export default { "CF000114": "Discrepancies modified", "CF000111": "...", "CF000032": "Rejection Pending Instructions", "CF000110": "...", "CF000038": "Receive advice of refusal", "CT000073": "$1 rejected", "PD000026": "Discrepancies/ Refusal Details", "S0000028": "Discrepancies", "PD000009": "Details", "PD000043": "Acknowledgment", "PD000020": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", "PD000042": "Return of Documents", "PD000022": "Advice of Discrepancies", "SF000039": "Internal Discrepancies", "CT000107": "REJECTED PENDING INSTRUCTIONS FROM APPLICANT.\nWE RECOMMEND THAT YOU CONTACT THE APPLICATION DIRECTLY TO NEGOTIATE", "CT000109": "DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN REJECTED PARTIALLY.", "CT000108": "DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN REJECTED OUTRIGHT.\nWE AWAIT YOUR INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING THE FURTHER HANDLING OF THE DOCUMENTS.", "CF000163": "不符点通知(MT750)", "SF000035": "Presented by", "SG000164": "Tag 72 (750)", "CT000087": "The Order Date can not be in the future", "CF000107": "Receive returned documents", "SF000034": "Payer", "PD000015": "Advice of Refusal", "CT000064": "Are you sure that you want to cancel the contract with acceptances and/or deferred payment obligation(s)?", "CT000085": "Return of Documents", }