export default { "CT000059": "Finished $1 with RC $5 for $3 $4 $6", "CT000058": "Finished service $1 $2 for $3 $4 with return code $5", "CT000039": "Service $1 stopped", "CT000011": "Execute service $1 $2 for $3 $4", "CT000033": "$1 $2 $3 Service $4 RC $5\n$6", "CT000077": "Entity", "CT000032": "Read of $4 $1 failed for service $2. Errorcode $3", "CT000054": "Service $1 $2 waiting for \'Retry\' for $3 $4", "CT000013": "Service $1 $2 for $3 $4 activated", "CT000034": "Update of $4 $1 failed after service $2. Errorcode $3", "CT000056": "Can not start $1 due to errors in service order:\n$2", "CT000078": "Ident", "CT000051": "$1 waiting workflow entries read. (Previous pass: $2 success, $3 retry, $4 error)", "CT000031": "Hold of $4 $1 failed for service $2. Errorcode $3", "CT000030": "$5 \'$1\' is locked by $2 since $3 so it cannot be handled by service $4", "CT000052": "Activated $1 with RC $5 for $3 $4", "T0000008": "handle services and workflow subjects for manager", "CT000070": "Rollback failed", "PD000000": "Tasklist Workflow Entries", "CT000107": "Got display information for $1 workflow entries.", "CT000029": "Lock of $4 $1 failed for service $2. Errorcode $3", "CT000106": "Get display information for $1 workflow entries.", "CT000004": "$5 \'$1\' is locked by $2 since $3 so it cannot be handled by service $4", "CT000103": "Object Identification", "CT000069": "Update of $4 $1 before rejection in service $2 failed. Errorcode $3", "CT000043": "Cannot execute service as status of entry is \'E\'rror", "CT000068": "Transaction canceled by service", "CT000062": "Transaction", "CT000061": "Service $4 RC $5\n$6", "CT000083": "Target", "CT000064": "Service $4 RC $5\n$6", "CT000086": "Retries", "CT000041": "Cannot execute service as entry is already done", "CT000063": "Order", "CT000085": "Status", "CT000080": "Service", "CT000060": "WFE $1 $2 not found", }