import Api from "~/service/Api"
import Pts from "../Common/Pts"

export default class Detsel {
  constructor() { = {
      selbut: {
        dspamenbr: "",			//  Display No of amendments		.selbut.dspamenbr
        dsputlnbr: "",			//  Display No. of received docs.		.selbut.dsputlnbr
        dspclsdat: "",			//  Label Closed		.selbut.dspclsdat
        dsppndram: "",			//  Display Number of Req. of Amendment		.selbut.dsppndram
        sptpenlab: "",			//  Label showing pending items stored for contract		.selbut.sptpenlab
        trnpenlab: "",			//  Label showing stored uncommited transactions for contract		.selbut.trnpenlab
        trnpenlab_descr: "",			//  Description for TRNPENLAB		.selbut.trnpenlab_descr
        dspadvnbr: "",			//  Display No of advised sets		.selbut.dspadvnbr
        sptpenlab_descr: "",			//  Description for SPTPENLAB		.selbut.sptpenlab_descr
      dsprevnbr: "",			//  Revolving Done		.dsprevnbr
      dsppcrsta: "",			//  Display LC against Packing Credit		.dsppcrsta
      dsptrdclsdat: "",			//  Display Closing Date of Packing Credit		.dsptrdclsdat
      dspbfdclsdat: "",			//  Display Closing Date of Document Set		.dspbfdclsdat
      dspbpdclsdat: "",			//  Display Closing Date of Advance		.dspbpdclsdat
      dspdtdclsdat: "",			//  Diplay Closing Date of Transfer		.dspdtdclsdat
      dspmtdclsdat: "",			//  Display Closing Date of Docs of Transfer		.dspmtdclsdat
      dspprenbr: "",			//  Display Number of Transfer Documents		.dspprenbr
      dspltamenbr: "",			//  Display LT Amendments		.dspltamenbr
      sptpenltbt_descr: "",			//  Description for SPTPENLTBT		.sptpenltbt_descr
      sptpentrbp_descr: "",			//  Description for SPTPENTRBP		.sptpentrbp_descr
      trnpenltbt_descr: "",			//  Description for TRNPENLTBT		.trnpenltbt_descr
      trnpentrbp_descr: "",			//  Description for TRNPENTRBP		.trnpentrbp_descr
      sptpenltbt: "",			//  Label showing pending items stored for LT/BT		.sptpenltbt
      sptpentrbp: "",			//  Label showing pending items stored for TR/BP		.sptpentrbp
      trnpenltbt: "",			//  Label showing stored uncommited transactions for LT/BT		.trnpenltbt
      trnpentrbp: "",			//  Label showing stored uncommited transactions for TR/BP		.trnpentrbp
      dedgrp: {
        rec: {
          ownref: "",			//  信用证编号		.dedgrp.rec.ownref
          nam: "",			//  Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract		.dedgrp.rec.nam
          opndat: "",			//  开证日期		.dedgrp.rec.opndat
          shpdat: "",			//  Shipment Date		.dedgrp.rec.shpdat
          expdat: "",			//  最迟交单日期/交单地		.dedgrp.rec.expdat
          expplc: "",			//  最迟交单日期/交单地		.dedgrp.rec.expplc
          avbby: "",			//  兑付方式		.dedgrp.rec.avbby
          lcrtyp: "",			//  信用证类型		.dedgrp.rec.lcrtyp
          kzref: "",			//  信用证编号		.dedgrp.rec.kzref
        cbs: {
          nom1: {
            cur: "",			//  信用证金额
            amt: "",			//  Balance
          opn1: {
            cur: "",			//  信用证余额
            amt: "",			//  Balance
        ben: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        apl: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        avbnam: "",			//  指定银行		.dedgrp.avbnam
        iss: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
      clsflg: "",			//  Show closed Contracts		.clsflg
      recget: {
        sdamod: {
          dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recget.sdamod.dadsnd
          seainf: "",			//  		.recget.sdamod.seainf
      bfdgrp: {
        rec: {
          ownref: "",			//  单据业务编号		.bfdgrp.rec.ownref
          nam: "",			//  Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract		.bfdgrp.rec.nam
          doctypcod: "",			//  单据类型		.bfdgrp.rec.doctypcod
          matdat: "",			//  Maturity Date		.bfdgrp.rec.matdat
          orddat: "",			//  远期单据到期日		.bfdgrp.rec.orddat
          rcvdat: "",			//  到单日期		.bfdgrp.rec.rcvdat
          predat: "",			//  Presentation Date		.bfdgrp.rec.predat
          docsta: "",			//  单据状态		.bfdgrp.rec.docsta
        cbs: {
          max: {
            cur: "",			//  单据金额
            amt: "",			//  Balance
          opn1: {
            cur: "",			//  单据余额
            amt: "",			//  Balance
        prb: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        iss: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        apl: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
      bfdget: {
        sdamod: {
          dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.bfdget.sdamod.dadsnd
          seainf: "",			//  		.bfdget.sdamod.seainf
        clsflg: "",			//  which contracts to show		.bfdget.clsflg
      mtdgrp: {
        rec: {
          ownref: "",			//  单据业务编号		.mtdgrp.rec.ownref
          nam: "",			//  Name of Bill Contract		.mtdgrp.rec.nam
          doctypcod: "",			//  单据类型		.mtdgrp.rec.doctypcod
          rcvdatbe2: "",			//  远期单据到期日		.mtdgrp.rec.rcvdatbe2
          docsta: "",			//  单据状态		.mtdgrp.rec.docsta
          matdat: "",			//  Maturity Date		.mtdgrp.rec.matdat
        cbs: {
          max: {
            cur: "",			//  单据金额
            amt: "",			//  单据金额
          opn1: {
            cur: "",			//  单据余额
            amt: "",			//  Balance
        be1: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        be2: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
      mtdget: {
        sdamod: {
          dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.mtdget.sdamod.dadsnd
          seainf: "",			//  		.mtdget.sdamod.seainf
        clsflg: "",			//  which contracts to show		.mtdget.clsflg
      bppnttyp: "",			//  业务合同		.bppnttyp
      bpdgrp: {
        rec: {
          ownref: "",			//  融资业务编号		.bpdgrp.rec.ownref
          nam: "",			//  Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract		.bpdgrp.rec.nam
          opndat: "",			//  起息日期		.bpdgrp.rec.opndat
          matdat: "",			//  Maturity Date		.bpdgrp.rec.matdat
          fintyp: "",			//  融资类型		.bpdgrp.rec.fintyp
          finact: "",			//  融资帐号		.bpdgrp.rec.finact
        cbs: {
          max: {
            cur: "",			//  融资金额
            amt: "",			//  Balance
          opn1: {
            cur: "",			//  押汇余额
            amt: "",			//  Balance
        fia: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
      bpdget: {
        clsflg: "",			//  which contracts to show		.bpdget.clsflg
        sdamod: {
          dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.bpdget.sdamod.dadsnd
          seainf: "",			//  		.bpdget.sdamod.seainf
      dtdgrp: {
        rec: {
          ownref: "",			//  Transfer Reference		.dtdgrp.rec.ownref
          nam: "",			//  Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract		.dtdgrp.rec.nam
          avbby: "",			//  Available by		.dtdgrp.rec.avbby
          shpdat: "",			//  Shipment Date		.dtdgrp.rec.shpdat
          opndat: "",			//  Date Issued/Form		.dtdgrp.rec.opndat
          lcrtyp: "",			//  Date Issued/Form		.dtdgrp.rec.lcrtyp
          expdat: "",			//  Date / Place of Expiry		.dtdgrp.rec.expdat
          expplc: "",			//  Date / Place of Expiry		.dtdgrp.rec.expplc
        cbs: {
          nom1: {
            cur: "",			//  Transfer L/C Amount
            amt: "",			//  Balance
          opn1: {
            cur: "",			//  信用证余额
            amt: "",			//  Balance
        avt: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        be1: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        be2: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        adt: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
      dtdget: {
        clsflg: "",			//  which contracts to show		.dtdget.clsflg
        sdamod: {
          dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.dtdget.sdamod.dadsnd
          seainf: "",			//  		.dtdget.sdamod.seainf
      trpnttyp: "",			//  业务合同		.trpnttyp
      trdgrp: {
        rec: {
          ownref: "",			//  融资业务编号		.trdgrp.rec.ownref
          nam: "",			//  Name of Loan Contract		.trdgrp.rec.nam
          pctfin: "",			//  融资百分比		.trdgrp.rec.pctfin
          fintyp: "",			//  融资类型		.trdgrp.rec.fintyp
          matdat: "",			//  Maturity Date		.trdgrp.rec.matdat
          stttendat: "",			//  Start Date Tenor		.trdgrp.rec.stttendat
        cbs: {
          max: {
            cur: "",			//  押汇金额
            amt: "",			//  押汇金额
          opn1: {
            cur: "",			//  信用证余额
            amt: "",			//  Balance
        fip: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
      trdget: {
        clsflg: "",			//  which contracts to show		.trdget.clsflg
        sdamod: {
          dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.trdget.sdamod.dadsnd
          seainf: "",			//  		.trdget.sdamod.seainf
      zcdat: "",			//  最迟装运日期\\最迟服务提供日		.zcdat
      cnftxt: "",			//  Confirmation text		.cnftxt
      matbep: {
        mattxtlab: "",			//  Label for MATTXT		.matbep.mattxtlab
      aamdtd: {
        addamtflg: "",			//  Add. Amount		.aamdtd.addamtflg
      matbtp: {
        mattxtlab: "",			//  Label for MATTXT		.matbtp.mattxtlab
      fpdgrp: {
        rec: {
          perint: "",			//  Percentage 		.fpdgrp.rec.perint
          rdsflg: "",			//  Re-Discounting?		.fpdgrp.rec.rdsflg
          silflg: "",			//  Un-Disclosed?		.fpdgrp.rec.silflg
          funflg: "",			//  Funded?		.fpdgrp.rec.funflg
          opndatlc: "",			//  Date L/C Opened/Issued		.fpdgrp.rec.opndatlc
          expdatlc: "",			//  LC Date of Expire		.fpdgrp.rec.expdatlc
          opndat: "",			//  Opened on		.fpdgrp.rec.opndat
          expdat: "",			//  Forfaiting Agreement Date of Expiry		.fpdgrp.rec.expdat
          valdat: "",			//  This Purchase Offer is Valid until		.fpdgrp.rec.valdat
          ownref: "",			//  Reference		.fpdgrp.rec.ownref
          nam: "",			//  Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract		.fpdgrp.rec.nam
        sel: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        cbs: {
          max: {
            cur: "",			//  Agree to Purchase
            amt: "",			//  Balance
          opn1: {
            cur: "",			//  信用证余额
            amt: "",			//  Balance
          sld: {
            cur: "",			//  Sold or Reserved
            amt: "",			//  Balance
        inv: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
      fpdget: {
        clsflg: "",			//  which contracts to show		.fpdget.clsflg
        sdamod: {
          dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.fpdget.sdamod.dadsnd
          seainf: "",			//  		.fpdget.sdamod.seainf
      cfgfil: {
        btnstm: "",				//按钮数据
        bitmap: "",			//  Bitmap for folder		.cfgfil.bitmap
        regside1: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside1
        regside2: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside2
        regside3: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside3
        regside4: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside4
        regside5: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside5
        regside6: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside6
        regside7: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside7
        regside8: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside8
        regside9: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside9
        regside10: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside10
        regside11: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside11
        regside12: "",			//  Regside		.cfgfil.regside12
        subtxt1: "",			//  submenu text 1		.cfgfil.subtxt1
        subtxt2: "",			//  submenu text 2		.cfgfil.subtxt2
        subtxt3: "",			//  submenu text 3		.cfgfil.subtxt3
        subtxt4: "",			//  submenu text 4		.cfgfil.subtxt4
        subtxt5: "",			//  submenu text 5		.cfgfil.subtxt5
        subtxt6: "",			//  submenu text 6		.cfgfil.subtxt6
        subtxt7: "",			//  submenu text 7		.cfgfil.subtxt7
        subtxt8: "",			//  submenu text 8		.cfgfil.subtxt8
        subtxt9: "",			//  submenu text 9		.cfgfil.subtxt9
        subtxt10: "",			//  submenu text 10		.cfgfil.subtxt10
        subtxt11: "",			//  submenu text 11		.cfgfil.subtxt11
        regtxt1: "",			//  Register text 1		.cfgfil.regtxt1
        regtxt2: "",			//  Register text 2		.cfgfil.regtxt2
        regtxt3: "",			//  Register text 3		.cfgfil.regtxt3
        regtxt4: "",			//  Register text 4		.cfgfil.regtxt4
        regtxt5: "",			//  Register text 5		.cfgfil.regtxt5
        regtxt6: "",			//  Register text 6		.cfgfil.regtxt6
        regtxt7: "",			//  Register text 7		.cfgfil.regtxt7
        regtxt8: "",			//  Register text 8		.cfgfil.regtxt8
        regtxt9: "",			//  Register text 9		.cfgfil.regtxt9
        regtxt10: "",			//  Register text 10		.cfgfil.regtxt10
        regtxt11: "",			//  Register text 11		.cfgfil.regtxt11
        regtxt12: "",			//  Register text 12		.cfgfil.regtxt12
        hotsub1: "",			//  hotspot submenu 1		.cfgfil.hotsub1
        hotsub2: "",			//  hotspot submenu 1		.cfgfil.hotsub2
        hotsub3: "",			//  hotspot submenu 1		.cfgfil.hotsub3
        hotsub4: "",			//  hotspot submenu 1		.cfgfil.hotsub4
        hotsub5: "",			//  hotspot submenu 1		.cfgfil.hotsub5
        hotsub6: "",			//  hotspot submenu 1		.cfgfil.hotsub6
        hotsub7: "",			//  hotspot submenu 1		.cfgfil.hotsub7
        hotsub8: "",			//  hotspot submenu 1		.cfgfil.hotsub8
        hotsub9: "",			//  hotspot submenu 1		.cfgfil.hotsub9
        hotsub10: "",			//  hotspot submenu 1		.cfgfil.hotsub10
        hotsub11: "",			//  hotspot submenu 1		.cfgfil.hotsub11
        hotreg1: "",			//  hotspot reg1		.cfgfil.hotreg1
        hotreg2: "",			//  hotspot reg2		.cfgfil.hotreg2
        hotreg3: "",			//  hotspot reg3		.cfgfil.hotreg3
        hotreg4: "",			//  hotspot reg4		.cfgfil.hotreg4
        hotreg5: "",			//  hotspot reg5		.cfgfil.hotreg5
        hotreg6: "",			//  hotspot reg6		.cfgfil.hotreg6
        hotreg7: "",			//  hotspot reg7		.cfgfil.hotreg7
        hotreg8: "",			//  hotspot reg8		.cfgfil.hotreg8
        hotreg9: "",			//  hotspot reg9		.cfgfil.hotreg9
        hotreg10: "",			//  hotspot reg10		.cfgfil.hotreg10
        hotreg11: "",			//  hotspot reg11		.cfgfil.hotreg11
        hotreg12: "",			//  hotspot reg12		.cfgfil.hotreg12
        subtrn1: "",			//  Submenu trn 1		.cfgfil.subtrn1
        subtrn2: "",			//  Submenu trn 2		.cfgfil.subtrn2
        subtrn3: "",			//  Submenu trn 3		.cfgfil.subtrn3
        subtrn4: "",			//  Submenu trn 4		.cfgfil.subtrn4
        subtrn5: "",			//  Submenu trn 5		.cfgfil.subtrn5
        subtrn6: "",			//  Submenu trn 6		.cfgfil.subtrn6
        subtrn7: "",			//  Submenu trn 7		.cfgfil.subtrn7
        subtrn8: "",			//  Submenu trn 8		.cfgfil.subtrn8
        subtrn9: "",			//  Submenu trn 9		.cfgfil.subtrn9
        subtrn10: "",			//  Submenu trn 10		.cfgfil.subtrn10
        subtrn11: "",			//  Submenu trn 11		.cfgfil.subtrn11
      dfdgrp: {
        rec: {
          ownref: "",			//  代付业务编号		.dfdgrp.rec.ownref
          nam: "",			//  Name of Loan Contract		.dfdgrp.rec.nam
          opndat: "",			//  代付日期		.dfdgrp.rec.opndat
          stttendat: "",			//  代付起始日		.dfdgrp.rec.stttendat
          matdat: "",			//  Maturity Date		.dfdgrp.rec.matdat
          fintyp: "",			//  Type		.dfdgrp.rec.fintyp
        cbs: {
          max: {
            amt: "",			//  代付本金
            cur: "",			//  代付本金
          opn1: {
            cur: "",			//  代付金额
            amt: "",			//  代付金额
        apl: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        dff: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
      dfdget: {
        clsflg: "",			//  which contracts to show		.dfdget.clsflg
        sdamod: {
          seainf: "",			//  		.dfdget.sdamod.seainf
      pageId: ""			// ctx的key