export default { "CF000003": "Language", "CF000004": "Description", "CT000008": "The description exceeds the maximum allowed length of $2.\nPlease specify a shorter description.\n(the cut text would be \"$3\")", "CT000019": "The text \"$1\" can only be defined once.\nThe code \"$2\" uses the same text.", "CT000018": "Error reading from database: $1 $2", "CT000009": "The number of configured languages in TDPARA.INI and the preconfigured rows in CODMOD differ.\nThis reduces the performance of the system.\nEither restore the old number of UIL entries or\nchange the initial number of CODTXT entries in CODMOD.", "CT000006": "CODMOD is not configured correctly. The configured codetable $1 of field $2 is not defined in the database.", "CT000017": "Error executing $1: $2 $3", "CT000005": "CODMOD is not configured correctly. Neither the $1 is set nor the configured field $2 has a codetable configured.", "PD000000": "Description", "CT000002": "The description in the current user interface language ($1) has to be filled in.\nPlease specify a description.", "CT000001": "CODMOD is not configured correctly. The configured field $1 is not accessable.", }