export default { "SF000203": "Instruktionen der Bank", "CT000119": "Please enter the new validity date", "SG000179": "申报类型", "CT000153": "Extension of guarantee", "CT000072": "Please find hereafter the wording of the claim:", "CT000152": "Guarantee underlies URDG758: Payment, refusal or suspension of claim?", "S0000105": "Validity Requested", "S0000106": "Further Processing", "S0000107": "Text of Claim", "PD000063": "Claim", "PD000094": "Acknowledgment", "PD000170": "Details", "SG000202": "Instruktionen der Bank", "PD000093": "Advice of Claim", "SF000174": "Demand Statement", "CT000124": "Advice of Claim", "SF000176": "Intermediary", "CT000126": "The drawn additional amount is higher than the additional amount from the parent contract.", "SF000175": "Demand Statem. Text", "CT000121": "other paying party", "SF000255": "Reference", "CT000120": "all applicants by quota", "SF000177": "Acc. With Instit.", "CT000123": "Request of Agreement", "CT000089": "Claim Settlement", "SF000172": "Present. Compl. Det.", "SF000171": "Add. Amt. Information", "PD000173": "Demand Statement", "PD000095": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", "CT000136": "Follow up further processing", "CT000138": "Follow up further processing", "CT000137": "Follow up pay or extend claim", "CT000175": "Multiple demands are not allowed. This is not the first claim under this undertaking.", "SF000100": "Payer", "CT000134": "Follow up pay or extend claim", "SF000103": "Reference", "SF000102": "Presented by", "CT000172": "MT765 can not be created before SWIFT Release 2020 is active.", "CT000094": "The Date of Claim may not be in the future", "CT000171": "Please find hereafter the wording of the claim:", "CT000173": "Partial demand is not allowed.", "CT000052": "Acknowledgment of Receipt", "SF000181": "我行将于", "CT000090": "Do extension", "SF000183": "个工作日后付款", "PD000201": "Instructions of Bank", "SF000116": "Date of Claim", "CF000108": "Extend or pay", "SF000112": "Amount Claimed", "SG000185": "款项去向", "CT000189": "Additional amount is used. Please add detailed information about this amount.", "CT000181": "", "CT000180": "The Claim Number is existed, please get a new Claim Number!", "PD000031": "Advice of Discrepancies", }