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export default {
	'附加金额余额':'Guarantee Amount',
	'确认指示':'Confirm. Instr.',
	'确认状态':'Confirm. Instr.',
	'确认金额':'Confirmation Amount',
	'确认日期':'Confirmation Date',
	'合同号':'Contract Reference',
	'合同签定日期':'Contract Date',
	'合同失效日期':'Closing Date',
	'合同标的':'Underly. Transact. Det.',
	'原始利率':'Original Perc./ Rate',
  '合同币种和金额':'Contract Amount',
	'适用法律':'Governing Law',
  '合同签定地':'Place of Jurisdiction',
	'附加说明':'Additional Text',
  '预付款账号':'A/c Adv. Paym. Guar.',
  '仲裁地':'Place of Jurisdiction',
	'投标参考号':'Tender Reference',
	'投标日期':'Tender Date',
	'最新传输日期':'Latest Transmission',
	'保函币种和金额':'Guarantee Amount',
  '保函余额':'Open Amount',
	'接收目的':'Incoming Purpose',
	'支出目的':'Outgoing Purpose',
	'保函开立类型':'Handling Type',
	'保函种类':'Undertaking Type',
	'保函形式':'Form of Undertaking',
	'申请条款':'Applicable Rules',
	'保函文本格式':'Choice of Text',
	'客户委托我行日期':'Order Date',
	'生效日期':'Issuance Date',
	'到期类型':'Expiry Type',
	'保函效期':'Expiry Date',
	'到期条件':'Expiry Condition/ Evt.',
	'责任类型':'Liability Type',
	'我行责任截至日':'Liability until',
	'责任状况':'Liability Condition',
	'请求开证日期':'Requested Issue Date',
	'保函类型':'Undertaking Type',
	'要求语言':'Undertaking Language',
	'可录入保函项下其他关联方':'Additional Parties',
	'当事人名称':'Available w. Bank',