export default { "SF000006": "Name", "SF000005": "Document Reference", "SF000008": "Document Type", "SF000007": "Shipped on", "CT000018": "Either Shipment Period or Latest Shipment Date may be filled", "SF000009": "Previous Drawings under this L/C", "CG000104": "Get Ref", "CT000059": "The Order Date can not be in the future", "CT000114": "请重新获取业务编号!", "CT000058": "The Received on Date can not be in the future", "CT000016": "This date cannot be after the expiration date", "CT000011": "This date must not be before the issuing date", "CT000110": "BP", "CT000013": "This date must not be before the advising date", "CT000057": "Either amount tolerance or amount specification may be filled", "CT000079": "You have selected to send an Advice of Discrepancy. Please enter the discrepancies found.", "SF000004": "Document Amount", "CT000012": "This date cannot be before the shipment date", "CF000039": "Enter Documents, Discrepancies and Instructions", "SF000003": "Received on", "CT000111": "BE", "CT000051": "docs received w/o L/C", "PD000041": "MT 742 Reimbursement Claim", "PD000002": "Docs. Received", "SF000038": "Order Date", "CT000109": "BE", "CT000108": "BP", "CT000069": "Minor discrepancies we ignored:", "S0000040": "Presented by", "SF000032": "Maturity Date", "CT000066": "WE SENT AN ADVICE OF DISCREPANCIES, ASKING FOR APPLICANTS ACCEPTANCE, IN THE MEAN TIME WE HOLD THE DOCUMENTS", "CT000065": "DOCUMENTS SENT ON APPROVAL BASIS", "CT000068": "WE AWAIT YOUR INSTRUCTIONS OR SUBSTITUTION OF DISCREPANT DOCUMENTS", "CT000067": "DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN PRESENTED TO THE ISSUING BANK TODAY", "CT000062": "The selected maturity date $1 of the calendar \'$2\' on docs. received panel is a holiday.", "CT000061": "This amount tolerance has to be positive", "CT000064": "Document type not allowed", "CT000042": "Send and Settle Documents", "CT000063": "A shipment date in the future is not allowed", "CT000060": "Please enter this amount tolerance without a sign", "PD000030": "非我行通知出口信用证银行留底", "PD000031": "Advice of Discrepancies", "PD000034": "Discr./Instr.", "PD000036": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", }