import Api from "~/service/Api" import Pts from "../Common/Pts" export default class Inffee{ constructor () { = { cod:"", // FEE .cod infbut:{ dspstm:"", // display stream .infbut.dspstm evtstm:"", // Stream for Events of Object .infbut.evtstm vermod:{ difsrm:"", // displayable stream of differences .infbut.vermod.difsrm }, }, nam:"", // Feecode Description .nam rec:{ cod:"", // Fee Code .rec.cod reltir:"", // Relevant Amount .rec.reltir sftcod:"", // SWIFT / DTA Code .rec.sftcod dtacod:"", // Fee Code for DTA Messages .rec.dtacod staflg:"", // Booking Type .rec.staflg incflg:"", // Income .rec.incflg rol:"", // Fee Payer (Default) .rec.rol acc:"", // Account .rec.acc accacr:"", // Accruing Account .rec.accacr dscmodflg:"", // Modification of Description Allowed in Settlement .rec.dscmodflg reltrn:"", // Relevant Transaction and Business Sector .rec.reltrn begdat:"", // Begin Date .rec.begdat enddat:"", // End of Validity Excl. .rec.enddat grpcod:"", // Group Code .rec.grpcod taxacc:"", // tax acc .rec.taxacc taxflg:"", // 价税分离 .rec.taxflg }, recpan:{ recget:{ sdamod:{ dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.recget.sdamod.dadsnd seainf:"", // .recpan.recget.sdamod.seainf }, }, seldef:"", // Default .recpan.seldef cntdef:"", // Count default .recpan.cntdef selety:"", // Entity .recpan.selety cntety:"", // Count Entity .recpan.cntety selreg:"", // Region .recpan.selreg cntreg:"", // Count Region .recpan.cntreg selheq:"", // Headquarter .recpan.selheq cntheq:"", // Count Headquarter .recpan.cntheq fecdat:"", // per Date .recpan.fecdat selbus:"", // Business Sector .recpan.selbus cntbus:"", // Count Business Sector .recpan.cntbus selcty:"", // Country .recpan.selcty cntcty:"", // Count Country .recpan.cntcty selpty:"", // Party .recpan.selpty cntpty:"", // Count Party .recpan.cntpty fecstm:"", // stream of fee conditions .recpan.fecstm prtpanblk:"", // XMLPanel prtpan的内置block .recpan.prtpanblk }, pageId: "" // ctx的key } } }