Commit df8ca47d by WH


parent 362a68e7
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export default {
fromflg: model.brdgrp.rec.fromflg,
othersno: model.brdgrp.rec.othersno,
sndto: model.brdgrp.rec.sndto,
swiftflg: model.brdp.swiftflg,
swiftflg: model.brtp.swiftflg,
brduil: model.brdgrp.rec.brduil,
purpos: model.brdgrp.rec.purpos,
revflg: model.brdgrp.rec.revflg,
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ export default {
objtyp: 'brd',
objinr: model.brdgrp.rec.objinr,
ownref: model.brdgrp.rec.ownref,
swiftflg: model.brdp.swiftflg,
swiftflg: model.brtp.swiftflg,
return params
......@@ -130,30 +130,30 @@ export default {
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "number", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"},
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" }
// "setmod.docamt":[
// {type: "number", required: false, message: "必输项"},
// {max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"},
// {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" }
// ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 20,message:"长度不能超过20"}
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"},
{max: 60,message:"长度不能超过60"}
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"},
{max: 60,message:"长度不能超过60"}
{required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 8,message:"长度不能超过8"}
// "mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt":[
// {type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"},
// {max: 60,message:"长度不能超过60"}
// ],
// "mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt":[
// {type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"},
// {max: 60,message:"长度不能超过60"}
// ],
// "mtabut.coninf.conexedat":[
// {required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"}
// ],
// "mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey":[
// {type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
// {max: 8,message:"长度不能超过8"}
// ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 50,message:"长度不能超过50"}
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import Pub from '~/components/business/commonModel/index.js';
export default class Brteus {
constructor() { = {
swiftflg: '',
......@@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ export default class Brteus {
brdgrp: {
ghd: {
// wahnum: '',
// remark: '',
// bustyp: '',
segtyp: '',
blk: {
chaded: '',
nartxt77a: '',
......@@ -16,7 +16,15 @@
<!--PD000027 -->
<!--PD000027 -->
<el-tab-pane label="表外记账" name="engp">
<!-- 表外记账 -->
<m-engp :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<!--PD000027 -->
<el-tab-pane label="费用/账务" name="setmod">
......@@ -27,6 +35,13 @@
<!--PD000027 -->
<el-tab-pane label="会计分录" name="glepan">
<m-glentry :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<!--PD000529 -->
<el-tab-pane label="备查/附言" name="addbcb">
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