export default { "CT000217": "The expiry date is before the advising date", "CT000018": "Either Shipment Period or Latest Shipment Date may be filled", "CT000216": "Please enter \'Drafts at\' for \'by acceptance\' when advising further via SWIFT!", "CT000219": "The expiry date is before the shipment date", "CT000218": "The expiry date is before the issuing date", "CT000356": "We have advised the L/C on $1.", "CT000014": "This date must not be after the issuing date", "CT000256": "We have advised the L/C on $1.", "CT000215": "Please fill in the mixed payment details when advising further via SWIFT!", "CT000358": "We have advised the L/C on $1 .", "CT000016": "This date cannot be after the expiration date", "CT000379": "Please enter the reference number!", "CT000214": "Either Draft at or Shipment Details or Mix Payment Details have to be filled when advising further via SWIFT!", "CT000211": "This date cannot be before the shipment date", "CT000354": "We have advised the L/C on $1.", "CT000210": "This date must not be before the issuing date", "CT000350": "印/押不符提示:$1", "CT000209": "This amount tolerance has to be positive", "CT000206": "You have filled in a 2nd Advising Bank.\nPlease either delete the 2nd Advising Bank or\nenter \'Confirmation Instruction to 2nd Advising Bank\'.", "CT000349": "卖方国内信用证撤证提示:$1", "CT000205": "You have filled in a 1st Advising Bank.\nPlease either delete the 1st Advising Bank or enter \'Confirmation from 1st Advising Bank\'.", "CT000208": "Please enter this amount tolerance without a sign", "CT000207": "Either amount tolerance or amount specification may be filled", "CT000204": "You have filled in \'Confirmation from 1st Advising Bank\'.\nPlease either fill in an advising bank or delete \'Confirmation from 1st Advising Bank\'.", "CT000381": "来报中的通知行行号非我机构电证联行行号,请拒绝通知!", "RI000355": "We have advised the L/C on $1. We have not added our confirmation at this time.\', $Date )", "CT000380": "请不要超过60个汉字!", "RI000359": "We have advised the L/C on $1 without adding our confirmation.\', $Date )", "RI000357": "We have advised the L/C and added our confirmation on $1.\', $Date )", "PD000032": "Advice of a Documentary Credit", "PD000031": "MT 742 Reimbursement Claim", "PD000034": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", "PD000033": "Acknowledgment of Receipt", "PD000035": "Advice of Third Banks LC (MT710)", }