Commit 490d8548 by xiaotong


parent 4fb72f48
......@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
m1.objtyp,m1.sndflg,m1.bassta,m1.dclsta,m1.vrfsta,concat(m3.branch,m3.bchname) as bchnam,m1.reldat as credat,m1.sfhdat as sfhdat,m1.ownusr,m1.datsrc,m1.extinf,m1.exmandapp
from dbl m1,dba m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='dba' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
from dbl m1,dba m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='DBA' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
<!--只查询出最新数据 -->
and m1.curflg='*'
......@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
m1.objtyp,m1.sndflg,m1.bassta,m1.dclsta,m1.vrfsta,concat(m3.branch,m3.bchname) as bchnam,m1.reldat as credat,m1.sfhdat,m1.ownusr,m1.datsrc,m1.extinf,m1.exmandapp
from dbl m1,dbb m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='dbb' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
from dbl m1,dbb m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='DBB' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
<!--只查询出最新数据 -->
and m1.curflg='*'
......@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
m1.objtyp,m1.sndflg,m1.bassta,m1.dclsta,m1.vrfsta,concat(m3.branch,m3.bchname) as bchnam,m1.reldat as credat,m1.sfhdat,m1.ownusr,m1.datsrc,m1.extinf,m1.exmandapp
from dbl m1,dbc m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='dbc' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
from dbl m1,dbc m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='DBC' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
<!--只查询出最新数据 -->
and m1.curflg='*'
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
m1.objtyp,m1.sndflg,m1.bassta,m1.dclsta,m1.vrfsta,concat(m3.branch,m3.bchname) as bchnam,m1.reldat as credat,m1.sfhdat,m1.ownusr,m1.datsrc,m1.extinf,m1.exmandapp
from dbl m1,dbd m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='dbd' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
from dbl m1,dbd m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='DBD' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
<!--只查询出最新数据 -->
and m1.curflg='*'
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
m1.objtyp,m1.sndflg,m1.bassta,m1.dclsta,m1.vrfsta,concat(m3.branch,m3.bchname) as bchnam,m1.reldat as credat,m1.sfhdat,m1.ownusr,m1.datsrc,m1.extinf,m1.exmandapp
from dbl m1,dbe m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='dbe' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
from dbl m1,dbe m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='DBE' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
<!--只查询出最新数据 -->
and m1.curflg='*'
......@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
m1.objtyp,m1.sndflg,m1.bassta,m1.dclsta,m1.vrfsta,concat(m3.branch,m3.bchname) as bchnam,m1.reldat as credat,m1.sfhdat,m1.ownusr,m1.datsrc,m1.extinf,m1.exmandapp
from dbl m1,dbf m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='dbf' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
from dbl m1,dbf m2,bch m3 WHERE m1.objtyp='DBF' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch and (m1.trninr is null or m1.trninr = '')
<!--只查询出最新数据 -->
and m1.curflg='*'
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
from dbl m1,bch m3, dbj m2 left join dbv m4 on m2.inr=m4.tmpref
where m1.objtyp='dbj' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch
where m1.objtyp='DBJ' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch
<!--申报主体名称 -->
<if test="custnm != null and custnm != ''">
and m2.custnm LIKE concat('%', #{custm}, '%')
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
from dbl m1,bch m3,dbw m2 left join dby m4 on m2.inr=m4.tmpref
where m1.objtyp='dbw' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch
where m1.objtyp='DBW' and m1.objinr=m2.inr and m1.ownextkey=m3.branch
<!--申报主体名称 -->
<if test="custnm != null and custnm != ''">
and m2.custnm LIKE concat('%', #{custm}, '%')
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