Commit 43e840d5 by huangshunlin

bopcodmapper.xml getBopcodByCondition sql 补充concat 缺少的参数,dbSqlDate 达梦数据库 从%y%m%d修改为YYYY-MM-DD

parent cf078df8
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
<if test="notCod != null and notCod != ''">
and COD not like concat(concat (#{notCod}),'%')
and COD not like concat(concat ('%',#{notCod}),'%')
<if test="cod != null and cod != ''">
and COD like concat(concat ('%',#{cod}),'%')
......@@ -438,9 +438,9 @@ public class Utils {
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
//oracle 语法
// builder.append(" to_date('").append(df.format(date)).append("','YYYY-MM-DD')");
builder.append(" to_date('").append(df.format(date)).append("','YYYY-MM-DD')");
//mysql 语法
builder.append(" date_format('").append(df.format(date)).append("','%y%m%d')");
// builder.append(" date_format('").append(df.format(date)).append("','%y%m%d')");
return builder.toString();
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