Commit 9cec67a6 by huangshunlin

bopcodmapper.xml getBopcod sql 补充concat 缺少的参数

parent 7576a114
...@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ ...@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
</if> </if>
and STA = 'A' and STA = 'A'
<if test="notCod != null and notCod != ''"> <if test="notCod != null and notCod != ''">
and COD not like concat(concat (#{notCod}),'%') and COD not like concat(concat ('%',#{notCod}),'%')
</if> </if>
<if test="cod != null and cod != ''"> <if test="cod != null and cod != ''">
and COD like concat(concat ('%',#{cod}),'%') and COD like concat(concat ('%',#{cod}),'%')
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