export default {
	"CT000036": "Res. Grp.",
	"CT000077": "$1 is about to be printed.",
	"CT000033": "Coded Reason",
	"CT000076": "Selected Diary item not found in the database.",
	"CT000032": "Date",
	"CG000086": "导Excel",
	"CT000035": "Entered",
	"CF000039": "&Display",
	"CT000034": "Start TRN",
	"CT000073": "Do you want to set $1 selected diaries to done?",
	"CT000072": "Selected Diary item not found in the database.",
	"CT000075": "The selected record is currently locked by $1 since $2 $3 and cannot be modified. Please try later.",
	"CT000031": "Name",
	"PD000050": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"SF000052": "Bus.Sector",
	"SG000085": "Reasons",
	"CT000001": "User id $1 not found in table.",
	"CT000082": "Display the selected diary item",
	"SF000051": "Reference",
	"CT000081": "Selected Diary item not found in the database.",
	"CT000019": "The to date must not be before the from date.\nPlease correct the values to get a selection.",
	"CT000018": "Group",
	"CT000015": "Description",
	"CT000014": "Reference",
	"CT000017": "User",
	"CT000016": "Transaction",
	"CT000055": "Sector",
	"S0000011": "Contract",
	"CT000013": "Reason",
	"CT000057": "Res.User",
	"CT000012": "Date",
	"PD000049": "List of diary",
	"CT000052": "Reference",
	"S0000008": "from",
	"S0000009": "to",
	"PD000001": "Diary Selection",
	"CT000106": "PRECHKDAT",
	"CT000103": "PtyNam",
	"CT000102": "PtyExtkey",
	"CT000105": "PayAmt",
	"CT000104": "PayCur",
	"CT000101": "文件$1\n保存失败!",
	"CT000024": "Selected Diary item not found in the database.",
	"CT000100": "文件成功保存至\n$1\n是否需要查看?",
	"C0000022": "&Selection",
	"C0000021": "E&xit",
	"C0000024": "&Modify",
	"C0000023": "&Process",
	"CF000072": "&Delete",
	"CF000073": "P&rint",