export default { "SF000006": "1st Beneficiary", "CT000118": "Original", "CT000117": "Original", "SF000009": "Shipped on", "CT000115": "Send and Settle Documents", "CT000154": "Replacing Documents", "CT000111": "Docs. presented", "PD000027": "Amounts and Parties", "PD000108": "Acknowledgment of Documents", "PD000107": "Acknowledgment of Documents", "CT000071": "L/C overdrawn with amount $1 $2.", "PD000021": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", "CT000128": "Acknowledgment of Documents", "CT000125": "Original", "S0000040": "Additional Amount", "S0000041": "of 2nd Beneficiary", "CT000126": "Docs received on date should not be in the future.", "S0000042": "of 2nd Beneficiary", "SF000010": "Document Type", "CT000121": "Original", "S0000043": "2nd Ben-Side", "CT000120": "Original", "S0000044": "Payee for", "CT000123": "Original", "S0000045": "Ref.", "SF000059": "Docs received on", "S0000037": "2nd Beneficiary", "S0000038": "Payer", "S0000039": "Document Amount", "PD000051": "Difference amount 1st Ben", "CT000018": "Original L/C overdrawn with this amount for 1st beneficiary. Maximum allowed $1 $2.", "S0000050": "Amount of 1st Ben.", "S0000052": "Difference Document", "SF000066": "Number of Utilizations", "S0000053": "Amount for 1st Ben.", "S0000054": "Difference Additional", "S0000055": "Amount for 1st Ben.", "S0000056": "Payee for", "S0000057": "1st Ben-Side", "CT000133": "Acknowledgment of Documents Received", "S0000047": "Total Document", "S0000048": "Amount of 1st Ben.", "S0000049": "Total Additional", "PD000003": "Docs. received", "PD000046": "Total Amount of 1st Beneficiary", "CF000065": "Enter Docs, Discrep. and Instructions", "S0000060": "Order Date", "S0000062": "Docs received on", "S0000064": "Order Date", "S0000058": "Ref.", "PD000031": "Advice of Discrepancies", }