export default { "CF000079": "...", "SF000167": "MT to Send", "CT000032": "Narrative", "CT000079": "This is a copy of original message sent to \'$1\'", "SF000289": "Extended Maturity", "CT000073": "Narrative", "CT000072": "Function", "CG000290": "发送确认保函真实性电文", "SF000082": "Related MT", "SF000081": "Message Type", "CT000071": "Issuer", "SF000160": "Document Title", "CT000070": "Number of Undertaking", "PD000063": "Parties", "PD000068": "Document Panels", "SF000259": "Function", "SF000258": "Issuer of Undertak.", "CT000007": "You must at least send a primary message", "CT000048": "Narrative:\n$1", "CT000047": "Narrative:\n$1", "CT000049": "Further Information:\n$1", "CT000000": "You cannot send a CC copy to the same party as the message itself", "CT000044": "This message is a copy of original message sent to", "CT000046": "THIS IS A CC OF A MESSAGE TO", "SF000257": "Undertaking Number", "CT000045": "The date of message you are referring to may not be in the future", "SF000256": "Form of Undertaking", "PD000256": "Message Details MT741", "PD000255": "Message Details MT759", "CT000019": "Query Message", "PD000080": "first part", "CT000018": "Acknowledgment", "CT000139": "The receiver is getting a DTA Message. Please change message type to \"Structured Free Format Message (MT759)\" as DTA does not allow MT 799 anymore. Any entered narrative text will not be quoted in the current message.", "SF000064": "Send Message to", "CT000014": "Date of Message", "SF000261": "Form of Undertaking", "CT000138": "A freeformat message is send and at least one message is send via DTA. Please check and make sure, that the entered narrative text is correctly shown in all required messages.", "SF000065": "Send Copy to", "CT000011": "Answer to Message MT $1 dated $2.\n\n$3", "CT000055": "attn: $1", "SF000266": "Date,Time of Message", "CT000013": "Query to message MT $1 dated $2.\n\n$3", "CT000057": "This is a copy of a message to \'$1\'", "SF000069": "Original Message to", "CT000056": "Note:\n$1", "SF000267": "Amendment Number", "CT000051": "Cancelation of previous Message", "CT000050": "Further Information:\n$1", "CT000053": "Please use `Sender to Receiver Information` in the Details Panel.", "CT000091": "Truncation occurred on tag 79 in MT $1 !", "SF000260": "Details of Request", "CT000106": "Function not allowed with selected medium", "PD000071": "message info on first panel (", "CT000069": "Form of Undertaking", "SF000272": "Reason for Cancellation", "SF000077": "Query/ Answer", "CT000066": "This message is a copy of original message sent to", "CT000022": "Copy of Message for Information", "CT000065": "Answer to Message MT $1.\n\n$2", "SF000078": "Narrative (77A)", "CT000021": "Information / Notification", "CT000068": "We herewith request information in connection with our abovementioned contract:", "CT000067": "We herewith provide information in connection with our abovementioned contract:", "CT000144": "This message is a copy of original message sent to", "CT000062": "Common group messages other than free message can only be sent by SWIFT", "CT000061": "The field \'Narrative Description of Original Message\' on the \'Common Message\' panel contains more than 35x50 characters.\nIf the message has to be sent as SWIFT, only 35x50 characters are allowed for this field (Tag 79) at most.\nPlease shorten the text.", "CT000064": "Query to message MT $1.\n\n$2", "CT000020": "Answer Message to a Query", "CT000063": "We request you to consider cancellation of SWIFT Message MT $1 from $2.\n\n$3", "SF000070": "Copy of Message to", "SF000271": "Cancellation Status", "PD000076": "Message Details", }