gctfre.js 1.8 KB
export default {
	'保函金额':'Guarantee Amount',
	'保函余额':'Open Amount',
	'来报目的':'Incoming Purpose',
	'目的信息':'Purpose of Message',
	'保函种类':'Undertaking Type',
	'报文类型':'Message Type',
	'发报类型':'MT to Send',
	'标题':'Document Title',
	'相关报文':'Related MT',
	'保函日期':'Date of Message',
	'保函开立行':'Issuing Bank',
  '收报行':'Send Message to',
	'副本的收报行':'Send Copy to',
	'企业编号':'Undertaking Number',
	'发行人':'Issuer of Undertak.',
	'请求的详细信息':'Details of Request',
	'修改次数':'Number of Amendm.',
	'修改说明':'Reason for Rejection',
	'公共报文':'Common Messages',
	'报文详情Mt759':'Message Details MT759',
	'拒绝修正':'Rejection of Amendment',
	'报文详情':'Message Details',
	'承诺形式':'Form of Undertaking',
	'赔偿声明文本':'Declaration of Indemnity',
	'业务信息':'Common Messages',
	'赔偿声明':'Declaration of Indemnity',
	'Rejp':'Rejection of Amendment',
	'免税报文':'Free Messages',
	'索赔编号':'Claim Number',
	'索赔金额':'Amount Claimed',
	'索赔效期':'Date of Claim',
	'保函担保金额':'Open Guar. Amt.',
	'需求声明':'Demand Statement',
	'需求声明文本':'Demand Statem. Text',
	'附加金额附言':'Add. Amt. Information',
	'延期或付款':'Extend or Pay',
	'有效请求日期':'Validity Requested',
	'帐户行':'Acc. With Instit.',