null, // ?'?任余额信息		.cfagit.dclflg
        vrfflg: null, // 履约信息		.cfagit.vrfflg
        ownextkey: null, // 地区机构号		.cfagit.ownextkey
        recgrp: {
          bas: {
            exguarancode: '', // 对外担保编号		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode
            actiontype: '', // 操作类型		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.actiontype
            guarantorcode: '', // 担保人代码		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guarantorcode
            guarancurr: '', // 保函金额		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guarancurr
            guaranamount: '', // 保函金额		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guaranamount
            guarantype: '', // 担保类型		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guarantype
            maindebtcurr: '', // 主债务金额		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.maindebtcurr
            maindebtamount: '', // 主债务金额		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.maindebtamount
            bentype: '', // 受益人类型		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.bentype
            bencode: '', // 受益人代码		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.bencode
            bename: '', // 受益人中文名称		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.bename
            benamen: '', // 受益人英文名称		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.benamen
            guedtype: '', // 被担保人类型		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guedtype
            guedindustrycode: '', // 被担保人所属行业		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guedindustrycode
            guedcouncode: '', // 被担保人国别/地区代码		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guedcouncode
            guappcode: '', // 担保申请人代码		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guappcode
            guappname: '', // 担保申请人中文名称		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guappname
            guappnamen: '', // 担保申请人英文名称		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guappnamen
            actiondesc: '', // 删除原因		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.actiondesc
            bencountrycode: '', // 受益人国别/地区		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.bencountrycode
            contractdate: '', // 签约日期		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.contractdate
            maturity: '', // 到期日		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.maturity
            maindebtmanner: '', // 发行/上市方式		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.maindebtmanner
            guedcode: '', // 被担保人代码		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guedcode
            guedname: '', // 被担保人中文名称		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guedname
            guednamen: '', // 被担保人英文名称		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guednamen
            maindebtcondate: '', // 主债务签约日期		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.maindebtcondate
            intrat: '', // 借款利率(%)		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.intrat
            guedparecompnamen: '', // 被担保人境内母公司英文名称		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guedparecompnamen
            cgyn: '', // 是否有反担保人		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.cgyn
            cgcouncode: '', // 反担保人国别/地区代码		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.cgcouncode
            cgcode: '', // 反担保人国别/地区代码		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.cgcode
            maindebtmaturity: '', // 主债务到期日		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.maindebtmaturity
            cgname: '', // 反担保人中文名称		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.cgname
            cgnamen: '', // 反担保人英文名称		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.cgnamen
            thyn: '', // 是否调回境内		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.thyn
            thje: '', // 资金调回金额		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.thje
            jwyn: '', // 是否与境外投资相关		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.jwyn
            issuecountrycode: '', // 发行/上市国家与地区		.cfagit.recgrp.bas.issuecountrycode
            deloric: '', // Delivery of Undertak.		.nidgrp.rec.deloric
            deltoc: '', // Deli. To/Collection By		.nidgrp.rec.deltoc
            orcdatc: '', // Date from Original Contract - Local Undertaking Seq. C		.nidgrp.rec.orcdatc
        recp: {
          pubp: {
            acp: '', // 确认		.cfagit.recp.pubp.acp
            founds1: '', // 境外?'接投资		.cfagit.recp.pubp.founds1
            founds2: '', // 偿还境外债务		.cfagit.recp.pubp.founds2
            founds3: '', // 补充营运或流动性资金		.cfagit.recp.pubp.founds3
            founds4: '', // 其他境外使用		.cfagit.recp.pubp.founds4
            founds5: '', // 以?'接投资形式回流		.cfagit.recp.pubp.founds5
            founds6: '', // 以外债形式回流		.cfagit.recp.pubp.founds6
            founds7: '', // 以?'?易形式回流		.cfagit.recp.pubp.founds7
            founds8: '', // 以其他形式回流		.cfagit.recp.pubp.founds8
            cousel1: {
              guedparecompcode: '', // 被担保人境内母公司代码		.cfagit.recp.pubp.cousel1.guedparecompcode
          dclp: [],
      cnybop: {
        cnyflg: '',
        traflg: '',
        outflg: '',
        libflg: '',
        vouflg: '',
        svouchername: '',
        sdebtorname: '',
        sbankname: '',
        svoucheename: '',
        saddwordvou: '',
        sreversename: '',
        cnyvou: {
          spk: "",          //  业务主键      .cnybop.cnyvou.spk
          sbankorgcode: "",         //  报送银行机构代码      .cnybop.cnyvou.sbankorgcode
          cvouchdirection: "",          //  担保方向      .cnybop.cnyvou.cvouchdirection
          stransattr: "",       //  业务属性      .cnybop.cnyvou.stransattr
          svoucherswiftbic: "",         //  担保人机构代码       .cnybop.cnyvou.svoucherswiftbic
          svouchercountrycode: "",          //  担保人国别     .cnybop.cnyvou.svouchercountrycode
          svoucheeorgcode: "",          //  担保权人机构代码      .cnybop.cnyvou.svoucheeorgcode
          svoucheecountrycode: "",          //  担保权人国别    .cnybop.cnyvou.svoucheecountrycode
          sdebtororgcode: "",       //  债务人机构代码       .cnybop.cnyvou.sdebtororgcode
          sdebtorcountrycode: "",       //  债务人国别     .cnybop.cnyvou.sdebtorcountrycode
          sreverseorgcode: "",          //  反担保人机构代码      .cnybop.cnyvou.sreverseorgcode
          sreversecountrycode: "",          //  反担保人国别    .cnybop.cnyvou.sreversecountrycode
          sbanktrano: "",       //  银行业务编号    .cnybop.cnyvou.sbanktrano
          cvouchtype: "",       //  担保种类      .cnybop.cnyvou.cvouchtype
          cvouchmode: "",       //  反担保方式     .cnybop.cnyvou.cvouchmode
          dvouchefficientdate: "",          //  担保生效日期    .cnybop.cnyvou.dvouchefficientdate
          dvouchenddate: "",        //  担保到期日期    .cnybop.cnyvou.dvouchenddate
          scontractno: "",          //  担保合同编号    .cnybop.cnyvou.scontractno
          svouchno: "",         //  担保登记编号    .cnybop.cnyvou.svouchno
          currencycode: "",         //  担保币种      .cnybop.cnyvou.currencycode
          fvouchamt: "",        //  原币种金额     .cnybop.cnyvou.fvouchamt
      setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod,
      mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut,
      trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod,
      liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
      limmod: new Pub().data.Limmod,
      liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv,
      docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan,
			doctre: new Pub().data.Doctre,
			umdmod: new Pub().data.Umdmod,
			trndia: new Pub().data.Trndia,
			ypnmod: new Pub().data.Ypnmod