export default { "CF000035": "Separate Directory per Entity", "CT000119": "Received message imported with :27:0/0, please check!", "CT000311": "$6 $7 $8", "CT000033": "File $1 NOT moved to $2, Error: $3 $4", "CT000077": "Destination field $3 for $2 does not exist (for file $1)", "RG000096": "{2:\' item,the BIC begin at $Position + 17", "CT000079": "Attention: Import requires LST-files!", "CT000078": "File $1 copied to $2", "RG000095": "{1:\' item always is the send bank BIC,the position of the BIC is at the $Position+6", "CT000073": "SmartDoc \'$2\' $7 $8", "CT000072": "File $2.$3 $7 $8", "CT000075": "File $1 moved to $2", "CT000074": "File $1 NOT moved to $2, Error: $3 $4", "CT000071": "File $1 moved to $2", "CT000070": "File $1 NOT moved to $2, Error: $3 $4", "CT000008": "Messages $1 joined for $2 $3", "CT000009": "No mapping of own reference possible", "CT000048": "Incoming SWIFT", "HF000028": "Print erroneous messages immediately (routing by receiver only)", "CT000047": "DTA Export L/C", "CT000005": "File $1 moved to $2", "CT000049": "TradeConnect", "CT000088": "Received message imported with :27:0/0, please check!", "CT000002": "File $1 start $2 length $3 mapped to SMHINR $6 $4 $5 $7", "CT000046": "TradeConnect", "CF000005": "Incoming Swift", "CT000045": "Incoming SWIFT", "HF000027": "Print partial messages immediately (routing by receiver only)", "S0000002": "Configuration Panel", "CT000040": "File $1 NOT moved to $2, Error: $3 $4", "CT000086": "Error mapping $2 to $3 in file $1\n$4 $5", "CT000041": "File $1 moved to $2", "CT000085": "Tag MT was not found in $1", "CT000080": "File $1 NOT moved to $2, Error: $3 $4", "CT000082": "Part $1 of file $2 saved to $3", "CT000081": "File $1 split and moved to $2", "CT000019": "Error mapping $2 to $3 in file $1\n$4 $5", "CT000059": "DTA Import L/C", "CT000016": "Error mapping $2 to $3 in file $1\n$4 $5", "SF000024": "Type of Print", "CT000099": "50KADR", "CT000010": "Error mapping $2 to $3 in file $1\n$4 $5", "CT000051": "DTA Export L/C", "S0000003": "Execute:", "CT000094": "The original file $1 NOT renamed to $2, Error: $3 $4", "CT000053": "File Extension", "CT000097": "$6 $7 $8", "R0000098": "MT $4 $6 $7 $8\', SMH\\DOCPTH, SMH\\DOCFIL, SMH\\DOCFXT, MT, II, SNDREF, T27, IO )", "CT000052": "Directory", "CT000096": "Cannot join on $1 due to missing reference", "CT000091": "Error mapping $2 to $3 in file $1\n$4 $5", "CT000090": "Error mapping $2 to $3 in file $1\n$4 $5", "CT000093": "The original file $1 NOT moved to $2, Error: $3 $4", "CT000092": "The original file $1 moved to $2", "PD000001": "Swift", "CT000309": "Error mapping $2 to $3 in file $1\n$4 $5", "CF000025": "Print partial messages immediately", "CF000026": "Print erroneous messages immediately", "CT000029": "Error mapping $2 to $3 in file $1\n$4 $5", "SF000031": "Text for Header", "CT000103": "59AADR", "SF000030": "Text for Header", "CT000102": "59_ADR", "CT000101": "50FADR", "CT000100": "50AADR", "CT000067": ":$1: Following $2 lines did not fit into destination field", "CT000062": "Error mapping $2 to $3 in file $1\n$4 $5", "CT000060": "DTA Import L/C", }