import Api from "~/service/Api" import Pts from "../Common/Pts" import Pub from "../Public" export default class Botrad { constructor() { = { botdrrl1blk: "", botdrrl2blk: "", botcoll1blk: "", liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall, setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod, trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod, mtabut: { clsflg: "", // Close Flag .mtabut.clsflg coninf: { oitinf: { labinftxt: "", // Label for INFTXT .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.labinftxt oit: { inftxt: "", // Infotext .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt inflev: "", // Infotext Level .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inflev }, }, oitset: { labinftxt: "", // Label for INFTXT .mtabut.coninf.oitset.labinftxt oit: { inftxt: "", // Infotext .mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt inflev: "", // Infotext Level .mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inflev }, }, conexedat: "", // 执行日期 .mtabut.coninf.conexedat usr: { extkey: "", // User ID .mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey }, }, }, bodgrp: { rec: { matpertyp: "", // Days/Months or Years for Maturity Period .bodgrp.rec.matpertyp ownref: "", // Reference .bodgrp.rec.ownref nam: "", // Name .bodgrp.rec.nam doctypcod: "", // Collection Condition .bodgrp.rec.doctypcod docsta: "", // Document Set Status .bodgrp.rec.docsta matdat: "", // Maturity Date .bodgrp.rec.matdat matpercnt: "", // Tenor Specification .bodgrp.rec.matpercnt matperbeg: "", // Starting from .bodgrp.rec.matperbeg rcvdat: "", // Order Date .bodgrp.rec.rcvdat predat: "", // Presentation Date .bodgrp.rec.predat trpdoctyp: "", // Transport Doc. Type .bodgrp.rec.trpdoctyp trpdocnum: "", // Transport Doc. Ref. .bodgrp.rec.trpdocnum tradat: "", // Document Dated .bodgrp.rec.tradat tramod: "", // Mode of Transport .bodgrp.rec.tramod shpfro: "", // Shipment from .bodgrp.rec.shpfro shpto: "", // For Transportation to .bodgrp.rec.shpto chato: "", // Our Charges to .bodgrp.rec.chato focflg: "", // Free of Payment .bodgrp.rec.focflg waicolcod: "", // Protest Instructions .bodgrp.rec.waicolcod wairmtcod: "", // Waive Remitting Bank Charges .bodgrp.rec.wairmtcod othins: "", // Defer Payment until .bodgrp.rec.othins lescom: "", // Warehouse/Insurance .bodgrp.rec.lescom dircolflg: "", // Direct Collection .bodgrp.rec.dircolflg resflg: "", // Reservated Contract .bodgrp.rec.resflg shpdat: "", // Shipment date .bodgrp.rec.shpdat advdat: "", // Dispatched on .bodgrp.rec.advdat stacty: "", // Country Code Risk Country! .bodgrp.rec.stacty stagod: "", // Goods Code .bodgrp.rec.stagod invtyp: "", // Maturity Date .bodgrp.rec.invtyp paydoctyp: "", // Financial Document .bodgrp.rec.paydoctyp paydocnum: "", // Document Number .bodgrp.rec.paydocnum issdat: "", // Issued on .bodgrp.rec.issdat ccdndrflg: "", // Truncation - Physical Document Kept w OWN .bodgrp.rec.ccdndrflg ccdpurflg: "", // Payment Under Reserve .bodgrp.rec.ccdpurflg }, cbs: { max: { cur: "", // Document Amount amt: "", // Document Amount }, opn1: { cur: "", // Open Amount amt: "", // Open Amount }, }, drr: { pts: new Pts().data, namelc: "", // 名称 .bodgrp.drr.namelc adrelc: "", // 地址 .bodgrp.drr.adrelc dbfadrblkcn: "", // Chinese address .bodgrp.drr.dbfadrblkcn }, col: { pts: new Pts().data, namelc: "", // 名称 .bodgrp.col.namelc adrelc: "", // 地址 .bodgrp.col.adrelc dbfadrblkcn: "", // Chinese address .bodgrp.col.dbfadrblkcn }, dre: { pts: new Pts().data, namelc: "", // 名称 .bodgrp.dre.namelc adrelc: "", // 地址 .bodgrp.dre.adrelc dbfadrblkcn: "", // Chinese address .bodgrp.dre.dbfadrblkcn }, blk: { colinssnm: "", // Instructions for Second Mail .bodgrp.blk.colinssnm vesselnam: "", // Vessel Name .bodgrp.blk.vesselnam goddes: "", // Description of Goods .bodgrp.blk.goddes colins: "", // Collection Instructions .bodgrp.blk.colins colinsflg: "", // Collection instructions modified .bodgrp.blk.colinsflg dftins: "", // Draft Instructions .bodgrp.blk.dftins proins: "", // Protest Instructions .bodgrp.blk.proins othins: "", // Other Instructions .bodgrp.blk.othins chgtxt: "", // Charges Text .bodgrp.blk.chgtxt delins: "", // Delivery instructions .bodgrp.blk.delins bogdet: "", // Tenor Details Text .bodgrp.blk.bogdet cctinsrcv: "", // Instructions Received .bodgrp.blk.cctinsrcv cctinscol: "", // Collection Instruction .bodgrp.blk.cctinscol intins: "", // Interest Instructions .bodgrp.blk.intins setinsbo: "", // Settlement insrtrctions .bodgrp.blk.setinsbo agtaut: "", // Authority of Agent .bodgrp.blk.agtaut }, }, botp: { recget: { sdamod: { dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .botp.recget.sdamod.dadsnd seainf: "", // .botp.recget.sdamod.seainf }, }, matp: { mattxtlab: "", // Label for MATTXT .botp.matp.mattxtlab }, docgrdm: { docgrd:"", docdsclab: "", // Label of document description .botp.docgrdm.docdsclab }, usr: { extkey: "", // Responsible User .botp.usr.extkey }, usrget: { sdamod: { seainf: "", // .botp.usrget.sdamod.seainf }, }, drrp: { ptsget: { sdamod: { seainf: "", // .botp.drrp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .botp.drrp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd }, }, }, colp: { ptsget: { sdamod: { seainf: "", // .botp.colp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .botp.colp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd }, }, }, drep: { ptsget: { sdamod: { seainf: "", // .botp.drep.ptsget.sdamod.seainf dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .botp.drep.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd }, }, }, ptsaddp: { ptsaddg: [], // .botp.ptsaddp.ptsaddg }, }, oridre: "", // Original Documents Passed to Drawee .oridre pageId: "" // ctx的key } } }