export default { "CF000278": "Show closed", "CT000037": "The passed loan is not connected to an Import-L/C nor import document set and can not be processed here.", "S0000150": "Open Amount", "CT000039": "Can\'t find documents to Loan.", "S0000151": "Beneficiary", "CT000038": "Can\'t find Import L/C to Loan.", "S0000152": "Available with", "S0000153": "by", "S0000154": "Form of L/C", "S0000155": "Date/ Place of Expiry", "S0000156": "Advising Bank", "PD000302": "Selection Header for SG", "S0000149": "L/C Amount", "PD000306": "Selection Header for DF", "PD000146": "Header for LI", "PD000267": "Selection Header for BP", "CF000288": "", "S0000280": "Name", "S0000160": "Applicant", "S0000281": "Advance Amount", "S0000161": "Ref.", "S0000282": "Open Amount", "S0000162": "Ref.", "S0000283": "Open Date", "S0000163": "Ref.", "S0000284": "Due Date", "SF000296": "Contr. to be Financed", "S0000285": "Ref.", "CT000043": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.", "S0000286": "Advanced Party", "CT000046": "with Bills under Import L / C", "S0000287": "Type of Advance", "CT000045": "with all select. subcontracts", "CT000040": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.", "S0000157": "Date Issued", "S0000279": "Advance Reference", "CT000042": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.", "S0000159": "Latest Shipment Date", "CT000041": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.", "CF000292": "Show closed", "CF000290": "Show closed", "PD000256": "Selection Header for BR", "CF000299": "Add. Amount", "CT000217": "Can\'t find Import L/C to document set.", "CT000216": "The passed Document Set is not connected to an Import L/C can not be processed here.", "CT000219": "Can\'t find Import L/C to Loan.", "CF000295": "", "CT000218": "The passed loan is not connected to an Import-L/C nor import document set and can not be processed here.", "CT000213": "Workflow Info for Loan/ Advance:", "CT000215": "", "S0000250": "Name", "CT000214": "", "S0000130": "Document Amount", "S0000132": "Open Amount", "S0000133": "Received on", "CT000210": "For Financings under this L/C:", "S0000134": "Maturity Date", "S0000126": "Beneficiary", "S0000127": "Applicant", "S0000249": "L/C Reference", "CF000181": "", "S0000140": "Ref.", "S0000141": "Document Type", "CT000220": "Can\'t find documents to Loan.", "CT000221": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.", "S0000135": "Advised on", "S0000257": "Document Reference", "S0000137": "Ref.", "S0000258": "Name", "S0000138": "Presenting Bank", "S0000139": "Ref.", "CG000327": "", "CG000312": "Show closed", "SG000326": "Re-Fin Type", "SG000325": "Ref", "SG000324": "Re-Fin Bank", "PD000291": "Selection Header for TR", "SG000322": "Ref.", "SG000321": "Re-Fin Party", "CT000006": "Can\'t find Import L/C to document set.", "SG000320": "due", "PD000058": "Menu", "SG000319": "Start Tenor Date", "SG000318": "Open Date", "CF000255": "Add. Amount", "SG000316": "Open Amount", "CT000019": "Finance closed on $1", "SG000315": "Re-Fin Amount", "CT000018": "Doc. Set closed on $1", "CF000253": "", "PD000083": "Header for BR", "SG000313": "Name", "PD000082": "Selection Header for TR", "S0000171": "Open Amount", "S0000172": "Finance Type", "S0000293": "Document Reference", "S0000173": "Start Tenor Date", "S0000294": "Name", "S0000174": "Due", "S0000175": "Financed Party", "S0000176": "Financing of", "SF000265": "Document Set Status", "S0000177": "%", "CT000012": "The passed Document Set is not connected to an Import L/C can not be processed here.", "CF000259": "", "S0000178": "Finance Amount", "S0000169": "Name", "PD000248": "Selection Header for LI", "SG000308": "Re-Fin Reference", "CF000147": "Revolving L/C", "SG000307": "Contr. to be Financed", "SG000304": "Finance Account", "CF000264": "Show closed", "SG000303": "Shipping Reference", "CF000261": "Show closed", "S0000184": "Finance Reference", "CT000022": "The passed Advance is not connected to an Import Document Set and can not be processed here.", "CT000024": "Can\'t find Import L/C to Document Set.", "CT000023": "Can\'t find Advance to Export Document Set.", "S0000179": "Ref.", "PD000076": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", }