export default { "CT000718": "Language", "SG000776": "Chinese name", "SG000775": "组织机构代码", "CT000835": "错误信息:$1", "SF000561": "Name", "SG000771": "上浮比率", "CT000831": "编码必须为10位", "SF000560": "Headquarter", "SG000770": "客户类别", "SF000562": "Name", "RG000807": "Mandatory\' )", "CT000829": "您确定要将该客户维护成网银大客户吗?", "SG000769": "流动资金贷款利率档次", "CG000878": "Update All", "CT000726": "Account M.", "CG000879": "Update one", "CT000608": "Post Code & City", "CT000729": "< < No mailing instructions found > >", "SG000888": "ocrm认定日期", "CT000844": "ECIF客户名称获取成功!", "SG000887": "企业规模(国标)", "CT000843": "错误信息:$1", "SG000885": "电证地址", "CT000725": "Officer", "CT000845": "错误信息:$1", "SG000884": "电证名称", "SG000883": "组织机构代码", "SG000882": "代理行名称", "CT000842": "ECIF客户信息获取成功!", "SG000881": "贸金客户类别", "CT000049": "Address Display", "CT000720": "Messages", "CT000285": "Party No.", "PD000655": "Authentication of Address", "SF000589": "Accounts Defined", "CT000859": "Discount", "CT000617": "Department", "CT000858": "Sell Type", "CT000616": "Country", "CT000619": "Post Code", "CT000618": "P O Box", "CT000855": "Cur", "CT000854": "错误信息:$1", "CG000863": "是否电商", "CT000857": "Discount", "CT000856": "Buy Type", "SG000873": "币种", "CT000614": "Text not found", "CT000851": "错误信息:请输入客户号!", "CT000853": "从ECIF系统获取ECIF客户号为:$1", "CT000852": "错误信息:该客户为非代理行客户!", "CG000861": "ECIF", "CF000579": "Name", "SF000584": "Contact Persons", "CF000698": "Info", "CF000578": "Gender", "CT000298": "Name", "PD000200": "Details", "CF000586": "Cur.", "CF000587": "Account No.", "SG000867": "卖价优惠", "CT000509": "Type", "CF000585": "Type", "CG000858": "&Exit", "SG000866": "买价优惠", "CT000745": "Party with INR=$1 not found.", "CF000582": "Telefax", "CT000503": "Other", "CT000744": "Party with INR=$1 not found.", "CT000502": "Own Address", "CF000580": "Department", "CG000853": "查询", "CF000581": "Office Phone", "SF000592": "Risk Country", "CT000741": "DTA Import L/C ID", "SF000591": "Credit Class", "CT000861": "确定要更新所有币种的优惠方式和优惠点数?", "SG000860": "ECIFNO", "CT000740": "DTA Export L/C ID", "CT000501": "Party Name", "SF000593": "Risk Description", "CG000850": "&Get", "CT000860": "请先选择币种再做优惠更新", "SF000590": "Total Number of Accounts", "CG000859": "ECIF名称", "CT000639": "Telefone 2", "SF000768": "Service Level", "SF000889": "DTA Guarantees ID", "SF000649": "DTA Import L/C ID", "CT000510": "Either accounting of housebank or headquarter may be used; not both", "CT000631": "Telefone 1", "SF000880": "金融机构类型", "CT000511": "Either conditions of housebank or headquarter may be used; not both", "CF000637": "E-mail", "CT000632": "Telefax 1", "PD000460": "Address Panel", "SF000534": "Party No.", "CT000529": "Telefax", "CT000528": "Account Name", "SF000536": "Party Name", "SF000535": "Type", "CF000640": "", "SF000538": "Street", "CT000525": "Type", "SF000537": "Name", "CT000524": "Accounts", "CT000527": "Account No.", "SF000539": "Post Code", "CT000526": "Currency", "CF000528": "", "CT000642": "TradeConnect ID", "CT000641": "Branch ID", "CF000526": "Bank", "CT000644": "Clearing", "CF000527": "Client", "CT000643": "Bank Code", "SF000650": "DTA Export L/C ID", "CT000640": "Telefax 2", "SF000773": "%", "SF000545": "Telefone 1/2", "CF000532": "Use Accounting of Housebank", "CF000653": "&Make Main", "SF000544": "Department", "SF000547": "Telex", "SF000546": "Telefax 1/2", "CF000530": "", "SF000549": "Branch ID", "SF000548": "BIC", "CT000532": "Fee Text", "CT000531": "Fee Code", "CT000533": "Condition", "SF000541": "P O Box", "SF000540": "& City", "CF000533": "Use Accounting of Headquarter", "SF000543": "Country or region", "CT000530": "Fee Conditions", "SF000542": "中文邮编", "SF000663": "Authentication of Address", "PD000369": "Additional Addresses", "PD000000": "Party", "SF000555": "Bank Code", "SF000557": "Account M.", "SF000559": "Housebank", "CT000543": "Party No.", "CT000300": "Street", "CT000542": "Corr.Type", "CF000669": "Public key", "SF000550": "Clearing", "CT000424": "Additional Addresses", "CT000545": "Original Flag", "CT000544": "Medium", "CF000667": "Address of Message", "SF000552": "Messages", "CF000668": "Authenticator", "SF000551": "Language", "SF000554": "TradeCon.", "CT000541": "Mailing Instructions", "CF000666": "Corr.Type", "SF000553": "E-mail", "SG000813": "中文地址", "SF000604": "Additional Addresses", "CT000437": "BIC", "CT000436": "Address", "CT000557": "< < No fee found > >", "CT000439": "Usage", "CT000438": "Location", "CT000559": "< < Fee-INR in fee conditions is empty! > >", "CT000554": "< < No contacts found > >", "CT000553": "< < No additional addresses found > >", "CT000435": "Key", "CT000556": "< < No contacts found > >", "CT000555": "< < No accounts found > >", "CT000552": "< < No accounts found > >", "CT000551": "Party Name", "PD000700": "Info and Stoptext", "PD000701": "Further Info- and Stoptext", "PD000822": "代理行维护", "SG000809": "交易主体", "SG000808": "支行", "SF000611": "P O Box", "SF000610": "& City", "SF000613": "Country", "SF000612": "Post Code", "SF000615": "Telefone 1/2", "CT000569": "Housebank", "SF000614": "Department", "CT000568": "Text not found", "SF000617": "Telex", "SF000616": "Telefax 1/2", "CT000565": "< < No party name found > >", "CF000606": "E&xit", "CT000685": "Risk Text", "CT000567": "Text not found", "CT000566": "Text not found", "CF000601": "BIC", "CT000682": "Risk Control", "CF000602": "Location", "CT000560": "< < No fee conditions found > >", "CT000684": "Risk Country", "CF000600": "Address", "CT000562": "< < No mailing instructions found > >", "CT000683": "Risk Class", "SF000608": "Street", "SF000607": "Name", "SF000609": "Post Code", "SF000622": "Messages", "SF000621": "Language", "SF000624": "TradeCon.", "SF000623": "E-mail", "SF000626": "Usage", "CT000459": "E-mail", "SF000625": "Bank Code", "CT000458": "Office Phone", "CT000455": "Gender", "CT000576": "Use Accounts", "CT000454": "Contacts", "CT000575": "Use Conditions", "CT000457": "Department", "CT000456": "Name", "CT000572": "< < No housebank found > >", "SF000620": "Clearing", "CT000574": "Name", "CT000694": "< < No risk control found > >", "CT000570": "Headquarter", "SF000619": "Branch ID", "SF000618": "BIC", "PD000044": "Accounts", "SF000638": "Address Status", "CF000627": "Own Address", "CF000628": "Other", "CT000346": "Party No.", "CT000583": "Name", "CT000582": "Party No.", "CT000585": "Use Accounts", "CT000584": "Use Conditions", "PD000038": "Contacts", "SG000857": "外汇许可证号", "CF000595": "Display", "SG000856": "组织机构代码", "CG000847": "启用标志", "SG000855": "客户号", "SG000852": "客户名称", "CF000599": "Key", "PD000864": "Party Rate Discount", "CT000591": "< < No headquarter found > >", "SG000848": "国内地区码", "CT000804": "Authenticator", "CT000803": "SWIFT BIC", "CT000806": "Mandatory", "CT000805": "Mandatory", "CT000802": "Authenticator", "SF000814": "2", "CT000801": "Telex", "CT000000": "The external key \"$1\" already exists. Please specify a different one.", "CT000002": "The specified key $1 was not found.", "CT000001": "The specified key $1 was not found.", "PD000851": "ECIF客户信息", "CF000809": "科目代码", "CG000837": "清算代理行BIC", "CG000838": "清算代理行名称", "CG000839": "清算代理行帐号", "CT000815": "some wrong on the branch!please check.", "CT000817": "some wrong on the branch!please check.", "CT000816": "some wrong on the branch!please check.", "CT000810": "代码校验失败", "CG000820": "Get", "CF000810": "", "T0000643": "Panel Module for Party", "CT000491": "Client", "CT000490": "Bank", "SF000817": "3", "SF000816": "1", "CT000808": "组织机构代码位数错误(9位)", "CT000809": "代码校验失败,校验码为 $1", "CT000826": "0", "CT000825": "请再次确认汇率优惠比例!", "CG000812": "特殊经济区域", "CT000828": "stream is empty", "CT000822": "You can not select a bank!", "SG000821": "企业海关十位制编码", "CT000821": "You only can select one type OR select Bank and Own!", "CT000824": "请再次确认汇率优惠比例!", "CT000823": "0", "CT000820": "You must select a party type!", "PD000636": "Print", "SG000819": "开户行信息", "CT000819": "the branch is not yours", "CT000818": "The external key $1 allready exists. Please specify a different one.", "CG000818": "海关", }