export default { "CT000018": "Exit from transaction \'$1\', user $2, session $3 ($4)", "CT000014": "<end of statusfile $1 $2>", "CT000016": "IPC message \'$1\' received", "CT000013": "Distributionfile:", "CF000038": "&Start", "CT000012": "Status of $1 on $2 $3", "CF000039": "S&top", "CT000031": "(in $1)", "CT000030": "Transaction \'$1\' automatic processing stopped, user $2", "PD000009": "Tasklist Buttons Upper Part", "CF000040": "E&xit", "PD000000": "Settings", "PD000022": "Tasklist Buttons Middle Part", "CF000045": "&View Log", "CT000007": "Must be in the range from \'0\' to \'59\'", "CT000029": "Transaction \'$1\' automatic processing started.", "CF000041": "&Do Entry", "CT000009": "Stop requested", "CF000042": "&Upd. List", "CT000004": "Stop and Exit requested", "CT000026": "Transaction \'$1\' started, user $2, session $3 ($4)", "CT000003": "Stopped", "SF000030": "Restart Period", "CT000006": "Must be in the range from \'0\' to \'23\'", "T0000043": "Module to support automatic handling of tasks", "CT000028": "Running in foreground", "SF000033": "Initialization File", "CT000005": "Restart period must be a value >= zero", "CT000027": "Running in background. Tasklist is not displayed!", "SF000032": "h", "CT000000": "Stop and Exit requested", "CT000022": "Predefined termination time $1 reached", "SF000035": "min", "CT000021": "Cannot run transaction \'$1\'. Already running?", "SF000034": "Termination", "CT000002": "Running; Last Update at $1", "CT000024": "Suspended", "SF000037": "Started", "CT000001": "Processing stopped", "CT000023": "( Error opening IPC receiver: $1 $2 )", "SF000036": "Start Processing", "PD000010": "Tasklist Button Lower Part", }