export default { "PD000061": "Advice of Guarantee Issue", "CT002056": "Since this undertaking is subject to ISP, the expiry date is required", "CT002055": "Since this undertaking is subject to ISP, the expiry date is required", "CT002093": "手册号码$1已在 $2 中使用,为了避免重复使用,请确认是否继续使用此手册号", "PD000063": "Issue Instruction", "CT002091": "The second undertaking text has more than $1 lines and might be truncated in DTG MTG02", "PD000062": "Navigation Buttons of Transaction", "PD000020": "Authorization to Reimburse", "PD002048": "税款保付保函", "CT001918": "adding our confirmation", "PD000050": "Guarantee Original", "CT002148": "客户尚有未注销的一体化保函: $1,不允许开立!", "CT002149": "输入的受益人不在\"2216\",\"2218\",\"2246\",\"2249\"之中,请确保输入的受益人支持上海自贸区海关保函!", "CT002028": "In the Undertaking Text there are not SWIFT conform digits (i.e. - or : at the beginning of a line)", "CT001731": "Advice of an Undertaking", "CT002069": "Please enter an exchange rate for $1", "CT002147": "客户尚有未注销的保函: $1,不允许开立!", "CT002067": "In the Undertaking Text there are not SWIFT conform digits (i.e. - or : at the beginning of a line)", "CT002024": "In the Undertaking Text there are not SWIFT conform digits (i.e. - or : at the beginning of a line)", "CT002068": "In the Undertaking Text there are not SWIFT conform digits (i.e. - or : at the beginning of a line)", "CT002020": "Request for Issuance of an Undertaking", "PD000052": "Advice of Execution", "PD000051": "Declaration of Indemnity", "PD000053": "Guarantee Issue", "PD000057": "Acknowledgment of Receipt", "CT001745": "Please enter an exchange rate for $1", "CT001988": "Advice of Execution", "CT001744": "The expiry date has to be later than the issue date", "CT001986": "保函开立注销提示:$1", "CT002038": "保函开立必须收取保函手续费!!!!!", "CT002039": "保函手续费必须收取!!!!", "CT001981": "Confirmation of an Undertaking", "CT002037": "保函按季收费提示:$1", "CT002034": "In the Undertaking Text there are not SWIFT conform digits (i.e. - or : at the beginning of a line)", "CT002035": "In the Undertaking Text there are not SWIFT conform digits (i.e. - or : at the beginning of a line)", "CT002076": "DTA MT G02 auto converted to free format\nTag :22D: in sequence C only allows the codes DGAR, STBY and DEPU. Please modify \"Form of Undertaking\"", "CT002153": "必须是直属海关关区代码,不能是隶属海关关区代码!", "CT002077": "DTA MT G02 auto converted to free format\nTag :22D: of sequence B for indirect guarantees only allows the codes DGAR and STBY. Please modify \"Form of Undertaking\"", "CT002154": "请重新获取业务编号!", "CT002030": "The undertaking text has more than $1 lines and might be truncated in DTG MTG02", "CT002074": "DTA MT G02 auto converted to free format\nTag :22D: only allows the codes DGAR, STBY, SPDM or SURT. Please modify \"Form of Undertaking\"", "CT000371": "Authorization to Reimburse", "CT002073": "Please enter role ATB as AT2 is filled or delete AT2.", "CT002070": "Tag :22A: only allows the codes ISSU and ISCO. Please modify \"Purpose of Message\"", "CT001917": "without any engagement nor responsibility on our part", "CT002049": "Please enter $1 text.", "CT002047": "保函业务编号已经改变,可能导致保函文本取值错误,是否继续?", "CT002048": "保函开立注销提示:$1", "CT002045": "是否确定要更换保函语种?", "CT001990": "Acknowledgment of Receipt", "CT002120": "组织机构代码加海关编号不唯一!", "CT002087": "Setting of Incoming Corporate Order Flag is not allowed for Advice scenarios. Please uncheck.", "CT002088": "From Incoming Message", "CT002083": "Please set the checkbox Incoming Corporate Order if the instructions were received from the client.\nThis is required for the proper handling of parties in the outgoing MT 760.\n If order was received from a bank, please enter the Applicant in field Obligor.", "CT002040": "保函手续费金额必须大于0 !!!", "CT002084": "Please enter the Applicant of the incoming undertaking or counter undertaking as Obligor. The obligor is required when the order is from a bank.\nIf the order is received from a customer, please set the checkbox Incoming Corporate Order on the overview panel", "CT002080": "Please enter $1 text.", }