export default {
	"CT000279": "不能大于定价系统最大贷款期限",
	"CT000278": "$2到期提示:$1",
	"S0000272": "融资天数",
	"CT000275": "",
	"CT000274": "$1",
	"CT000277": "融资开户日小于当天,请再次确认是否正确。",
	"CT000276": "到期日$1为节假日!",
	"S0000267": "执行利率",
	"CT000271": "执行利率不能为空!",
	"PD000026": "Financing Details",
	"S0000268": "开户日期",
	"CT000270": "金额不能为空!",
	"S0000269": "到期日",
	"CT000273": "基准利率为空。",
	"PD000304": "资本项目",
	"S0000305": "地区机构号",
	"S0000306": "外汇贷款",
	"PD000260": "Finance",
	"CT000285": "请选择\"LPR期限品种\"。",
	"CT000043": "Issue Loan",
	"CT000282": "不能小于定价系统最小贷款金额",
	"CT000281": "不能大于定价系统最大贷款金额",
	"CT000042": "Discount",
	"CT000284": "融资天数最大不能超过999天!",
	"CT000283": "请保持与定价系统放款的币种$1一致!",
	"CT000280": "不能小于定价系统最小贷款期限",
	"SG000345": "外币贷款专户",
	"CG000297": "Get",
	"CT000103": "Advice of Clean Loan",
	"SG000343": "市场LPR期限品种",
	"CT000069": "Issue a loan",
	"CT000105": "Advice of",
	"S0000262": "%",
	"SG000341": "类型",
	"CT000104": "Trust Receipt Advice",
	"S0000263": "融资金额",
	"SG000340": "发票",
	"CG000295": "计算",
	"CT000100": "Margin (Spead)",
	"CT000067": "Please enter an exchange rate for $1",
	"PD000038": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"CT000061": "$1 opening",
	"PD000037": "Financing Advice",
	"CT000060": "Issue Packing Credit",
	"PD000036": "L/C Info",
	"CG000328": "Get",
	"SG000336": "基准利率规则",
	"SG000335": "审批流程发起标识",
	"SG000333": "税率",
	"SG000299": "预扣息方式",
	"CG000320": "变动信息",
	"SG000332": "税率",
	"SG000296": "预扣息账号",
	"CT000077": "The parent contract is expiring on $1.\nAre you sure that you want to finance a longer period?",
	"SG000294": "预收息金额",
	"SG000293": "第三方还款账号",
	"SG000292": "第三方还款方式",
	"CT000073": "Repayment Notice of $1",
	"SG000291": "入账机构",
	"CT000070": "Issue a packing credit",
	"CG000317": "签约信息",
	"SG000329": "税率",
	"CG000318": "签约信息",
	"CG000319": "变动信息",
	"SG000324": "定价审批代码",
	"SG000321": "是否外保内贷",
	"SG000286": "第一还款账号",
	"SG000285": "罚息比率",
	"SG000284": "逾期计息方式",
	"SG000283": "浮动值",
	"SG000282": "浮动方式",
	"SG000281": "基准利率",
	"CT000084": "negative percentage is not allowed",
	"SG000280": "宽限期",
	"CT000083": "percentage over 100% is not allowed",
	"SG000314": "地区机构号",
	"CG000303": "是否到期主动扣收贷款本息",
	"SG000313": "海外代付",
	"SG000279": "月日数",
	"SG000278": "利率调整周期",
	"CT000257": "Advice of Export Loan",
	"SG000277": "利率调整方式",
	"CT000256": "Packing Credit Advice",
	"SG000276": "计息日期",
	"CT000259": "Financing Dated",
	"SG000274": "计息周期",
	"CT000253": "export document set number",
	"SG000273": "借据号",
	"S0000330": "借据号",
	"CT000098": "Rate Type",
	"CT000252": "documentary collection number",
	"S0000298": "%",
	"S0000331": "借据号",
	"CT000255": "above mentioned contract",
	"CT000254": "transfer document set number",
	"CT000095": "Amount of Tenor",
	"CT000094": "Type of Financing",
	"CT000097": "Due Date",
	"CT000251": "import document set number",
	"CT000096": "Start Date",
	"CT000093": "The selected due date $1 of the calendar \'$2\' on financing details panel is a holiday.",
	"CT000268": "请先选择利率调整周期!",
	"CT000267": "请先选择到期日!",
	"CT000269": "请先选择到期日!",
	"CT000264": "该币种下的此种利率未维护!",
	"CT000263": "押汇到期提示:$1",
	"CT000266": "请先选择利率调整方式!",
	"CT000265": "请先选择币种!",