export default { "SG000414": "传真", "CT000239": "New Tolerance +/-", "SG000413": "电话", "CT000238": "New L/C Amount", "SG000412": "邮编", "SG000411": "地址", "SG000410": "开证行", "CT000234": "Reimbursement Authorization", "CT000355": "信用证修改备查表", "CT000358": "本次做了增额修改,应加收保证金不小于$1$2!", "CT000237": "Amount Reduced", "CT000236": "Amount Increased", "CT000354": "信用证修改备查表", "PD000026": "Reimbursement Authorization", "CT000190": "Cancel MT740 for the unutilised balance", "CT000192": "Next revolving", "CT000191": "Next revolving instructions received?", "PD000025": "Acknowledgment", "PD000024": "Amendment", "CG000357": "修改信用证类型", "CT000249": "Additional Amount", "CT000208": "amendment", "CG000352": "不需要", "CG000353": "其它", "CT000204": "Other Reimbursement Amendments", "CT000203": "Reimbursement Amendment", "SG000361": "备案表效期", "CG000350": "转口贸易", "CG000351": "90天以上信用证", "PD000015": "Amendment", "RI000356": "信用证修改备查表\'--", "CT000240": "New Expiry Date", "PD000331": "备查表1", "PD000330": "备查表5", "CG000349": "异地付汇", "CT000415": "Documents to be presented within", "SG000358": "特殊规定", "CT000219": "Mapping of new amount $1 $2 cleared because not in contract currency $3", "CT000417": "elcs.103.001.02报文暂未开通,请发elcs.103.001.01报文", "CT000416": "days after date of shipment.", "CG000348": "不在名录", "SG000356": "不规范条款类型", "SG000398": "特殊规定", "CT000412": "从开证日至展延后的有效期已超过180天,是否继续?", "CT000379": "信用证修改书", "CT000250": "Covered", "PD000328": "备查表", "PD000329": "备查表3", "PD000041": "Reimbursement Amendment", "SG000347": "备查表类型", "CT000223": "Number of incoming message $1 does not match with amendment number used from contract ($2).", "CT000220": "Mapping of amendment amount $1 $2 cleared because not in contract currency $3", "CT000264": "According to UCP600 second advising bank should not be changed!", "CT000263": "Amendment Narrative", "CT000189": "Import LC Expired", "CT000222": "The amendment number in the incoming message is $1, the next number for the contract is $2.\nAre you sure that this is the correct sequence of amendments?\nDo you want to continue with contract $3?", "CT000266": "The Letter of Credit is fully utilized. You are amending the Letter of Credit without increasing the L/C Amount.", "CT000188": "Import LC will expire", "CT000221": "Mapping of amendment amount $1 $2 adjusted to new amount of message.\nNew amount $1 $3 does not match with calulated amount of contract $1 $4\nSequence of amendments should be checked", "CT000265": "The Letter of Credit has expired. You are amending the Letter of Credit without extending its validity.", "PD000038": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", "CT000380": "信用证修改书", }