<template> <div class="eibs-tab"> <c-col :span="24"> <c-col :span="12"> <c-fullbox> <el-form-item label="申请人" prop="fcdgrp.apl.pts.extkey"> <c-input v-model="model.fcdgrp.apl.pts.extkey" maxlength="16" placeholder="请输入申请人Extkey" @keyup.enter.native="showGridPromptDialog('fcdgrp.apl.pts.extkey')" ></c-input> </el-form-item> <template slot="footer"> <c-button size="small" type="primary" @click="onAplpDet"> Details </c-button> </template> </c-fullbox> </c-col> <c-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label=""> <c-checkbox v-model="model.errflg">已使用保证金</c-checkbox> </el-form-item> </c-col> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="" prop="fcdgrp.apl.pts.nam"> <c-input v-model="model.fcdgrp.apl.pts.nam" maxlength="40" placeholder="请输入Name of Party" disabled ></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="" prop="fcdgrp.apl.pta.nam1"> <c-input v-model="model.fcdgrp.apl.pta.nam1" maxlength="40" placeholder="请输入Externally Visible Name of Address" disabled ></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="Our Reference" prop="fcdgrp.rec.ownref"> <c-input v-model="model.fcdgrp.rec.ownref" maxlength="16" placeholder="请输入Our Reference" disabled ></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="说明" prop="fcdgrp.rec.reason"> <c-input v-model="model.fcdgrp.rec.reason" maxlength="40" placeholder="请输入collect reason" disabled ></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-col :span="12"> <c-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="保证金金额" prop="fcdgrp.rec.cur"> <c-select v-model="model.fcdgrp.rec.cur" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请选择currency" disabled > </c-select> </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="" label-width="20px" prop="fcdgrp.rec.amt"> <c-input v-model="model.fcdgrp.rec.amt" placeholder="请输入保证金金额" disabled ></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> </c-col> <c-col :span="12"> <c-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="保证金账户" prop="fcdgrp.rec.extact"> <c-input v-model="model.fcdgrp.rec.extact" maxlength="8" placeholder="请输入Extend Account" disabled ></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="12"> <c-fullbox> <el-form-item label="" label-width="20px" prop="fcdgrp.rec.engact"> <c-input v-model="model.fcdgrp.rec.engact" maxlength="16" placeholder="请输入Engagement account" disabled ></c-input> </el-form-item> <template slot="footer"> <el-form-item label="" label-width="0" prop="gleflg"> <c-checkbox v-model="model.gleflg" style="margin-left: 10px" >是否过帐</c-checkbox > </el-form-item> </template> </c-fullbox> </c-col> </c-col> </c-col> <!-- <c-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="" prop="aplp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf"> <c-input v-model="model.aplp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf" placeholder="请输入" ></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> --> <c-col :span="24"> <c-istream-table :list="model.cshstm.rows || []" :columns="columns" v-on:chooseRowEvent="chooseRowEvent" ></c-istream-table> </c-col> </div> </template> <script> import Api from "~/service/Api"; import commonProcess from "~/mixin/commonProcess"; import CodeTable from "~/config/CodeTable"; import Event from "~/model/Fctcan/Event"; export default { inject: ["root"], props: ["model", "codes"], mixins: [commonProcess], data() { return { columns: [ '0 1 "INR" 100', '1 2 "Own Reference" 150', '2 3 "收取日期" 120 4 7', '3 4 "Cur" 56', '4 5 "Relevant Amount" 150 2 8:1 2 5', '5 6 "" auto', '6 7 "保证金帐号" 120', '7 8 "是否过帐" 120', '8 9 "是否到帐" 120', '9 10 "是否被用" 120', '10 11 "说明 " 200', '11 12 "被用在交易" 120', "P COLORED TRUE", "P VERTLINES TRUE", "P HORZLINES TRUE", "P MULTISELECT FLASE", ], }; }, methods: { ...Event, async chooseRowEvent(row) { const selIds = [row.IDX + 1]; //rowno选中行 const selDst = "cshstm" //列表对应后台模型中的stream let params = { selDst: selDst, selIds: selIds }; let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("cshstm", params) if(rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { this.updateModel(rtnmsg.data) } } }, created: function () {}, }; </script> <style> </style>