export default {
	"CT000559": "Sender to Receiver Info",
	"CT000552": "Instructions to the Paying/Accepting/Negotiating Bank",
	"PD000027": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"CT000390": "An advising bank has to be entered, if the L/C is available with the advising bank.",
	"PD000023": "Transfer of Documentary Credit",
	"PD000025": "Reimbursement Authorization",
	"PD000024": "Advice of Execution",
	"CT000448": "Please enter \'Drafts at\' as the drawee is entered!",
	"CT000569": "$1, Fees born by beneficiary.",
	"CT000447": "Please enter the drawee !",
	"CT000568": "$1 expires in 21 days of $2.",
	"CT000443": "Latest shipment date in transfer may not be later than the Latest shipment date in basic contract!",
	"CT000446": "The maximum amount exceeds the open amount of the export L/C of $1 $2.",
	"CT000567": "Transfer LC will expire",
	"CT000445": "Basis contract does not stipulate a latest shipment date.",
	"CT000058": "This date cannot be after the expiry date",
	"CT000454": "The expiry date of the transfer L/C may not be after the expiry date of the export L/C",
	"CT000578": "Confirmation Instructions",
	"CT000571": "$1, Please cancel MT740 for the unutilised balance.",
	"CT000570": "$1, Red Clause L/C, follow up with documents.",
	"CT000507": "at sight",
	"CT000506": "revocable transferable",
	"CT000509": "of beneficiaries draft(s)",
	"CT000508": "",
	"CT000503": "irrevocable transferable",
	"CT000502": "irrevocable stand by",
	"CT000505": "revocable stand by",
	"CT000504": "revocable",
	"CT000466": "The allNETT customer has retained the right to refuse amendments. Please make sure to have a proper clause included in the additional conditions of the transfer.",
	"CT000465": "Confirming bank is entered but confirmation instructions are \'without\'.\nPlease delete the confirming bank.",
	"CT000586": "Drawn on",
	"CG000573": "",
	"CT000589": "days",
	"CG000574": "",
	"CT000501": "irrevocable",
	"CG000575": "",
	"CT000462": "The positive tolerance can not be higher than the export L/C tolerance of $1%.",
	"CT000461": "The value from tag 40A (Form of Transfer) was set from \'irrevocable transferable\' to \'irrevocable\'",
	"CT000582": "Second Advising Bank",
	"SG000581": "own invoice and draft.",
	"CT000068": "Either amount tolerance or amount specification may be filled!",
	"SG000580": "All document must be send to us in one lot by courier service for substitutation by the first beneficiary of its",
	"CT000067": "Either Shipment Period or Latest Shipment Date may be filled!",
	"CT000463": "days",
	"CT000584": "Available with",
	"CT000580": "Reimbursing Bank",
	"PD000556": "Detail Clause of Letters",
	"CT000517": "",
	"RG000579": "Confirmation Instructions\', LTTMOD\\LTTDOC.XMLGetCNFINS ( LTDGRP\\REC\\CNFINS ) )",
	"SG000579": "The first beneficiary retains the right to refuse to allow amendments to be a dvised to the second beneficaary.",
	"CT000514": "by mixed payment",
	"CG000566": "",
	"SG000578": "All banking charges including ours are for account of the second beneficiary.",
	"CT000513": "by def payment",
	"CG000567": "",
	"CT000516": "by payment",
	"CT000515": "by negotiation",
	"CT000510": "drawn on",
	"CT000512": "by acceptance",
	"CT000511": "and",
	"CT000198": "Transfer LC expired",
	"SG000571": "Issuing Bank as per your instructions.",
	"SG000570": "Payment under this Transferred Credit will be effected only after our receipt of the proceeds from the original",
	"CT000590": "The value from tag 40A (Form of Transfer) was set from \'irrevocable transferable\' to \'irrevocable\'",
	"CT000193": "转让信用证过期提示:$1",
	"CT000592": "请重新获取业务编号!",
	"CT000591": "Cannot split message. Too many message",
	"PD000584": "",
	"CT000529": "Partial Shipment",
	"CT000407": "The additional amount from the L/T may not be greater then additional amount from the L/E",
	"CT000528": "Shipment Period",
	"CG000559": "",
	"SG000569": "indicated on the presenting bank's covering schedule.",
	"CT000525": "Expiring on",
	"SG000568": "Each presentation shall be noted on the reverse side of the Credit. Tansferring Bank's Reference NO. shall be",
	"CT000524": "Issued on",
	"CT000527": "Shipment Date",
	"CT000526": "Expiring in",
	"RG000587": "Drawn on\', XMLGetPtyNam( LTDGRP\\DRW ) )",
	"SG000565": "for all losses that may result from so doing.",
	"CT000521": "Amount",
	"SG000564": "its drafts/invoice, that bank/financial institution shall hold full liability for indemnifying the injured party(ies)",
	"CT000520": "Form of transfer",
	"RG000585": "Available with\', XMLPrtAvbWth( LTDGRP, \\TRNMOD\\TRNDOC\\DOCCUR\\DOCUIL ) )",
	"SG000563": "Beneficiary's document directly to the Issuing Bank and hence precludes from the First Beneficiary's substituting",
	"CT000523": "Specification",
	"SG000562": "by the First Beneficiary. If any bank/financial institution other than the Transferring Bank dispatches the Second",
	"CT000522": "Tolerance +/-",
	"RG000583": "Second Advising Bank\', XMLGetPtyNam( LTDGRP\\A2T ) )",
	"SG000561": "All documents drawn under this Transferred Credit shall be presented to us for substitution of drafts/invoice",
	"CT000368": "Advice of Execution",
	"RG000581": "Reimbursing Bank\', XMLGetPtyNam( LTDGRP\\RMT ) )",
	"CT000539": "",
	"CT000536": "Def. Payment Details",
	"CT000535": "Mixed Payment Details",
	"CT000538": "",
	"CT000537": "Additional amounts",
	"CT000532": "For Transportation to",
	"CT000377": "This date cannot be before the shipment date",
	"CT000531": "Shipment from",
	"CT000534": "Available by",
	"CT000379": "Maximum duration is $1 days.\n $2 days are not allowed",
	"CT000373": "In Local LCs the beneficiary has to be stored in the database.\nPlease enter advising bank or address of second beneficiary",
	"CT000376": "This date must not be before the issuance date",
	"CT000530": "Transshipment",
	"CT000372": "days after date of shipment.",
	"CT000371": "Documents to be presented within",
	"CT000547": "Additional Conditions:",
	"CT000546": "Documents Required:",
	"CT000549": "Presentation Period",
	"CT000548": "Details of Charges",
	"CT000543": "Details of charges",
	"CT000542": "Presentation Period",
	"CT000545": "Description of Goods and / or Services:",
	"CT000544": "Shipment Period",
	"CT000385": "Advising bank is entered, please either fill in confirmation instructions or delete the advising bank.",
	"CT000387": "Please enter this amount tolerance without a sign",
	"CT000541": "Drawn on",
	"CT000386": "This amount tolerance has to be positive",
	"CT000540": "Drafts at",