export default { "SF000006": "Name", "SF000005": "Document Reference", "SF000008": "Document Type", "SF000009": "Previous Drawings under this L/C", "CG000049": "Get Ref", "CT000037": "Docs. presented", "CT000059": "The LC is overdrawn by", "CT000058": "Documents received after expiry of the LC.", "CT000055": "The selected maturity date $1 of the calendar \'$2\' on docs. received panel is a holiday.", "SF000045": "Order Date", "CT000054": "Red or Green Clause alert.\nPlease check the following settlement instructions\n\n$1", "SF000004": "Document Amount", "CT000057": "Late shipment", "SF000003": "Received on", "SF000047": "Maturity Period", "CT000056": "The additional amount is overdrawn by", "SG000050": "发票类型", "S0000048": "Reference", "CT000053": "The Order Date can not be in the future", "CT000052": "The Received on Date can not be in the future", "CT000090": "You have selected to send an Advice of Discrepancy. Please enter the discrepancies found.", "CT000071": "Document type not allowed", "CT000070": "\'Processing Options\' are set to \'Wait for response\', because \'Enter Documents, Discrepancies and Instructions\' has been deleted.", "PD000002": "Docs. Received", "CF000046": "Enter Documents, Discrepancies and Instructions", "SF000032": "Maturity Date", "CT000066": "Mixed payment drafts presented instead of usance.", "CT000088": "Documents are sent on approval basis", "S0000044": "Presented by", "CT000065": "Mixed payment drafts presented instead of sight.", "CT000087": "We await your instructions or substitution of discrepant documents", "CT000089": "Minor discrepancies we have ignored:", "CT000062": "Only sight draft presented instead of mixed payment.", "CT000061": "Sight draft presented in stead of usance.", "CT000042": "Send and Settle Documents", "CT000064": "Only usance drafts presented instead of mixed payment.", "CT000086": "Documents are presented to the issuing bank", "CT000063": "Usance draft presented instead of sight.", "CT000085": "We have sent an advice of discrepancy, asking for applicants acceptance, in the mean time we hold the documents", "CT000060": "Partial shipment effected.", "PD000030": "Acknowledge Documents Received", "PD000031": "Advice of Discrepancies", "PD000034": "Discr./Instr.", "PD000035": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", }