<template> <el-container style="background-color: #e8e8e8; margin: 0; padding-bottom: 8px" > <el-header style="padding: 0"> <headerCom></headerCom> </el-header> <!-- <div style="height: 8px"></div> --> <vue-draggable-resizable v-if="dragShow" :w="size.w" :h="size.h" :x="250" :y="100" class="m-draggable" :parent="true" :disable-user-select="false" :draggable="true" :drag-cancel="'.'+ dragStyle" > <div :class="{'m-enable-draggable-header': true,'m-enable-draggable-header-min': dragStatus == 0}" > <div class="m-draggable-header"> <span class="m-tool-title">{{toolTitle}}</span> <i class="el-icon-minus" v-show="dragStatus !== 0" @click="changeSize(0)"></i> <i class="el-icon-copy-document" v-show="dragStatus !== 1" @click="changeSize(1)"></i> <i class="el-icon-full-screen" v-show="dragStatus !== 2" @click="changeSize(2)"></i> <i class="el-icon-close" @click="closeDraggable"></i> </div> </div> <div style="margin:-15px -10px -15px -10px; border: 1px solid #f7fbfd; height: 15px; width: 1000; background-color:#f7fbfd; 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padding:0px; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom=0px;" v-show="dragStatus !== 0" ></div> </vue-draggable-resizable> <el-container> <el-aside width="240px" style="background-color: white"> <sideMenu></sideMenu> </el-aside> <div style="width: 0.5px;background-color: #1561e0;opacity: 0.2;"></div> <el-main class="m-app-main"> <tagViews></tagViews> <div style="height: 0.5px;background-color: #1561e0;opacity: 0.2;"></div> <business></business> <toolbars @openTool="handleChooseTool"></toolbars> </el-main> </el-container> </el-container> </template> <script> import headerCom from "./Header"; import sideMenu from "./SideMenu"; import tagViews from "./components/TagsView"; import business from "../Business"; import toolbars from "~/components/Toolbars"; import VueDraggableResizable from 'vue-draggable-resizable' import cms from "~/components/Cms" import calculator from "~/widget/Calculator" import account from "~/widget/Account" import swiftcode from "~/widget/SwiftCode" import finishedtask from "~/widget/Business" import feetype from "~/widget/Fee" import sendMessageQuery from "~/widget/MsgSent" import receiveMessageQuery from "~/widget/MsgReceived" export default { name: "Layout", components: { headerCom, sideMenu, tagViews, business, toolbars, calculator, cms, account, swiftcode, finishedtask, feetype, sendMessageQuery, receiveMessageQuery, 'vue-draggable-resizable': VueDraggableResizable, }, data(){ return { isShow: false, currentTool: '', toolTitle: '', size: { w: 800, h: 477, }, dragStyle: 'm-draggable-content', dragShow: false, dragStatus: 1 // 0 最小化 1 中等 2 最大化 } }, methods:{ getIsShow(data) { this.isShow = data console.log(this.isShow) }, handleChooseTool(e) { this.dragShow = true this.currentTool = e.target.id this.changeSize(1) // 显示工具栏标题 if (this.currentTool === 'tool-caculate') { this.toolTitle = "计算器"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-search') { this.toolTitle = "大额支付行号查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-telexCode') { this.toolTitle = "电报码查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-account') { this.toolTitle = "账户查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-swiftcode') { this.toolTitle = "SwiftCode查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-finishedtask') { this.toolTitle = "业务查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-exchangerate') { this.toolTitle = "即期牌价查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-holiday') { this.toolTitle = "节假日查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-interestrate') { this.toolTitle = "利率查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-vatinvoic') { this.toolTitle = "增值税发票查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-accttradedetails') { this.toolTitle = "账户交易明细查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-forwardexchangerate') { this.toolTitle = "远期牌价查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-feetype') { this.toolTitle = "费用查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-txSerialNo') { this.toolTitle = "交易流水号查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-sendMessageQuery') { this.toolTitle="发报查询"; this.sendMessageQuery = "发报查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-receiveMessageQuery') { this.toolTitle="收报查询"; this.receiveMessageQuery = "收报查询"; } else if (this.currentTool === 'tool-innerAccountBal') { this.toolTitle = "内部户可用余额查询"; } }, closeDraggable() { this.dragShow = false this.currentTool = '' }, changeSize(tag) { this.dragStatus = tag if (this.dragStatus == 0) { this.size = { w: 250, h: 20, } } if (this.dragStatus == 2) { this.size = { w: 1200, h: 777, } this.dragStyle = 'm-draggable-content-large' } if (this.dragStatus == 1) { this.size = { w: 800, h: 477, } this.dragStyle = 'm-draggable-content' } }, } }; </script> <style> .m-app-main { background-color: var(--bgcolor); padding: 0; position: relative; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; margin-right: 10px; flex: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .el-aside { height: 100%; transition: width 300ms; /* overflow: hidden; */ overflow: unset; 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