export default { "SF000049": "扣费后付款金额", "CT000033": "Please fill in the presenting Bank\'s Reference!", "CT000077": "请不要超过200个汉字!", "SG000098": "收款银行帐号", "CT000032": "** Stop level $1 from $2 on $3", "CT000076": "联行信息", "SG000096": "付款行行名:", "CT000078": "请输入查询条件", "SG000095": "付款行行号:", "CT000073": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?", "SG000094": "收款行行号:", "CT000072": "至少输入3个字或6位行号", "CT000075": "无匹配记录", "CT000074": "联行信息", "SG000091": "清算方式", "CT000071": "联行名称", "CT000070": "联行行号", "PD000020": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", "PD000066": "付款途径", "CF000003": "无偿放单", "CF000004": "垫款", "SF000053": "交单行", "CG000079": "同业代付", "S0000042": "付款金额", "S0000087": "付款类型", "S0000088": "清算方式", "SG000086": "备注", "CT000080": "请输入查询条件", "SF000051": "Tenors:", "CT000081": "请输入查询条件", "PD000054": "国内信用证付款划款指令", "PD000097": "付款路径主键", "CG000106": "替换", "CT000015": "DOCUMENTS SETTLED FREE OF PAYMENT", "S0000052": "扣减金额", "CT000017": "Advice of Payment at Maturity", "CT000011": "Stop code could not be stored in Applicant record", "SG000076": "收款行行名:", "SG000075": "附言:", "SG000074": "信用证编号:", "SG000073": "寄单行编号:", "PD000005": "付款信息", "SG000072": "收款账号:", "SG000071": "收款人:", "SG000070": "起息日:", "PD000044": "Advice of Payment at Maturity", "PD000046": "Settlement at Maturity", "CF000021": "融资", "SG000105": "替换左方收款信息", "SG000104": "此笔业务曾经收到债权转让通知", "SG000069": "付款账号:", "SG000102": "收款银行开户行名称", "CT000069": "请输入查询条件", "SG000068": "付款人:", "SG000101": "收款银行开户行行号", "CT000028": "Reduction amount is equal to the amount settled. If this is correct, please set checkbox to `Free of Payment`.", "SG000067": "付款路径:", "SG000100": "收款银行帐户名称", "CT000027": "docs. util.", }