Commit e502cfd5 by liuxin


parent 7795d9ba
......@@ -5826,5 +5826,9 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "混合付款单据", value: "M" },
{ label: "即期单据", value: "P" },
infdsp: [
{ label: "Do not display", value: "" },
{ label: "Automatically display", value: "1" },
export default CodeTable;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -96,12 +96,13 @@ import Bttrcl from "./Bttrcl"
import Betacc from "./Betacc"
import Betrcl from "./Betrcl"
import InftrnpsDetail from "./Trnrel/InftrnpsDetail"
import TrnfndsDetail from "./Trnrel/Trnfnd/TrnfndsDetail"
* 带有name的才会被添加进顶部的标签页里
const BusRouter = [
{ path: 'inftrnpsDetail', component: InftrnpsDetail, name: 'InftrnpsDetail', meta: { title: '详情' } },
{ path: 'trnfndsDetail', component: TrnfndsDetail, name: 'TrnfndsDetail', meta: { title: '已完成详情' } },
{ path: 'inftrnpsDetail', component: InftrnpsDetail, name: 'InftrnpsDetail', meta: { title: '待复核详情' } },
{ path: 'cltdav', component: Cltdav, name: 'Cltdav', meta: { title: '打包托收开立' } },
{ path: 'clttra', component: Clttra, name: 'Clttra', meta: { title: '打包托收催收' } },
{ path: 'cltset', component: Cltset, name: 'Cltset', meta: { title: '打包托收解包' } },
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