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import Pub from '~/components/business/commonModel/index.js';
import Bpdgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/bpdgrp";
import Bptp from "~/components/business/commonModel/bptp";
import Bedgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/bedgrp";
import Bodgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/bodgrp";
import Bfdgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/bfdgrp";
import Ledgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/ledgrp";
import Dedgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/dedgrp";
import Zxbgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/zxbgrp";
import Blcgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/blcgrp";
import Finmod from "~/components/business/commonModel/finmod";

export default class Bptopn {
	constructor() { = {
			bpdgrp: new Bpdgrp().data,
			bptp: new Bptp().data,
			zxbgrp: new Zxbgrp().data,
			zxbp: {
				ratflg: "",			//  锁定汇率标志		.zxbp.ratflg
				sodrat: "",			//  锁定汇率		.zxbp.sodrat
				bgdamt: "", //  条		.recpan.bgdamt
				totamt: "", //  条		.recpan.totamt
				danlst: [],
			blcgrp: new Blcgrp().data,
			blcp: {
				cpnref: "",			//  拷贝融资信息		.blcp.cpnref
				ratflg: "",			//  锁定汇率标志		.blcp.ratflg
				sodrat: "",			//  汇率		.blcp.sodrat
				bgdamt: "", //  条		.recpan.bgdamt
				totamt: "", //  条		.recpan.totamt
				danlst: [],
			ledgrp: new Ledgrp().data,
			dedgrp: new Dedgrp().data,
			bedgrp: new Bedgrp().data,
			bodgrp: new Bodgrp().data,
			bfdgrp: new Bfdgrp().data,

			fpdgrp: {
				rec: {
					ownref: "",			//  Reference		.bptp.fpdgrp.rec.ownref
					nam: "",			//  Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract		.bptp.fpdgrp.rec.nam
			fintypCT: [],
			curCT: [],
			act1Set: [],
			intactSet: [],
			tensetamt: "",			//  Financial Doc. Amt.		.tensetamt
			tensetcur: "",			//  Financial Doc. Amt.		.tensetcur
			trntyp: "",			//  交易性		.trntyp
			xyflg: "",
			ztsflg: "", //直通式开关
			isdisabledtolrat: true,
			isdisabledtolrat: true,
			finmod: new Finmod().data,

			oppacc: "",			//  对方号		.oppacc
			fftlxx: "",			//  福廷转卖类型		.fftlxx
			onlybptflg: "", //是否独立交易
			zmqflg: "", //自贸区标识
			financ: {
				rzkx1: "",			//  融资款项		.financ.rzkx1
				rzkx2: "",			//  融资款项		.financ.rzkx2
				rzkx3: "",			//  融资款项		.financ.rzkx3
				rzkx4: "",			//  融资款项		.financ.rzkx4
				ref2: "",			//  业务编号		.financ.ref2
				ref3: "",			//  业务编号		.financ.ref3
				ref4: "",			//  业务编号		.financ.ref4
				acc: "",			//  帐号		.financ.acc
				rzkx5: "",			//  融资款项		.financ.rzkx5
				ref5: "",			//  业务编号		.financ.ref5
			fftmsg: {
				inr: "",
				nam: "",
				objtyp: "",
				objinr: "",
				smhinr: "",
				msgtyp: "",
				snd: "",
				rcv: "",
				sndref: "",
				rcvref: "",
				branchinr: "",
				credattim: "",
				bunusr: "",
				bundattim: "",
				unbusr: "",
				unbdattim: "",
				bunsta: "",
				ordinr: ""
			// bopmod: {
			// 	szflg: "",			//  申报类型		.bopmod.szflg
			// 	basflg: "",			//  基础数据		.bopmod.basflg
			// 	dclflg: "",			//  申报数据		.bopmod.dclflg
			// 	vrfflg: "",			//  核销数据		.bopmod.vrfflg
			// 	ownextkey: "",			//  地区机构号		.bopmod.ownextkey
			// 	outchargeccy: "",			//  国外银行扣费(涉外收入申报专用)		.bopmod.outchargeccy
			// 	outchargeamt: "",			//  国外银行扣费(涉外收入申报专用)		.bopmod.outchargeamt
			// 	acttyp: "",			//  款项来源		.bopmod.acttyp
			// },
			cfabpt: {
				cfaflg: "",			//  数据采集标志		.cfabpt.cfaflg
				basflg: "",			//  签约信息		.cfabpt.basflg
				ownextkey: "",			//  地区机构号		.cfabpt.ownextkey
				dclflg: "",			//  变动信息		.cfabpt.dclflg
				cda: {
					cfeogudad: "",			//  中资企业境外担保项下贷款业务批准文件号		.cfabpt.cda.cfeogudad
					cfeogudamount: "",			//  中资企业境外担保项下境内贷款额度金额		.cfabpt.cda.cfeogudamount
					useofunds: "",			//  资金用途		.cfabpt.cda.useofunds
					cfeogudcurr: "",			//  中资企业境外担保项下境内贷款额度币种		.cfabpt.cda.cfeogudcurr
				cdaflg: "",			//  是否外保内贷		.cfabpt.cdaflg
				recgrp: {
					bas: {
						actiontype: "",			//  操作类型		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.actiontype
						actiondesc: "",			//  删除原因		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.actiondesc
						dofoexlocode: "",			//  国内外汇贷款编号		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.dofoexlocode
						creditorcode: "",			//  债权人代码		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.creditorcode
						debtorname: "",			//  债务人中文名称		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.debtorname
						dofoexlotype: "",			//  国内外汇贷款类型		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.dofoexlotype
						lenproname: "",			//  转贷项目名称		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.lenproname
						lenagree: "",			//  转贷协议号		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.lenagree
						valuedate: "",			//  起息日		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.valuedate
						maturity: "",			//  到期日		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.maturity
						currence: "",			//  贷款币种		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.currence
						anninrate: "",			//  年化利率值		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.anninrate
						remark: "",			//  备注		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.remark
						contractamount: "",			//  签约金额		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.contractamount
						debtorcode: "",			//  债务人代码		.cfabpt.recgrp.bas.debtorcode
				recp: {
					pubp: {
						acp: "",			//  确认		.cfabpt.recp.pubp.acp

			wgjfinreg: "",			//  if register WGJ finance		.wgjfinreg
			finloaamtalert: false,
			tenorSettles: [],
			lendoc: {
				actflg: "",			//  Input Account		.lendoc.actflg
				account: "",			//  ACT		.lendoc.account
				vercerref: "",			//  Verification Certificate Number		.lendoc.vercerref
				decnum: "",			//  Declaration Number		.lendoc.decnum
			pageId: "",			// ctx的key

			setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod,
			docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan,
			trndia: new Pub().data.Trndia,
			trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod,
			mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut,
			limmod: new Pub().data.Limmod,
			doctre: new Pub().data.Doctre,
			liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
			liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv,
			rmbbop: new Pub().data.Rmbbop,
			dftcre: new Pub().data.Dftcre,
			imgInvmod: new Pub().data.Invchk,
			entmod: new Pub().data.Entmod,
			cfabop: new Pub().data.Cfabop,
			bopgat: new Pub().data.Bopgat,