<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.brilliance.isc.mda.dao.BopcodMapper"> <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.brilliance.isc.bo.Bopcod"> <result property="inr" column="inr" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> <result property="ver" column="ver" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> <result property="cod" column="cod" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> <result property="dir" column="dir" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> <result property="typ" column="typ" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> <result property="txt" column="txt" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> <result property="sta" column="sta" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> <result property="ghutyp" column="ghutyp" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> <result property="waitjm" column="waitjm" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> </resultMap> <sql id="Base_Column_List"> inr,ver,cod,dir,typ,txt,sta,ghutyp,waitjm </sql> <select id="selectByPrimaryKey" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> from bopcod where inr = #{inr,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </select> <select id="selectByCod" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> from bopcod where cod = #{cod} and dir = #{dir} </select> <select id="selectByCodShenBao" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> from bopcod where cod = #{cod} </select> <delete id="deleteByPrimaryKey"> delete from bopcod where inr = #{inr,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </delete> <insert id="insert"> insert into bopcod (<include refid="Base_Column_List"/>) <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> #{inr,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{ver,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{cod,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{dir,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{typ,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{txt,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{sta,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </trim> </insert> <insert id="insertSelective"> insert into bopcod <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="inr != null">inr,</if> <if test="ver != null">ver,</if> <if test="cod != null">cod,</if> <if test="dir != null">dir,</if> <if test="typ != null">typ,</if> <if test="txt != null">txt,</if> <if test="sta != null">sta,</if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="inr != null">#{inr,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> <if test="ver != null">#{ver,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> <if test="cod != null">#{cod,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> <if test="dir != null">#{dir,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> <if test="typ != null">#{typ,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> <if test="txt != null">#{txt,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> <if test="sta != null">#{sta,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> </trim> </insert> <update id="updateByPrimaryKeySelective"> update bopcod <set> <if test="ver != null">ver = #{ver,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> <if test="cod != null">cod = #{cod,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> <if test="dir != null">dir = #{dir,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> <if test="typ != null">typ = #{typ,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> <if test="txt != null">txt = #{txt,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> <if test="sta != null">sta = #{sta,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if> </set> where inr = #{inr,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </update> <update id="updateByPrimaryKey"> update bopcod <set> ver = #{ver,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, cod = #{cod,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, dir = #{dir,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, typ = #{typ,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, txt = #{txt,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, sta = #{sta,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </set> where inr = #{inr,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </update> <select id="queryAllByLimit" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select INR,VER,COD,DIR,TYP,TXT,STA from BOPCOD <where> <if test="inr != null and inr != ''"> AND INR like concat(concat ('%',#{inr}),'%') </if> <if test="ver != null and ver != ''"> and VER like concat(concat ('%',#{ver}),'%') </if> <if test="cod != null and cod != ''"> and COD like concat(concat ('%',#{cod}),'%') </if> <if test="dir != null and dir != ''"> and DIR like concat(concat ('%',#{dir}),'%') </if> <if test="typ != null and typ != ''"> and TYP like concat(concat ('%',#{typ}),'%') </if> <if test="txt != null and txt != ''"> and TXT like concat(concat ('%',#{txt}),'%') </if> <if test="sta != null and sta != ''"> and STA like concat(concat ('%',#{sta}),'%') </if> </where> order by length(INR) desc, INR DESC </select> <select id="queryBopcodList" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select INR,VER,COD,DIR,TYP,TXT,STA,ghutyp,waitjm from BOPCOD <where> <if test="inr != null and inr != ''"> AND INR like concat(concat ('%',#{inr}),'%') </if> <if test="ver != null and ver != ''"> and VER like concat(concat ('%',#{ver}),'%') </if> <if test="cod != null and cod != ''"> and COD like concat(concat ('%',#{cod}),'%') </if> <if test="dir != null and dir != ''"> and DIR like concat(concat ('%',#{dir}),'%') </if> <if test="typ != null and typ != ''"> and TYP like concat(concat ('%',#{typ}),'%') </if> <if test="txt != null and txt != ''"> and TXT like concat(concat ('%',#{txt}),'%') </if> <if test="sta != null and sta != ''"> and STA like concat(concat ('%',#{sta}),'%') </if> </where> order by cod asc </select> <select id="queryById" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select INR,VER,COD,DIR,TYP,TXT,STA from BOPCOD where INR = #{inr} </select> <update id="update"> update BOPCOD <set> <if test="typ != null and typ != ''"> TYP = #{typ}, </if> <if test="txt != null and txt != ''"> TXT = #{txt}, </if> </set> where INR = #{inr} </update> <update id="deleteById"> update BOPCOD <set> <if test="sta != null and sta != ''"> STA = #{sta}, </if> </set> where INR = #{inr} </update> <select id="checkadd" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> select count(*) from BOPCOD <where> <if test="cod != null and cod != ''"> AND COD = #{cod} </if> <if test="dir != null and dir != ''"> and DIR = #{dir} </if> </where> </select> <select id="listFuzzyByRecord" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> from bopcod <where> <!-- <choose> <when test='(bop != null and (bop == "I" or bop == "")) or bop == null'> <if test="dir != null and dir != ''"> and DIR = #{dir} </if> <if test="typ != null and typ != ''"> and TYP = #{typ} </if> </when> <otherwise> and DIR = #{bop} and TYP = #{bop} </otherwise> </choose>--> <choose> <when test='bop != null and bop == "I"'> <choose> <when test="dir != null and dir != ''"> and DIR = #{dir} </when> <otherwise> and DIR in ('I','O') </otherwise> </choose> <choose> <when test="typ != null and typ != ''"> and TYP = #{typ} </when> <otherwise> and TYP in ('T','N','C') </otherwise> </choose> </when> <when test='bop == null or bop == ""'> </when> <otherwise> and DIR = #{bop} and TYP = #{bop} </otherwise> </choose> <if test="cod != null and cod != ''"> and COD like concat('%',#{cod},'%') </if> <if test="txt != null and txt != ''"> and TXT like concat('%',#{txt},'%') </if> <if test="sta != null and sta != ''"> and STA = #{sta} </if> </where> order by sta asc </select> <select id="listByUniqueKey" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> from bopcod where DIR = #{dir} and TYP = #{typ} and COD = #{cod} </select> <select id="getBopcodByCondition" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select INR,VER,COD,DIR,TYP,TXT,STA from BOPCOD <where> <if test="notCod != null and notCod != ''"> and COD not like concat(concat ('%',#{notCod}),'%') </if> <if test="cod != null and cod != ''"> and COD like concat(concat ('%',#{cod}),'%') </if> <if test="dir != null and dir != ''"> and DIR = #{dir} </if> <if test="sta != null and sta != ''"> and STA = #{sta} </if> </where> order by COD ASC </select> <select id="listByGhutyp" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> from bopcod where DIR = #{dir} and STA = #{sta} and ghutyp like concat(concat ('%',#{ghutyp}),'%') </select> <select id="listByWaitjm" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> from bopcod where DIR = #{dir} and STA = #{sta} and waitjm like concat(concat ('%',#{waitjm}),'%') order by COD ASC </select> <select id="getBopcodType" resultType="java.lang.String"> select TYP from BOPCOD <where> STA = 'A' <if test="cod != null and cod != ''"> and COD = #{cod} </if> <if test="dir != null and dir != ''"> and DIR = #{dir} </if> </where> </select> <select id="getBopcod" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select INR,VER,COD,DIR,TYP,TXT,STA from BOPCOD <where> (substr(cod,4,3)='000' or substr(cod,1,1)='7') <if test="dir != null and dir != ''"> and DIR = #{dir} </if> and STA = 'A' <if test="notCod != null and notCod != ''"> and COD not like concat(concat ('%',#{notCod}),'%') </if> <if test="cod != null and cod != ''"> and COD like concat(concat ('%',#{cod}),'%') </if> </where> order by COD ASC </select> <select id="getBopcodByCodNoZmq" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> FROM BOPCOD WHERE DIR='O' AND STA='A' AND COD NOT LIKE 'D%' ORDER BY COD </select> <select id="getBopcodByCodAndZmq" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> FROM BOPCOD WHERE DIR='O' AND STA='A' AND COD NOT LIKE '9%' ORDER BY COD </select> </mapper>