import Api from "~/service/Api" import Pts from "../Common/Pts" export default class Infpta{ constructor () { = { seaobjkey:"", // PTA .seaobjkey seanam:"", // External Visible Name of Address .seanam seaptyextkey:"", // External Key Used to Uniquely Identify a party .seaptyextkey seabic:"", // BIC of Address Optional .seabic seazip:"", // ZIP Code/First Part of S.W.I.F.T. Line 4 .seazip seatxt:"", // Textpart of City .seatxt seastr:"", // Street .seastr seatypb:"", // Bank .seatypb seatypc:"", // Client .seatypc seatypa:"", // Own Address .seatypa seatypo:"", // Other .seatypo infbut:{ selrow:0, // Number of selected row dspstm:{}, // display stream .infbut.dspstm }, seatyph:"", // 海关 .seatyph recpan:{ pty:{ extkey:"", // Address Number .recpan.pty.extkey nam:"", // Party Name .recpan.pty.nam }, ptyget:{ sdamod:{ seainf:"", // .recpan.ptyget.sdamod.seainf dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.ptyget.sdamod.dadsnd }, }, recget:{ sdamod:{ dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.recget.sdamod.dadsnd seainf:"", // .recpan.recget.sdamod.seainf }, }, bchkey:"", // Bchkey .recpan.bchkey branchkey:"", // Branch key .recpan.branchkey ptainf:{ labinftxt:"", // Label for INFTXT .recpan.ptainf.labinftxt oit:{ inftxt:"", // Infotext .recpan.ptainf.oit.inftxt inflev:"", // Infotext Level .recpan.ptainf.oit.inflev }, }, }, recgrp:{ rec:{ objkey:"", // Alternate Technical Key of Associated Address .recgrp.rec.objkey nam:"", // Address Name .recgrp.rec.nam adrsta:"", // Address Status .recgrp.rec.adrsta usg:"", // Coded Usage of Address [xxxxxx] .recgrp.rec.usg issbchinf:"", // Info of bank .recgrp.rec.issbchinf }, typb:"", // Bank .recgrp.typb typc:"", // Client .recgrp.typc typa:"", // Own Address .recgrp.typa typo:"", // Other .recgrp.typo adr:{ nam1:"", // Name 1/SWIFT Line 1 .recgrp.adr.nam1 nam2:"", // Name 2/SWIFT Line 2 .recgrp.adr.nam2 nam3:"", // Name 3 .recgrp.adr.nam3 str1:"", // Street/SWIFT Line 3 .recgrp.adr.str1 str2:"", // Optional Second Line of Street .recgrp.adr.str2 loczip:"", // ZIP Code/First Part of SWIFT Line 4 .recgrp.adr.loczip loctxt:"", // Textpart of City/Second Part of SWIFT Line 4 .recgrp.adr.loctxt loc2:"", // Optional Second Line of City .recgrp.adr.loc2 pob:"", // Line with Postbox .recgrp.adr.pob pobzip:"", // ZIP Code Used when Addressing Postbox .recgrp.adr.pobzip pobtxt:"", // Textpart of City Used when Addressing Postbox .recgrp.adr.pobtxt loccty:"", // Country or region .recgrp.adr.loccty eml:"", // eMail/Internet .recgrp.adr.eml tel1:"", // Telephone 1 .recgrp.adr.tel1 tel2:"", // Telephone 2 .recgrp.adr.tel2 fax1:"", // Telefax 1 .recgrp.adr.fax1 fax2:"", // Telefax 2 .recgrp.adr.fax2 tlx:"", // Telex Number .recgrp.adr.tlx bic:"", // BIC of Address Optional .recgrp.adr.bic bid:"", // Branch Identification Used in Option B of SWIFT Fieldtags tid:"", // TradeConnect ID .recgrp.adr.tid blz:"", // & City .recgrp.adr.blz clc:"", // Clearing Code for Banks .recgrp.adr.clc uil:"", // Default Language Code .recgrp.adr.uil cortyp:"", // Primary Output Chanel of Messages SWT, LET, TLX, TCO .recgrp.adr.cortyp dpt:"", // Department .recgrp.adr.dpt adr1:"", // Chinese Address .recgrp.adr.adr1 adr2:"", // .recgrp.adr.adr2 adr3:"", // .recgrp.adr.adr3 discod:"", // 国内地区码 .recgrp.adr.discod dtacid:"", // DTA Import L/C ID .recgrp.adr.dtacid dtecid:"", // DTA Export L/C ID .recgrp.adr.dtecid namelc:"", // 电证名称 .recgrp.adr.namelc adrelc:"", // 电证地址 .recgrp.adr.adrelc }, }, } } }