[Tag-Translation] FICdtTrf = Financial Institution Credit Transfer V08 (pacs.009.001.08) Prty = Priority UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf = Underlying Customer Credit Transfer FIToFICstmrCdtTrf = FI To FI Customer Credit Transfer V08 (pacs.008.001.08) Rltd = Related PmtRtr = Payment Return V09 (pacs.004.001.09) TxInf = Transaction Information OrgnlGrpInf = Original Group Information AppHdr = Business Application Header V02 (head.001.001.02) CharSet = Character Set Fr = From OrgId = Organisation Identification Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details FIId = Financial Institution Identification FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification To = To Id = Identification PrvtId = Private Identification BICFI = BICFI Prtry = Proprietary BizMsgIdr = Business Message Identifier MsgDefIdr = Message Definition Identifier BizSvc = Business Service MktPrctc = Market Practice Regy = Registry CreDt = Creation Date BizPrcgDt = Business Processing Date CpyDplct = Copy Duplicate PssblDplct = Possible Duplicate Prty = Priority Sgntr = Signature Rltd = Related BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn = Bank To Customer Debit Credit Notification V08 (camt.054.001.08) GrpHdr = Group Header MsgId = Message Identification CreDtTm = Creation Date Time MsgRcpt = Message Recipient AdrTp = Address Type Issr = Issuer SchmeNm = Scheme Name Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line AnyBIC = Any BIC DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth NmPrfx = Name Prefix PhneNb = Phone Number MobNb = Mobile Number FaxNb = Fax Number EmailAdr = Email Address EmailPurp = Email Purpose JobTitl = Job Title Rspnsblty = Responsibility PrefrdMtd = Preferred Method MsgPgntn = Message Pagination OrgnlBizQry = Original Business Query MsgNmId = Message Name Identification AddtlInf = Additional Information Ntfctn = Notification NtfctnPgntn = Notification Pagination PgNb = Page Number LastPgInd = Last Page Indicator ElctrncSeqNb = Electronic Sequence Number RptgSeq = Reporting Sequence FrSeq = From Sequence ToSeq = To Sequence FrToSeq = From To Sequence EQSeq = Equal Sequence NEQSeq = Not Equal Sequence LglSeqNb = Legal Sequence Number FrToDt = From To Date FrDtTm = From Date Time ToDtTm = To Date Time CpyDplctInd = Copy Duplicate Indicator RptgSrc = Reporting Source Acct = Account IBAN = IBAN Tp = Type Ccy = Currency Prxy = Proxy Ownr = Owner Svcr = Servicer RltdAcct = Related Account Intrst = Interest Rate = Rate Pctg = Percentage VldtyRg = Validity Range Amt = Amount FrAmt = From Amount BdryAmt = Boundary Amount Incl = Included ToAmt = To Amount FrToAmt = From To Amount EQAmt = Equal Amount NEQAmt = Not Equal Amount CdtDbtInd = Credit Debit Indicator Rsn = Reason Tax = Tax Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency TxsSummry = Transactions Summary TtlNtries = Total Entries NbOfNtries = Number Of Entries Sum = Sum TtlNetNtry = Total Net Entry TtlCdtNtries = Total Credit Entries TtlDbtNtries = Total Debit Entries TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd = Total Entries Per Bank Transaction Code CdtNtries = Credit Entries DbtNtries = Debit Entries FcstInd = Forecast Indicator BkTxCd = Bank Transaction Code Domn = Domain Fmly = Family SubFmlyCd = Sub Family Code Avlbty = Availability Dt = Date NbOfDays = Number Of Days ActlDt = Actual Date DtTm = Date Time Ntry = Entry NtryRef = Entry Reference RvslInd = Reversal Indicator Sts = Status BookgDt = Booking Date ValDt = Value Date AcctSvcrRef = Account Servicer Reference ComssnWvrInd = Commission Waiver Indicator AddtlInfInd = Additional Information Indicator AmtDtls = Amount Details InstdAmt = Instructed Amount CcyXchg = Currency Exchange SrcCcy = Source Currency TrgtCcy = Target Currency UnitCcy = Unit Currency XchgRate = Exchange Rate CtrctId = Contract Identification QtnDt = Quotation Date TxAmt = Transaction Amount CntrValAmt = Counter Value Amount AnncdPstngAmt = Announced Posting Amount PrtryAmt = Proprietary Amount Chrgs = Charges TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt = Total Charges And Tax Amount Rcrd = Record ChrgInclInd = Charge Included Indicator Br = Bearer Agt = Agent TechInptChanl = Technical Input Channel TtlIntrstAndTaxAmt = Total Interest And Tax Amount CardTx = Card Transaction Card = Card PlainCardData = Plain Card Data PAN = PAN CardSeqNb = Card Sequence Number FctvDt = Effective Date XpryDt = Expiry Date SvcCd = Service Code TrckData = Track Data TrckNb = Track Number TrckVal = Track Value CardSctyCd = Card Security Code CSCMgmt = CSC Management CSCVal = CSC Value CardCtryCd = Card Country Code CardBrnd = Card Brand AddtlCardData = Additional Card Data POI = POI ShrtNm = Short Name SysNm = System Name GrpId = Group Identification Cpblties = Capabilities CardRdngCpblties = Card Reading Capabilities CrdhldrVrfctnCpblties = Cardholder Verification Capabilities OnLineCpblties = On Line Capabilities DispCpblties = Display Capabilities DispTp = Display Type NbOfLines = Number Of Lines LineWidth = Line Width PrtLineWidth = Print Line Width Cmpnt = Component POICmpntTp = POI Component Type ManfctrId = Manufacturer Identification Mdl = Model VrsnNb = Version Number SrlNb = Serial Number ApprvlNb = Approval Number AggtdNtry = Aggregated Entry AddtlSvc = Additional Service TxCtgy = Transaction Category SaleRcncltnId = Sale Reconciliation Identification SeqNbRg = Sequence Number Range FrstTx = First Transaction LastTx = Last Transaction TxDtRg = Transaction Date Range FrDt = From Date ToDt = To Date PrePdAcct = Pre Paid Account NtryDtls = Entry Details Btch = Batch PmtInfId = Payment Information Identification NbOfTxs = Number Of Transactions TtlAmt = Total Amount Credit Debit TxDtls = Transaction Details Refs = References InstrId = Instruction Identification EndToEndId = End To End Identification UETR = UETR TxId = Transaction Identification MndtId = Mandate Identification ChqNb = Cheque Number ClrSysRef = Clearing System Reference AcctOwnrTxId = Account Owner Transaction Identification AcctSvcrTxId = Account Servicer Transaction Identification MktInfrstrctrTxId = Market Infrastructure Transaction Identification PrcgId = Processing Identification Ref = Reference RltdPties = Related Parties InitgPty = Initiating Party Pty = Party Dbtr = Debtor DbtrAcct = Debtor Account UltmtDbtr = Ultimate Debtor Cdtr = Creditor CdtrAcct = Creditor Account UltmtCdtr = Ultimate Creditor TradgPty = Trading Party RltdAgts = Related Agents InstgAgt = Instructing Agent InstdAgt = Instructed Agent DbtrAgt = Debtor Agent CdtrAgt = Creditor Agent IntrmyAgt1 = Intermediary Agent 1 IntrmyAgt2 = Intermediary Agent 2 IntrmyAgt3 = Intermediary Agent 3 RcvgAgt = Receiving Agent DlvrgAgt = Delivering Agent IssgAgt = Issuing Agent SttlmPlc = Settlement Place LclInstrm = Local Instrument Purp = Purpose RltdRmtInf = Related Remittance Information RmtId = Remittance Identification RmtLctnDtls = Remittance Location Details Mtd = Method ElctrncAdr = Electronic Address Adr = Address RmtInf = Remittance Information Ustrd = Unstructured Strd = Structured RfrdDocInf = Referred Document Information CdOrPrtry = Code Or Proprietary Nb = Number RltdDt = Related Date LineDtls = Line Details Desc = Description DuePyblAmt = Due Payable Amount DscntApldAmt = Discount Applied Amount CdtNoteAmt = Credit Note Amount TaxAmt = Tax Amount AdjstmntAmtAndRsn = Adjustment Amount And Reason RmtdAmt = Remitted Amount RfrdDocAmt = Referred Document Amount CdtrRefInf = Creditor Reference Information Invcr = Invoicer Invcee = Invoicee TaxRmt = Tax Remittance TaxId = Tax Identification RegnId = Registration Identification TaxTp = Tax Type Authstn = Authorisation Titl = Title AdmstnZone = Administration Zone RefNb = Reference Number TtlTaxblBaseAmt = Total Taxable Base Amount TtlTaxAmt = Total Tax Amount SeqNb = Sequence Number Ctgy = Category CtgyDtls = Category Details DbtrSts = Debtor Status CertId = Certificate Identification FrmsCd = Forms Code Prd = Period Yr = Year TaxblBaseAmt = Taxable Base Amount Dtls = Details GrnshmtRmt = Garnishment Remittance Grnshee = Garnishee GrnshmtAdmstr = Garnishment Administrator FmlyMdclInsrncInd = Family Medical Insurance Indicator MplyeeTermntnInd = Employee Termination Indicator AddtlRmtInf = Additional Remittance Information RltdDts = Related Dates AccptncDtTm = Acceptance Date Time TradActvtyCtrctlSttlmDt = Trade Activity Contractual Settlement Date TradDt = Trade Date IntrBkSttlmDt = Interbank Settlement Date StartDt = Start Date EndDt = End Date TxDtTm = Transaction Date Time RltdPric = Related Price DealPric = Deal Price Yldd = Yielded ValTp = Value Type Val = Value Pric = Price RltdQties = Related Quantities Qty = Quantity Unit = Unit FaceAmt = Face Amount AmtsdVal = Amortised Value OrgnlAndCurFaceAmt = Original And Current Face Amount FinInstrmId = Financial Instrument Identification ISIN = ISIN OthrId = Other Identification Sfx = Suffix RtrInf = Return Information OrgnlBkTxCd = Original Bank Transaction Code Orgtr = Originator CorpActn = Corporate Action EvtTp = Event Type EvtId = Event Identification SfkpgAcct = Safekeeping Account CshDpst = Cash Deposit NoteDnmtn = Note Denomination NbOfNotes = Number Of Notes Tx = Transaction Aggtd = Aggregated Indv = Individual ICCRltdData = ICC Related Data PmtCntxt = Payment Context CardPres = Card Present CrdhldrPres = Cardholder Present OnLineCntxt = On Line Context AttndncCntxt = Attendance Context TxEnvt = Transaction Environment TxChanl = Transaction Channel AttndntMsgCpbl = Attendant Message Capable AttndntLang = Attendant Language CardDataNtryMd = Card Data Entry Mode FllbckInd = Fallback Indicator AuthntcnMtd = Authentication Method AuthntcnNtty = Authentication Entity SaleRefNb = Sale Reference Number RePresntmntRsn = Re Presentment Reason TxRef = Transaction Reference Pdct = Product PdctCd = Product Code UnitOfMeasr = Unit Of Measure PdctQty = Product Quantity UnitPric = Unit Price PdctAmt = Product Amount AddtlPdctInf = Additional Product Information VldtnDt = Validation Date VldtnSeqNb = Validation Sequence Number AddtlTxInf = Additional Transaction Information SplmtryData = Supplementary Data AddtlNtryInf = Additional Entry Information AddtlNtfctnInf = Additional Notification Information OrgnlGrpInf = Original Group Information OrgnlMsgId = Original Message Identification OrgnlMsgNmId = Original Message Name Identification OrgnlCreDtTm = Original Creation Date Time OrgnlInstrId = Original Instruction Identification OrgnlEndToEndId = Original End To End Identification OrgnlTxId = Original Transaction Identification OrgnlUETR = Original UETR OrgnlClrSysRef = Original Clearing System Reference OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt = Original Interbank Settlement Amount OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt = Original Interbank Settlement Date RtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt = Returned Interbank Settlement Amount IntrBkSttlmDt = Interbank Settlement Date SttlmPrty = Settlement Priority SttlmTmIndctn = Settlement Time Indication DbtDtTm = Debit Date Time CdtDtTm = Credit Date Time RtrdInstdAmt = Returned Instructed Amount CompstnAmt = Compensation Amount RtrChain = Return Chain Pty = Party RtrId = Return Identification RtrRsnInf = Return Reason Information OrgnlTxRef = Original Transaction Reference Biz Msg Idr = Business Message Identifier Msg Def Idr = Message Definition Identifier Biz Svc = Business Service BizMsgIdr = Business Message Identifier MsgDefIdr = Message Definition Identifier BizSvc = Business Service CreDt = Creation Date BizPrcgDt = Business Processing Date CpyDplct = Copy Duplicate PssblDplct = Possible Duplicate CharSet = Character Set PssblDplct = Possible Duplicate ReqdColltnDt = Requested Collection Date ReqdExctnDt = Requested Execution Date CdtrSchmeId = Creditor Scheme Identification NmPrfx = Name Prefix PhneNb = Phone Number MobNb = Mobile Number FaxNb = Fax Number EmailAdr = Email Address EmailPurp = Email Purpose JobTitl = Job Title Rspnsblty = Responsibility ChanlTp = Channel Type PrefrdMtd = Preferred Method SeqTp = Sequence Type PmtMtd = Payment Method MndtRltdInf = Mandate Related Information MndtId = Mandate Identification DtOfSgntr = Date Of Signature AmdmntInd = Amendment Indicator AmdmntInfDtls = Amendment Information Details OrgnlMndtId = Original Mandate Identification OrgnlCdtrSchmeId = Original Creditor Scheme Identification OrgnlCdtrAgt = Original Creditor Agent OrgnlDbtrAcct = Original Debtor Account OrgnlDbtrAgt = Original Debtor Agent OrgnlFnlColltnDt = Original Final Collection Date OrgnlFrqcy = Original Frequency OrgnlRsn = Original Reason OrgnlTrckgDays = Original Tracking Days ElctrncSgntr = Electronic Signature FrstColltnDt = First Collection Date FnlColltnDt = Final Collection Date Frqcy = Frequency AppHdr = Business Application Header V02 (head.001.001.02) Fr = From FIId = Financial Institution Identification GrpHdr = Group Header MsgId = Message Identification CreDtTm = Creation Date Time BtchBookg = Batch Booking NbOfTxs = Number Of Transactions CtrlSum = Control Sum TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt = Total Interbank Settlement Amount IntrBkSttlmDt = Interbank Settlement Date SttlmInf = Settlement Information SttlmMtd = Settlement Method Instructed Agent Instructing Agent Cover Method Clearing System SttlmAcct = Settlement Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification ClrSys = Clearing System InstgRmbrsmntAgt = Instructing Reimbursement Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct = Instructing Reimbursement Agent Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification InstdRmbrsmntAgt = Instructed Reimbursement Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct = Instructed Reimbursement Agent Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification ThrdRmbrsmntAgt = Third Reimbursement Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct = Third Reimbursement Agent Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification PmtTpInf = Payment Type Information InstgAgt = Instructing Agent InstdAgt = Instructed Agent CdtTrfTxInf = Credit Transfer Transaction Information PmtId = Payment Identification InstrId = Instruction Identification EndToEndId = End To End Identification TxId = Transaction Identification UETR = UETR ClrSysRef = Clearing System Reference PmtTpInf = Payment Type Information InstrPrty = Instruction Priority High Normal ClrChanl = Clearing Channel Real Time Gross Settlement System Real Time Net Settlement System Mass Payment Net System Book Transfer SvcLvl = Service Level Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary LclInstrm = Local Instrument Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary CtgyPurp = Category Purpose Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary IntrBkSttlmAmt = Interbank Settlement Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency IntrBkSttlmDt = Interbank Settlement Date SttlmPrty = Settlement Priority Urgent High Normal SttlmTmIndctn = Settlement Time Indication DbtDtTm = Debit Date Time CdtDtTm = Credit Date Time SttlmTmReq = Settlement Time Request CLSTm = CLS Time TillTm = Till Time FrTm = From Time RjctTm = Reject Time AccptncDtTm = Acceptance Date Time PoolgAdjstmntDt = Pooling Adjustment Date InstdAmt = Instructed Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency XchgRate = Exchange Rate ChrgBr = Charge Bearer Borne By Debtor Borne By Creditor Shared Following Service Level ChrgsInf = Charges Information Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency Agt = Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification PrvsInstgAgt1 = Previous Instructing Agent 1 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification PrvsInstgAgt1Acct = Previous Instructing Agent 1 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification PrvsInstgAgt2 = Previous Instructing Agent 2 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification PrvsInstgAgt2Acct = Previous Instructing Agent 2 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification PrvsInstgAgt3 = Previous Instructing Agent 3 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification PrvsInstgAgt3Acct = Previous Instructing Agent 3 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification InstgAgt = Instructing Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification InstdAgt = Instructed Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification IntrmyAgt1 = Intermediary Agent 1 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification IntrmyAgt1Acct = Intermediary Agent 1 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification IntrmyAgt2 = Intermediary Agent 2 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification IntrmyAgt2Acct = Intermediary Agent 2 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification IntrmyAgt3 = Intermediary Agent 3 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification IntrmyAgt3Acct = Intermediary Agent 3 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification UltmtDbtr = Ultimate Debtor Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details InitgPty = Initiating Party Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details Dbtr = Debtor Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details DbtrAcct = Debtor Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification DbtrAgt = Debtor Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification DbtrAgtAcct = Debtor Agent Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification CdtrAgt = Creditor Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification Id = Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department AdrLine = Address Line CdtrAgtAcct = Creditor Agent Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification Cdtr = Creditor Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details CdtrAcct = Creditor Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification UltmtCdtr = Ultimate Creditor Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details InstrForCdtrAgt = Instruction For Creditor Agent Cd = Code Pay Creditor By Cheque Hold Cash For Creditor Phone Beneficiary Telecom InstrInf = Instruction Information InstrForNxtAgt = Instruction For Next Agent Cd = Code InstrInf = Instruction Information Purp = Purpose Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary RgltryRptg = Regulatory Reporting DbtCdtRptgInd = Debit Credit Reporting Indicator Credit Debit Both Authrty = Authority Nm = Name Ctry = Country Dtls = Details Tp = Type Dt = Date Ctry = Country Cd = Code Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency Inf = Information Tax = Tax RltdRmtInf = Related Remittance Information RmtId = Remittance Identification RmtLctnDtls = Remittance Location Details Mtd = Method Fax Electronic Data Interchange Uniform Resource Identifier E Mail Post SMS ElctrncAdr = Electronic Address PstlAdr = Postal Address Nm = Name Adr = Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line RmtInf = Remittance Information Ustrd = Unstructured Strd = Structured RfrdDocInf = Referred Document Information Tp = Type CdOrPrtry = Code Or Proprietary Cd = Code Metered Service Invoice Credit Note Related To Financial Adjustment Debit Note Related To Financial Adjustment Commercial Invoice Credit Note Debit Note Hire Invoice Self Billed Invoice Commercial Contract Statement Of Account Dispatch Advice Bill Of Lading Voucher Account Receivable Open Item Trade Services Utility Transaction Purchase Order Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Nb = Number RltdDt = Related Date LineDtls = Line Details Id = Identification Tp = Type CdOrPrtry = Code Or Proprietary Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Nb = Number RltdDt = Related Date Desc = Description Amt = Amount DuePyblAmt = Due Payable Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency DscntApldAmt = Discount Applied Amount Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency CdtNoteAmt = Credit Note Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency TaxAmt = Tax Amount Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency AdjstmntAmtAndRsn = Adjustment Amount And Reason Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency CdtDbtInd = Credit Debit Indicator Credit Debit Rsn = Reason AddtlInf = Additional Information RmtdAmt = Remitted Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency RfrdDocAmt = Referred Document Amount DuePyblAmt = Due Payable Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency DscntApldAmt = Discount Applied Amount Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency CdtNoteAmt = Credit Note Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency TaxAmt = Tax Amount Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency AdjstmntAmtAndRsn = Adjustment Amount And Reason Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency CdtDbtInd = Credit Debit Indicator Credit Debit Rsn = Reason AddtlInf = Additional Information RmtdAmt = Remitted Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency CdtrRefInf = Creditor Reference Information Tp = Type CdOrPrtry = Code Or Proprietary Cd = Code Remittance Advice Message Related Payment Instruction Foreign Exchange Deal Reference Dispatch Advice Purchase Order Structured Communication Reference Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Ref = Reference Invcr = Invoicer Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details Invcee = Invoicee Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details TaxRmt = Tax Remittance Cdtr = Creditor TaxId = Tax Identification RegnId = Registration Identification TaxTp = Tax Type Dbtr = Debtor TaxId = Tax Identification RegnId = Registration Identification TaxTp = Tax Type Authstn = Authorisation Titl = Title Nm = Name UltmtDbtr = Ultimate Debtor TaxId = Tax Identification RegnId = Registration Identification TaxTp = Tax Type Authstn = Authorisation Titl = Title Nm = Name AdmstnZone = Administration Zone RefNb = Reference Number Mtd = Method TtlTaxblBaseAmt = Total Taxable Base Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency TtlTaxAmt = Total Tax Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency Dt = Date SeqNb = Sequence Number Rcrd = Record Tp = Type Ctgy = Category CtgyDtls = Category Details DbtrSts = Debtor Status CertId = Certificate Identification FrmsCd = Forms Code Prd = Period Yr = Year Tp = Type First Month Second Month Third Month Fourth Month Fifth Month Sixth Month Seventh Month Eighth Month Ninth Month Tenth Month Eleventh Month Twelfth Month First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter First Half Second Half FrToDt = From To Date FrDt = From Date ToDt = To Date TaxAmt = Tax Amount Rate = Rate TaxblBaseAmt = Taxable Base Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency TtlAmt = Total Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency Dtls = Details Prd = Period Yr = Year Tp = Type First Month Second Month Third Month Fourth Month Fifth Month Sixth Month Seventh Month Eighth Month Ninth Month Tenth Month Eleventh Month Twelfth Month First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter First Half Second Half FrToDt = From To Date FrDt = From Date ToDt = To Date Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency AddtlInf = Additional Information GrnshmtRmt = Garnishment Remittance Tp = Type CdOrPrtry = Code Or Proprietary Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Grnshee = Garnishee Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details GrnshmtAdmstr = Garnishment Administrator Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details RefNb = Reference Number Dt = Date RmtdAmt = Remitted Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency FmlyMdclInsrncInd = Family Medical Insurance Indicator MplyeeTermntnInd = Employee Termination Indicator AddtlRmtInf = Additional Remittance Information SplmtryData = Supplementary Data SplmtryData = Supplementary Data [pacs.008.001.08] GrpHdr = Group Header MsgId = Message Identification CreDtTm = Creation Date Time BtchBookg = Batch Booking NbOfTxs = Number Of Transactions CtrlSum = Control Sum TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt = Total Interbank Settlement Amount IntrBkSttlmDt = Interbank Settlement Date SttlmInf = Settlement Information SttlmMtd = Settlement Method Instructed Agent Instructing Agent Cover Method Clearing System SttlmAcct = Settlement Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification ClrSys = Clearing System InstgRmbrsmntAgt = Instructing Reimbursement Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct = Instructing Reimbursement Agent Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification InstdRmbrsmntAgt = Instructed Reimbursement Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct = Instructed Reimbursement Agent Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification ThrdRmbrsmntAgt = Third Reimbursement Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct = Third Reimbursement Agent Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification PmtTpInf = Payment Type Information InstgAgt = Instructing Agent InstdAgt = Instructed Agent CdtTrfTxInf = Credit Transfer Transaction Information PmtId = Payment Identification InstrId = Instruction Identification EndToEndId = End To End Identification TxId = Transaction Identification UETR = UETR ClrSysRef = Clearing System Reference PmtTpInf = Payment Type Information InstrPrty = Instruction Priority High Normal ClrChanl = Clearing Channel Real Time Gross Settlement System Real Time Net Settlement System Mass Payment Net System Book Transfer SvcLvl = Service Level Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary LclInstrm = Local Instrument Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary CtgyPurp = Category Purpose Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary IntrBkSttlmAmt = Interbank Settlement Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency IntrBkSttlmDt = Interbank Settlement Date SttlmPrty = Settlement Priority Urgent High Normal SttlmTmIndctn = Settlement Time Indication DbtDtTm = Debit Date Time CdtDtTm = Credit Date Time SttlmTmReq = Settlement Time Request CLSTm = CLS Time TillTm = Till Time FrTm = From Time RjctTm = Reject Time AccptncDtTm = Acceptance Date Time PoolgAdjstmntDt = Pooling Adjustment Date InstdAmt = Instructed Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency XchgRate = Exchange Rate ChrgBr = Charge Bearer Borne By Debtor Borne By Creditor Shared Following Service Level ChrgsInf = Charges Information Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency Agt = Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification PrvsInstgAgt1 = Previous Instructing Agent 1 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification PrvsInstgAgt1Acct = Previous Instructing Agent 1 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification PrvsInstgAgt2 = Previous Instructing Agent 2 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification PrvsInstgAgt2Acct = Previous Instructing Agent 2 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification PrvsInstgAgt3 = Previous Instructing Agent 3 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification PrvsInstgAgt3Acct = Previous Instructing Agent 3 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification InstgAgt = Instructing Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification InstdAgt = Instructed Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification IntrmyAgt1 = Intermediary Agent 1 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification IntrmyAgt1Acct = Intermediary Agent 1 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification IntrmyAgt2 = Intermediary Agent 2 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification IntrmyAgt2Acct = Intermediary Agent 2 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification IntrmyAgt3 = Intermediary Agent 3 FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification IntrmyAgt3Acct = Intermediary Agent 3 Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification UltmtDbtr = Ultimate Debtor Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details InitgPty = Initiating Party Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details Dbtr = Debtor Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details DbtrAcct = Debtor Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification DbtrAgt = Debtor Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification DbtrAgtAcct = Debtor Agent Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification CdtrAgt = Creditor Agent FinInstnId = Financial Institution Identification BICFI = BICFI ClrSysMmbId = Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId = Clearing System Identification Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary MmbId = Member Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Othr = Other BrnchId = Branch Identification Id = Identification LEI = LEI Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department AdrLine = Address Line CdtrAgtAcct = Creditor Agent Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification Cdtr = Creditor Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details CdtrAcct = Creditor Account Id = Identification IBAN = IBAN Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Ccy = Currency Nm = Name Prxy = Proxy Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Id = Identification UltmtCdtr = Ultimate Creditor Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details InstrForCdtrAgt = Instruction For Creditor Agent Cd = Code Pay Creditor By Cheque Hold Cash For Creditor Phone Beneficiary Telecom InstrInf = Instruction Information InstrForNxtAgt = Instruction For Next Agent Cd = Code InstrInf = Instruction Information Purp = Purpose Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary RgltryRptg = Regulatory Reporting DbtCdtRptgInd = Debit Credit Reporting Indicator Credit Debit Both Authrty = Authority Nm = Name Ctry = Country Dtls = Details Tp = Type Dt = Date Ctry = Country Cd = Code Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency Inf = Information Tax = Tax RltdRmtInf = Related Remittance Information RmtId = Remittance Identification RmtLctnDtls = Remittance Location Details Mtd = Method Fax Electronic Data Interchange Uniform Resource Identifier E Mail Post SMS ElctrncAdr = Electronic Address PstlAdr = Postal Address Nm = Name Adr = Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line RmtInf = Remittance Information Ustrd = Unstructured Strd = Structured RfrdDocInf = Referred Document Information Tp = Type CdOrPrtry = Code Or Proprietary Cd = Code Metered Service Invoice Credit Note Related To Financial Adjustment Debit Note Related To Financial Adjustment Commercial Invoice Credit Note Debit Note Hire Invoice Self Billed Invoice Commercial Contract Statement Of Account Dispatch Advice Bill Of Lading Voucher Account Receivable Open Item Trade Services Utility Transaction Purchase Order Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Nb = Number RltdDt = Related Date LineDtls = Line Details Id = Identification Tp = Type CdOrPrtry = Code Or Proprietary Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Nb = Number RltdDt = Related Date Desc = Description Amt = Amount DuePyblAmt = Due Payable Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency DscntApldAmt = Discount Applied Amount Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency CdtNoteAmt = Credit Note Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency TaxAmt = Tax Amount Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency AdjstmntAmtAndRsn = Adjustment Amount And Reason Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency CdtDbtInd = Credit Debit Indicator Credit Debit Rsn = Reason AddtlInf = Additional Information RmtdAmt = Remitted Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency RfrdDocAmt = Referred Document Amount DuePyblAmt = Due Payable Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency DscntApldAmt = Discount Applied Amount Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency CdtNoteAmt = Credit Note Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency TaxAmt = Tax Amount Tp = Type Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency AdjstmntAmtAndRsn = Adjustment Amount And Reason Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency CdtDbtInd = Credit Debit Indicator Credit Debit Rsn = Reason AddtlInf = Additional Information RmtdAmt = Remitted Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency CdtrRefInf = Creditor Reference Information Tp = Type CdOrPrtry = Code Or Proprietary Cd = Code Remittance Advice Message Related Payment Instruction Foreign Exchange Deal Reference Dispatch Advice Purchase Order Structured Communication Reference Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Ref = Reference Invcr = Invoicer Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details Invcee = Invoicee Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details TaxRmt = Tax Remittance Cdtr = Creditor TaxId = Tax Identification RegnId = Registration Identification TaxTp = Tax Type Dbtr = Debtor TaxId = Tax Identification RegnId = Registration Identification TaxTp = Tax Type Authstn = Authorisation Titl = Title Nm = Name UltmtDbtr = Ultimate Debtor TaxId = Tax Identification RegnId = Registration Identification TaxTp = Tax Type Authstn = Authorisation Titl = Title Nm = Name AdmstnZone = Administration Zone RefNb = Reference Number Mtd = Method TtlTaxblBaseAmt = Total Taxable Base Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency TtlTaxAmt = Total Tax Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency Dt = Date SeqNb = Sequence Number Rcrd = Record Tp = Type Ctgy = Category CtgyDtls = Category Details DbtrSts = Debtor Status CertId = Certificate Identification FrmsCd = Forms Code Prd = Period Yr = Year Tp = Type First Month Second Month Third Month Fourth Month Fifth Month Sixth Month Seventh Month Eighth Month Ninth Month Tenth Month Eleventh Month Twelfth Month First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter First Half Second Half FrToDt = From To Date FrDt = From Date ToDt = To Date TaxAmt = Tax Amount Rate = Rate TaxblBaseAmt = Taxable Base Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency TtlAmt = Total Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency Dtls = Details Prd = Period Yr = Year Tp = Type First Month Second Month Third Month Fourth Month Fifth Month Sixth Month Seventh Month Eighth Month Ninth Month Tenth Month Eleventh Month Twelfth Month First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter First Half Second Half FrToDt = From To Date FrDt = From Date ToDt = To Date Amt = Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency AddtlInf = Additional Information GrnshmtRmt = Garnishment Remittance Tp = Type CdOrPrtry = Code Or Proprietary Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer Grnshee = Garnishee Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details GrnshmtAdmstr = Garnishment Administrator Nm = Name PstlAdr = Postal Address AdrTp = Address Type Dept = Department SubDept = Sub Department StrtNm = Street Name BldgNb = Building Number BldgNm = Building Name Flr = Floor PstBx = Post Box Room = Room PstCd = Post Code TwnNm = Town Name TwnLctnNm = Town Location Name DstrctNm = District Name CtrySubDvsn = Country Sub Division Ctry = Country AdrLine = Address Line Id = Identification OrgId = Organisation Identification AnyBIC = Any BIC LEI = LEI Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer PrvtId = Private Identification DtAndPlcOfBirth = Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt = Birth Date PrvcOfBirth = Province Of Birth CityOfBirth = City Of Birth CtryOfBirth = Country Of Birth Othr = Other Id = Identification SchmeNm = Scheme Name Cd = Code Prtry = Proprietary Issr = Issuer CtryOfRes = Country Of Residence CtctDtls = Contact Details RefNb = Reference Number Dt = Date RmtdAmt = Remitted Amount Ccy = Xml Attribute Currency FmlyMdclInsrncInd = Family Medical Insurance Indicator MplyeeTermntnInd = Employee Termination Indicator AddtlRmtInf = Additional Remittance Information SplmtryData = Supplementary Data SplmtryData = Supplementary Data