export default {
	"CT000459": "Your Reference",
	"CT000458": "Release of Goods",
	"CT000213": "Tenor Details",
	"CT000212": "Maturity",
	"CT000039": "Collection Condition",
	"CT000214": "Number of Amendment",
	"CT000033": "First presentation",
	"CT000451": "Description of Goods",
	"CT000032": "See field 72 for specification",
	"CT000450": "Value of Goods",
	"CT000211": "Multiple Tenor",
	"CT000034": "After goods pass food and drug administration",
	"CT000452": "Expiry Date",
	"CT000051": "Draft Instructions",
	"CT000031": "After date of transport document",
	"CT000053": "Charges Details",
	"CT000030": "After sight",
	"CT000052": "Protest Instructions",
	"CT000448": "Shipment from",
	"CT000029": "After invoice date",
	"CT000447": "Vessel Name",
	"CT000207": "Acknowledgment of Collection",
	"CT000449": "Shipment to",
	"CT000004": "Collection number",
	"CT000026": "After date of bill of exchange",
	"CT000444": "Transport Document No.",
	"CT000003": "Collection Amount",
	"CT000047": "Further Instructions",
	"CT000443": "Transport Document Type",
	"CT000028": "After arrival of goods",
	"CT000446": "Mode of Transport",
	"CT000027": "After customer clearance of goods",
	"CT000049": "Delivery of Document Instructions",
	"CT000445": "Issuance Date",
	"CT000044": "Documents against Mixed Payment",
	"CT000440": "Shipping Guarantee",
	"CT000043": "Documents against Deferred Payment",
	"CT000442": "Date of Release",
	"CT000441": "Type of Release",
	"CT000040": "Clean Collection",
	"CT000042": "Documents against Sight Payment",
	"CT000460": "Our Reference",
	"CT000041": "Documents against Acceptance",