Commit 78b78815 by huangshunlin

actgetsql 补充 or cur is null 条件

parent f098643f
......@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ public class GlemodServiceImpl implements GlemodService {
// String res = "WHERE EXTKEY <> ''";
String res = "WHERE (EXTKEY is not null or EXTKEY <> '') ";
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cur)) {
res += " AND (CUR = '" + cur + "' or CUR = ' ')";
res += " AND (CUR = '" + cur + "' or CUR = ' ' or cur is null)";
//String res = "WHERE (CUR = '" + cur + "' or CUR = ' ')";
// DSP有两种情况,一个是确定的单个账号,比如AS-LIS,另一个是账号列表,比如LOD
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