export default { "CF000014": "<- &Search", "CF000015": "&Print", "CF000012": "&Use", "CF000013": "E&xit", "CT000019": "$1 matching entries were found", "CF000010": "&Search", "CG000026": "导Excel", "CT000018": "One matching entry was found", "CF000011": "D&isplay", "CT000015": "The search was canceled, because $1 matching entries are too many entries", "CT000014": "Date / Time", "CT000016": "Text", "CF000016": "&Use", "PD000001": "DB Info Buttons Lower Part", "PD000000": "Info Search Buttons", "PD000022": "Object Events", "PD000002": "Info Display Buttons", "CF000025": "<", "CF000023": "&Clear", "CF000024": ">", "CT000008": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted and cannot be shown. Do you want to start Loginfo?", "CT000009": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted and cannot be shown.", "CT000004": "No entry found for $1", "CT000026": "Default application to display $1 launched.", "CT000025": "Unable to start viewer to view file $1.\nProbably the extension $2 is not registered on this client.\n(Errorcode = $3)", "CT000005": "No Entry found for $1", "CT000000": "$1 is about to be printed.", "CT000022": "All selection fields are cleared", "CT000021": "The search was canceled, because $1 matching entries are too many entries", "CT000020": "The $1 matching entries are prepared to be shown", }