import Api from "~/service/Api" import Pts from "../Common/Pts" export default class Sptneg{ constructor () { = { docimm:{ ascin:"", // Message as stream .docimm.ascin prtswtrpblk:"", // XMLPanel prtswtrp的内置block .docimm.prtswtrpblk prtswtpblk:"", // XMLPanel prtswtp的内置block .docimm.prtswtpblk xmldocblk:"", // XMLPanel xmldoc的内置block .docimm.xmldocblk docbol:{ prtpblk:"", // XMLPanel prtp的内置block .docimm.docbol.prtpblk }, }, spt:{ sta:"", // Type .spt.sta hldflg:"", // Hold Flag .spt.hldflg objnam:"", // Reference .spt.objnam inr:"", // Internal Unique ID of Pending Transaction .spt.inr txt:"", // Name .spt.txt frm:"", // Transaction .spt.frm ownusr:"", // Responsible User .spt.ownusr ownusg:"", // Responsible Group .spt.ownusg inftxt:"", // Infotext .spt.inftxt infdsp:"", // Infotext .spt.infdsp usr:"", // Entered by .spt.usr dattim:"", // Time of Creation .spt.dattim cretrn:"", // Creating Transaction ID .spt.cretrn tardattim:"", // Target for Completion .spt.tardattim }, sptp:{ smh:{ msgtyp:"", // Message Type .sptp.smh.msgtyp sndkey:"", // Receiver Key .sptp.smh.sndkey relcur:"", // Relevant Amount .sptp.smh.relcur relamt:"", // Relevant Amount Optional .sptp.smh.relamt }, ordp0:{ orddur:"", // Duration .sptp.ordp0.orddur recget:{ sdamod:{ dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .sptp.ordp0.recget.sdamod.dadsnd seainf:"", // .sptp.ordp0.recget.sdamod.seainf }, }, conarg:{ sector:"", // Sector .sptp.ordp0.conarg.sector selref:"", // Contract .sptp.ordp0.conarg.selref selnam:"", // name of selected contract .sptp.ordp0.conarg.selnam }, pta:{ ptyextkey:"", // Ordering Party .sptp.ordp0.pta.ptyextkey nam:"", // Externally Visible Name of Address .sptp.ordp0.pta.nam }, prtpanblk:"", // XMLPanel prtpan的内置block .sptp.ordp0.prtpanblk }, ord:{ extkey:"", // Order Number .sptp.ord.extkey nam:"", // External Readable Identification .sptp.ord.nam inr:"", // Internal Unique ID of Transaction .sptp.ord.inr ownusr:"", // Responsible User .sptp.ord.ownusr ownusg:"", // Responsible Group Optional .sptp.ord.ownusg sta:"", // Status .sptp.ord.sta chkflg:"", // Order OK .sptp.ord.chkflg inftxt:"", // Infotext .sptp.ord.inftxt infdsp:"", // Infotext .sptp.ord.infdsp inidattim:"", // Group .sptp.ord.inidattim stadattim:"", // Timestamp of Last Status Update .sptp.ord.stadattim cpldattim:"", // Timestamp of Completion .sptp.ord.cpldattim tardattim:"", // Target for Completion .sptp.ord.tardattim }, prtpanblk:"", // XMLPanel prtpan的内置block .sptp.prtpanblk cmt100pylblk:"", // XMLPanel cmt100pyl的内置block .sptp.cmt100pylblk fmtpylblk:"", // XMLPanel fmtpyl的内置block .sptp.fmtpylblk cipspanblk:"", // XMLPanel cipspan的内置block .sptp.cipspanblk }, chkinc:"", // Incoming .chkinc chkrim:"", // Registered .chkrim chkpen:"", // Pending .chkpen chkcor:"", // Correction .chkcor chkaut:"", // Automatic .chkaut selobj:"", // Reference .selobj seltxt:"", // Selection Name .seltxt usfmod:{ labtxt:"", // Text of Label .usfmod.labtxt usftxt:"", // Text of Selection Text .usfmod.usftxt flt:"", // Filter .usfmod.flt selusg:"", // Selected User Group .usfmod.selusg selusgset:"", // Selected User Group Set .usfmod.selusgset usr:{ extkey:"", // User ID .usfmod.usr.extkey }, usrget:{ sdamod:{ seainf:"", // .usfmod.usrget.sdamod.seainf }, }, selusb:"", // Select user branch .usfmod.selusb }, sptstm:"", // List of SPT records .sptstm clmmod:{ wfs:{ objtyp:"", // Table Used to Store Associated Object .clmmod.wfs.objtyp objinr:"", // Object .clmmod.wfs.objinr objnam:"", // External Readable Object Identification .clmmod.wfs.objnam }, wfestm:"", // WFEs for transaction for display .clmmod.wfestm }, pageId: "" // ctx的key } } }