Commit cdc72df6 by jianglong


parent b363d40b
......@@ -31,32 +31,32 @@ public class CrdWithPtsCbbResponseVo extends Crd {
* 客户号
private String orcExtkey;
private String sndExtkey;
* 客户名称
private String orcName;
private String sndName;
* 客户号
private String oriExtkey;
private String rcvExtkey;
* 客户名称
private String oriName;
private String rcvName;
* 客户号
private String pybExtkey;
private String accExtkey;
* 客户名称
private String pybName;
private String accName;
......@@ -344,6 +344,10 @@
AND crd.MSGTYP = #{msgtyp}
<if test="clrtyp != null and clrtyp != ''">
AND crd.clrtyp = #{clrtyp}
order by crd.opndat desc , crd.ownref desc
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