export default { "CG000246": "FTYNUM", "SG000139": "DEL---Trn deleted", "CG000247": "MFTCUSID", "SG000138": "COR---Correction", "SG000137": "TRN---Trn created", "CG000249": "FILETYPE", "SG000136": "操作类型描述", "CT000158": "No matching transaction found", "CT000154": "该机构不明确,不能进行此项操作!", "CT000153": "交易状态不对, 不能执行此操作!", "CT000155": "请确认您真的需要总行协助办理此笔业务 !", "CT000152": "总行不能进行这项操作!", "CT000151": "No matching transaction found", "CT000030": "Authorisation is not sufficient for confirmation", "CT000209": "The selected Transaction is no longer waiting", "CT000206": "额度回退失败,失败原因:$1", "PD000094": "new panel", "CT000208": "No matching transaction found", "CT000207": "$1额度回退成功!", "CT000169": "", "CT000048": "Authorisation for this user not sufficient for any missing signature", "CT000168": "Addtional Text", "CT000049": "Transaction with INR $1 not found", "CT000165": "确定退回该交易?", "CT000164": "交易状态不正确,状态是 $1.", "RF000156": "Ident-Nr\' + \"\\\" 56\" + CR", "CT000167": "交易状态不正确,状态是 $1.", "CT000166": "确定退回该交易?", "CT000161": "确定删除该交易?", "CT000160": "$1状态不正确", "CT000163": "确定删除该交易?", "PD000134": "流程记录", "CT000217": "$1状态不正确", "CT000216": "The selected Transaction is no longer waiting", "CT000219": "This field is mandatory", "RG000157": "4\',\'5\') \"", "CT000218": "This field is mandatory", "CG000187": "Img", "CT000213": "$1状态不正确", "CG000188": "His.img", "CT000212": "The selected Transaction is no longer waiting", "S0000096": "Signature", "CG000189": "额度查询", "CT000215": "$1状态不正确", "CT000214": "The selected Transaction is no longer waiting", "SF000103": "Total #", "CT000211": "$1状态不正确", "CG000190": "Search All", "CG000191": "导出Excel", "CT000171": "DATA\TRNDATA\ $1 .DAT不存在", "CF000069": "E&xit", "CF000102": "E&xit", "CF000067": "Re&pair", "CF000100": "Re&pair", "SF000118": "of marked", "CF000068": "Reject", "CF000101": "Reject", "CF000065": "D&isplay", "CT000228": "请将查询条件中时间范围控制在366天内(含)。", "CT000106": "Transaction with INR $1 locked by $2 since $3 $4", "CT000227": "This field is mandatory", "CT000109": "Authorisation for this user not sufficient for any missing signature", "CF000064": "&Search All", "CT000229": "起始日期不能大于截止日期!", "SF000075": "Reference", "CT000223": "This field is mandatory", "SF000077": "Transaction Type", "CT000105": "Transaction with INR $1 locked by $2 since $3", "CT000226": "This field is mandatory", "SF000076": "and", "CT000225": "起始日期不能大于截止日期!", "CT000104": "Check warnings first!", "SF000079": "Between", "SF000112": "selected", "CT000187": "", "CT000220": "请将查询条件中时间范围控制在366天内(含)。", "SG000186": "信用证标志", "SF000078": "Status", "CT000186": "$1 matching transactions were found", "CT000222": "This field is mandatory", "CT000221": "起始日期不能大于截止日期!", "CT000062": "The selected Transaction is no longer waiting", "CT000117": "交易名称", "CT000235": "请将查询条件中时间范围控制在2年内(含)。", "CT000113": "此交易没有影像!!!", "CT000234": "请将查询条件中时间范围控制在2年内(含)。", "CT000116": "操作柜员", "CF000119": "&Diaries", "SF000121": "row", "CT000115": "操作类型", "CT000236": "文件$1\n保存失败!", "CT000077": "Own Reference", "CT000231": "请将查询条件中时间范围控制在2年内(含)。", "CT000076": "TRN", "CT000079": "Entry", "CT000112": "Please ensure Reference!", "SF000124": "Transaction Text", "CT000111": "Please ensure Reference!", "CT000232": "请将查询条件中时间范围控制在366天内(含)。", "CF000125": "", "CF000120": "&Diaries", "CG000158": "&Search", "CT000128": "操作时间", "CT000246": "$1", "CT000004": "Insufficient authorisation for this signature", "CT000245": "$1", "CT000003": "\'From date\' ($1) can not be later then \'until date\' ($2)", "CT000127": "进入交易时间", "CT000005": "Authorisation for this user not sufficient for any missing signature", "CT000242": "B类企业", "CT000088": "Cur", "CT000000": "Authorisation: $1 / $2", "CT000241": "A类企业", "CG000151": "Rel &Control", "CT000244": "$1", "S0000243": "监控国家信息", "CT000002": "No matching transaction found", "CT000243": "C类企业", "S0000244": "监控说明信息", "SG000161": "User", "CT000001": "Transaction with INR $1 not found", "CT000084": "Branch", "CT000086": "Status", "CT000240": "docid is empty", "R0000185": "RELMAX $1\', RELMAX )", "CT000082": "Sig", "CT000081": "Req", "CF000095": "&Release", "RG000239": "$1\', $key )", "CF000098": "&Search", "CF000131": "&Release", "CG000147": "S&earch Own", "CF000099": "&Confirm", "SG000159": "Branch", "CT000135": "操作信息", "CT000138": "User", "SG000155": "操作流程", "CG000146": "", "CT000132": "交易名称", "SG000153": "SIG---Signature", "CT000131": "操作柜员", "SG000152": "CAN---Order Canceled", "CT000134": "操作时间", "CT000133": "进入交易时间", "CT000130": "操作类型", "CT000097": "Send for Repair to", "CT000096": "Errors occured during rollback:\n$1", "PD000240": "监控国家信息", "PD000245": "云平台盖章文件信息", "RF000137": "Resp\' + \"\\\" 46\" + CR", "CG000257": "RSTEXT", "CG000258": "USERID", "CG000259": "显示", "PD000071": "Selection Panel", "CT000147": "Relevant Amount", "CT000026": "Transaction with INR $1 not found", "CT000146": "Rel2", "CG000133": "冲正", "SG000145": "ROU---ReRounting", "CG000255": "SIGHFILENAM", "SG000144": "SPT---Spt Released", "CG000256": "STA", "SG000143": "BRK---Break", "CT000143": "Rq1", "SG000142": "INC---Message received", "CT000022": "Illegal value for signature number", "CT000142": "Rel0", "SG000141": "DES---Spt deleted", "CT000145": "Rq2", "CG000130": "Old.img", "CG000251": "AXQNO", "SG000140": "REL---Trn released", "CT000024": "Insufficient authorisation for this signature", "CT000144": "Rel1", "CG000252": "FILENAME", "CT000023": "Illegal value for signature number", "CT000141": "Rq0", "CT000140": "交易状态不正确,状态是 $1.", }