Commit dca93a98 by suwenhao


parent dae1eb9e
import Api from "~/service/Api"
import { rejrow, reprow } from "~/service/business/trnrel"
import Utils from "~/utils/index"
export default {
async onSeaown() {
const that = this.root;
that.executeRule("searow").then(res => {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
that.$ =;
this.model.trncorco.trnstm =;
async onSeajbh() {
const that = this.root;
that.executeRule("seajbh").then(res => {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
that.$ =;
async onSeactr() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("seactr")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onSearow() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("searow")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onDsp() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("dsp")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onImgmodNewimg() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("imgmod_newimg")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onImgmodNewhisimg() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("imgmod_newhisimg")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onDiaconButdia() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("diacon_butdia")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onImgmodHisimg() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("imgmod_hisimg")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onHandle(idx, row) {
let trnName = row.交易代码.toLowerCase();
let viewurl = "/review/"+trnName;
const operateId = await this.$store.dispatch('Transaction/setOperateFuns', {
pass: this.onRelrow.bind(this, idx),
refuse: this.onReprow.bind(this, idx),
// this.$router.push({ path: viewurl, query: { trn: row['INR'], operateId: operateId } });
this.$router.push({ name: 'Review' + trnName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + trnName.substring(1), query: { trn: row['INR'], operateId: operateId }, params: { prePageId: this.model.pageId } });
async onWaitDetail(idx, row) {
let viewurl = "business/inftrnpsDetail";
const selIds = [idx + 1];
const selDst = "trncorco.trnstm" //列表对应后台模型中的stream
let params = { selDst, selIds };
this.executeRule("dsp",params).then((res) => {
if ((res.respCode == SUCCESS)) {
sessionStorage.setItem('InftrnpsDetail', JSON.stringify(this.model));
// this.$router.push({ path: "business/inftrnpsDetail", query: { idx: idx}});
this.$router.push({ path: viewurl, query: {} });
const h = this.$createElement;
const msg = res.respMsg||'请求执行失败!'
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: h('p',{style: 'word-break:break-all;'}, msg) })
async onFinishDetail(idx, row) {
let viewurl = "business/trnfndsDetail";
const selIds = [idx + 1];
const selDst = "trncorco.trnstm" //列表对应后台模型中的stream
let params = { selDst, selIds };
this.executeRule("dsp",params).then((res) => {
if ((res.respCode == SUCCESS)) {
sessionStorage.setItem('InftrnpsDetail', JSON.stringify(this.model));
// this.$router.push({ path: "business/inftrnpsDetail", query: { idx: idx}});
this.$router.push({ path: viewurl, query: {} });
const h = this.$createElement
const msg = res.respMsg||'请求执行失败!'
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: h('p',{style: 'word-break:break-all;'}, msg) })
async onRelrow(idx) {
this.$confirm('您确定复核该笔交易?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning'
}).then(async () => {
const selIds = [idx + 1]; //rowno选中行
const selDst = "trncorco.trnstm" //列表对应后台模型中的stream
let params = { selDst: selDst, selIds: selIds };
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("relrow", params)
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
let errorMsg = "";
let fieldErrorsFlag = (JSON.stringify(rtnmsg.fieldErrors) == "{}");
if (!fieldErrorsFlag) {
let errorMsgkey = "";
let errorMsgVal = "";
for (const key in rtnmsg.fieldErrors) {
errorMsgkey = key;
errorMsgVal = rtnmsg.fieldErrors[key];
errorMsg = errorMsgkey + ':' + errorMsgVal;
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '复核失败!错误信息[' + errorMsg + ']' });
} else {
title: '成功',
message: '复核成功',
type: 'success'
// const that = this.root;
// that.executeRule("searow").then(res => {
// //TODO 处理数据逻辑
// that.$ =;
// this.model.trncorco.trnstm =;
// })
this.$store.dispatch("TagsView/delView", this.$route)
this.$router.history.push("/taskList", () => {
this.$store.commit("setTaskListTabVal", 'trnrel');
else {
let errorMsg = "";
let fieldErrorsFlag = (JSON.stringify(rtnmsg.fieldErrors) == "{}");
if (!fieldErrorsFlag) {
let errorMsgkey = "";
let errorMsgVal = "";
for (const key in rtnmsg.fieldErrors) {
errorMsgkey = key;
errorMsgVal = rtnmsg.fieldErrors[key];
errorMsg = errorMsg + errorMsgkey + ':' + errorMsgVal + ";";
} else if (rtnmsg.respMsg) {
errorMsg = rtnmsg.respMsg;
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '复核失败!错误信息[' + errorMsg + ']' });
sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, ms)
async onPrinte() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("printe")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onReprow(idx) {
this.$confirm('您确定退回该笔交易?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning'
}).then(async () => {
const selIds = [idx + 1]; //rowno选中行
const selDst = "trncorco.trnstm" //列表对应后台模型中的stream
let params = { selDst: selDst, selIds: selIds };
let rtnmsg = await reprow(this.wrapper(params))
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
let errorMsg = "";
let fieldErrorsFlag = (JSON.stringify(rtnmsg.fieldErrors) == "{}");
if (!fieldErrorsFlag) {
let errorMsgkey = "";
let errorMsgVal = "";
for (const key in rtnmsg.fieldErrors) {
errorMsgkey = key;
errorMsgVal = rtnmsg.fieldErrors[key];
errorMsg = errorMsgkey + ':' + errorMsgVal;
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '退回失败!错误信息[' + errorMsg + ']' });
} else {
title: '成功',
message: '退回成功',
type: 'success'
this.$store.dispatch("TagsView/delView", this.$route)
this.$router.history.push("/taskList", () => {
this.$store.commit("setTaskListTabVal", 'trnrel');
else {
let errorMsg = "";
let fieldErrorsFlag = (JSON.stringify(rtnmsg.fieldErrors) == "{}");
if (!fieldErrorsFlag) {
let errorMsgkey = "";
let errorMsgVal = "";
for (const key in rtnmsg.fieldErrors) {
errorMsgkey = key;
errorMsgVal = rtnmsg.fieldErrors[key];
errorMsg = errorMsg + errorMsgkey + ':' + errorMsgVal + ";";
} else if (rtnmsg.respMsg) {
errorMsg = rtnmsg.respMsg;
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '退回失败!错误信息[' + errorMsg + ']' });
async onRejrow() {
this.model.trncorco.selinr['rows'] = this.getSelectedData();
let rtnmsg = await rejrow(this.wrapper())
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
// var cacheFileName =;
// let rejrowRtnmsg = await"trncor/init", {params:{"cacheFileName":cacheFileName}})
// if(rejrowRtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS){
// this.$message({
// type: 'success',
// message: 'Reject成功!'
// });
// await this.sleep(2000);
// this.$router.go(0);
// }
type: 'success',
message: 'Reject成功!'
// await this.sleep(2000);
// this.$router.go(0);
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onRelcor() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("relcor")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onExi() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("exi")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onRecpanDet() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_det")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onSyswrnButshw() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("syswrn_butshw")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onRecpanNotmap() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_notmap")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onRecpanButspt() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_butspt")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onRecpanInc() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_inc")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onRecpanButord() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_butord")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onImgmodImage() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("imgmod_image")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onRecpanIncben() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_incben")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
async onInftxtButtxmsel() {
let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("inftxt_buttxmsel")
if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) {
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
else {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
onSeainf() {
async handleSearch() {
const that = this.root;
// if (this.model.searchAllUsers) {
// that.executeRule("seajbh").then(res => {
// //TODO 处理数据逻辑
// that.$ =;
// })
// } else {
// that.executeRule("searow").then(res => {
// //TODO 处理数据逻辑
// that.$ =;
// this.model.trncorco.trnstm =;
// })
// }
if(this.model.trncorco.relflg == ''){
this.model.trncorco.relflg = '0';
const res = await this.executeRule("inftrnps,searow")
that.$ =;
this.model.trncorco.trnstm =;
this.$store.commit("setTaskList", {key: "trnrel", val:});
// if ( == 0) {
// this.$notify({
// title: '成功',
// message: '搜索完毕,无满足条件记录',
// type: 'success'
// });
// }
Utils.positioningErrorMsg(res.fieldErrors, this.$refs.paramsForm.fields)
async trnfndhandleSearch() {
const that = this.root;
if(this.model.trncorco.relflg == ''){
this.model.trncorco.relflg = '1';
const res = await this.executeRule("inftrnps,searow")
that.$ =;
this.model.trncorco.trnstm =;
Utils.positioningErrorMsg(res.fieldErrors, this.$refs.paramsForm.fields)
async handleReset() {
this.model.bchcon = "";
this.model.trncorco.ownref = "";
this.model.trncorco.relflg = "ALL";
this.model.usrcon = "";
this.model.trncorco.inidatfro = "";
this.model.trncorco.inidattil = "";
this.model.atp.cod = "";
this.model.trncorco.dflg = "ALL";
this.model.atptxt = "";
this.model.searchAllUsers = false;
\ No newline at end of file
import Utils from "~/utils/index";
export default {
methods: {
async handleReset() {
this.model.bchcon = "";
this.model.trncorco.ownref = "";
this.model.trncorco.relflg = "ALL";
this.model.usrcon = "";
this.model.trncorco.inidatfro = "";
this.model.trncorco.inidattil = "";
this.model.atp.cod = "";
this.model.trncorco.dflg = "ALL";
this.model.atptxt = "";
this.model.searchAllUsers = false;
async handleSearch() {
if(this.model.trncorco.relflg == ''){
this.model.trncorco.relflg = '0';
let params = {
ownref: this.model.trncorco.ownref,
inidattil: this.model.trncorco.inidattil,
inidatfro: this.model.trncorco.inidatfro,
usrcon: this.model.usrcon,
relflg: this.model.trncorco.relflg,
bchcon: this.model.bchcon,
cod: this.model.atp.cod,
dflg: this.model.trncorco.dflg,
atptxt: this.model.atptxt,
bchtyp: "",
iniusr: "",
userId: "ZL"
const res = await"/service/trnrel/getTenrelList", params);
that.$ =;
this.model.trncorco.trnstm =;
this.$store.commit("setTaskList", {key: "trnrel", val:});
Utils.positioningErrorMsg(res.fieldErrors, this.$refs.paramsForm.fields)
async onSeainf() {
async onWaitDetail(idx, row) {
let viewurl = "business/inftrnpsDetail";
const selIds = [idx + 1];
const selDst = "trncorco.trnstm" //列表对应后台模型中的stream
let params = { selDst, selIds };
this.executeRule("dsp",params).then((res) => {
if ((res.respCode == SUCCESS)) {
sessionStorage.setItem('InftrnpsDetail', JSON.stringify(this.model));
this.$router.push({ path: viewurl, query: {} });
const h = this.$createElement;
const msg = res.respMsg||'请求执行失败!'
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: h('p',{style: 'word-break:break-all;'}, msg) })
async onHandle(idx, row) {
let trnName = row.trnName;
const operateId = await this.$store.dispatch('Transaction/setOperateFuns', {
pass: this.onRelrow.bind(this, idx),
refuse: this.onReprow.bind(this, idx),
this.$router.push({ name: 'Review' + trnName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + trnName.substring(1), query: { trn: row['INR'], operateId: operateId }, params: { prePageId: this.model.pageId } });
\ No newline at end of file
export default class Trnrel {
constructor() { = {
trncorco: {
ownref: "", // Reference .trncorco.ownref
relflg: "", // Status .trncorco.relflg
inidatfro: "", // Date of entry of Transaction .trncorco.inidatfro
inidattil: new Date(), // Date of entry of Transaction until .trncorco.inidattil
trnstm: "", // List of transaction sfor display .trncorco.trnstm
dflg: "", // 国内证标志 .trncorco.dflg
selinr: {},
atp: {
cod: "", // Transaction Type .atp.cod
atpget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // .atpget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .atpget.sdamod.dadsnd
atptxt: "", // Transaction Text .atptxt
numtrn: "", // # of transactions .numtrn
orddsp: "", // >> .orddsp
bchcon: "", // Branch .bchcon
usrcon: "", // User .usrcon
recpan: {
cpltxt: "", // Completion text .recpan.cpltxt
spt: {
sta: "", // Status .recpan.spt.sta
ord: {
sta: "", // Status .recpan.ord.sta
recget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // Ident No. .recpan.recget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.recget.sdamod.dadsnd
atp: {
cod: "", // Transaction ID .recpan.atp.cod
atpget: {
sdamod: {
dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.atpget.sdamod.dadsnd
seainf: "", // Transaction .recpan.atpget.sdamod.seainf
smhstm: "", // Documents .recpan.smhstm
usr: {
extkey: "", // User ID .recpan.usr.extkey
usrget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // .recpan.usrget.sdamod.seainf
trsstm: "", // Signatures .recpan.trsstm
con: "", // Reference .recpan.con
cretrs: {
usr: "", // Entered by .recpan.cretrs.usr
dattim: "", // Timestamp .recpan.cretrs.dattim
ackgrp: {
rec: {
sndref: "", // Send to SOP/CASmf reference .recpan.ackgrp.rec.sndref
wfestm: "", // WFEs for transaction for display .recpan.wfestm
evthisstm: "", // stream of history of transactions .recpan.evthisstm
evtstm: "", // stream of events .recpan.evtstm
ackstm: "", // ACKs for transaction .recpan.ackstm
trostm: "", // TROs for transaction for display .recpan.trostm
prtgleblk: "", // XMLPanel prtgle的内置block .recpan.prtgleblk
prtpanblk: "", // XMLPanel prtpan的内置block .recpan.prtpanblk
trn: {
ownref: "", // Reference .trn.ownref
inr: "", // Transaction Key .trn.inr
objnam: "", // External Readable Object Identification .trn.objnam
reloricur: "", // Relevant Amount .trn.reloricur
reloriamt: "", // Relevant Amount for Release in Original Currency .trn.reloriamt
relflg: "", // Release Status of Transaction .trn.relflg
usr: "", // Responsible .trn.usr
usg: "", // Responsible Group .trn.usg
relreq: "", // Signatures Required/Obtained .trn.relreq
relres: "", // Applied Signatures .trn.relres
cortrninr: "", // Based on Ident No. .trn.cortrninr
exedat: "", // Execution Date .trn.exedat
inftxt: "", // Infotext .trn.inftxt
infdsp: "", // Infoflag .trn.infdsp
inifrm: "",
wfmmod: {
wfs: {
objnam: "", // External Readable Object Identification .wfmmod.wfs.objnam
objtyp: "", // Table Used to Store Associated Object .wfmmod.wfs.objtyp
objinr: "", // Object .wfmmod.wfs.objinr
docimm: {
prtswtpblk: "", // XMLPanel prtswtp的内置block .docimm.prtswtpblk
xmldocblk: "", // XMLPanel xmldoc的内置block .docimm.xmldocblk
prtswtrpblk: "", // XMLPanel prtswtrp的内置block .docimm.prtswtrpblk
docbol: {
prtpblk: "", // XMLPanel prtp的内置block .docimm.docbol.prtpblk
pageId: "", // ctx的key
searchAllUsers: ""
\ No newline at end of file
export default class Inftrnps {
constructor() { = {
trncorco: {
ownref: "", // Reference .trncorco.ownref
relflg: "", // Status .trncorco.relflg
inidatfro: "", // Date of entry of Transaction .trncorco.inidatfro
inidattil: new Date(), // Date of entry of Transaction until .trncorco.inidattil
trnstm: "", // List of transaction sfor display .trncorco.trnstm
dflg: "", // 国内证标志 .trncorco.dflg
selinr: {},
atp: {
cod: "", // Transaction Type .atp.cod
atptxt: "", // Transaction Text .atptxt
usrcon: "", // User .usrcon
bchcon: "", // Branch .bchcon
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="eibs-tab">
<!-- <c-list-search @form-reset="handleReset" @form-search="handleSearch"> -->
<!-- <template v-slot="searchSlot"> -->
<el-form class="m-table-search-form" ref="paramsForm" label-position="right" label-width="110px"
......@@ -38,13 +36,6 @@
<c-col :span="12">
<el-form-item label="Drag Drop Sender">
<c-input v-model="model.atpget.sdamod.dadsnd" placeholder="请输入Drag Drop Sender"></c-input>
<c-col :span="24" style="">
<c-col :span="8">
......@@ -63,15 +54,6 @@
<c-col :span="12">
<el-form-item label="and">
</c-col> -->
<c-col :span="8">
<el-form-item label="交易代码" prop="atp.cod" style="width: 100%">
<c-col :span="24">
......@@ -79,8 +61,6 @@
<c-input v-model="model.atp.cod" maxlength="6" style="width: 95%" placeholder="请输入交易代码"
<!-- <c-input v-model="model.atpget.sdamod.seainf" style="width:10%" placeholder="i"></c-input> -->
<c-col :span="4">
<c-button size="small" style="width:100%;margin-left:0" type="primary" @click="onSeainf"
......@@ -119,11 +99,18 @@
<c-col :span="24" style="">
<c-istream-table :list="" :columns="stmData.columns" style="width:100%" :showButtonFlg="true">
<el-table :data="" :columns="stmData.columns" style="width:100%" :showButtonFlg="true">
v-for="(item, key) in stmData.columns"
<el-table-column fixed="right" prop="op" label="操作" width="140px">
<template slot="header">
<c-col :span="11" style="text-align:center"><span>操作</span></c-col>
<!-- <c-col :span="12" style="text-align:right"><c-button icon="el-icon-s-tools"></c-button></c-col> -->
<template slot-scope="scope">
<c-button style="margin-left: 0" size="small" @click="onWaitDetail(scope.$index,scope.row)">
......@@ -132,35 +119,26 @@
<c-button style="margin-left: 5px" size="small" type="primary" @click="onHandle(scope.$index,scope.row)">
<!-- <c-button
style="margin-left: 0"
</c-button> -->
import Api from "~/service/Api";
import commonProcess from "~/mixin/commonProcess";
import CodeTable from "~/config/CodeTable";
import Event from "../event";
import event from "../event/inftrnps";
import Inftrnps from "../model/inftrnps";
export default {
inject: ["root"],
props: ["model", "codes"],
mixins: [commonProcess],
props: ["codes"],
mixins: [commonProcess, event],
components: {},
data() {
return {
model: new Inftrnps().data,
initdialog: false,
transactionStatus: {
busiNo: "",
......@@ -171,44 +149,27 @@
earnAmt: 0,
stmData: {
columns: [
'10 1 "交易代码" 100',
'11 2 "业务编号" 150',
'17 3 "摘要信息" 300',
'12 4 "币种" 70',
'13 5 "金额" 100',
// '14 6 "创建时间" 170',
{ index: 14, position: 6, width: 140, pattern: 'time', label: '创建时间' },
'9 7 "签名要求" 100',
'2 8 "签名状态" 100',
'16 9 "经办柜员" 100',
// '0 10 "业务状态" 80',
index: 0, position: 10, width: 100, pattern: 'code', label: '业务状态', code: [{ label: "等待", value: "W" },
{ label: "已打回", value: "C" },
{ label: "已拾取", value: "P" },
{ label: "已拒绝", value: "N" },]
'15 11 "业务机构" 120',
data: [],
columns: [
{ label: "交易代码", prop: "" },
{ label: "业务编号", prop: "" },
{ label: "摘要信息", prop: "" },
{ label: "币种", prop: "" },
{ label: "金额", prop: "" },
{ label: "创建时间", prop: "" },
{ label: "签名要求", prop: "" },
{ label: "签名状态", prop: "" },
{ label: "经办柜员", prop: "" },
{ label: "业务状态", prop: "" },
{ label: "业务机构", prop: "" },
data: [],
relrowDisabled: true,
relflgCodes: [],
Trnp0Visible: false,
// multipleSelection: [],
methods: {
// multipleSelect(val) {
// // TODO 根据Status判断按钮是否禁用
// this.relrowDisabled = !(val.length > 0);
// this.multipleSelection = val;
// },
// getSelectedData() {
// return =>[idx]);
// },
let datetime = new Date();
datetime = datetime.setDate(datetime.getDate() - 1);
......@@ -223,15 +184,10 @@
this.relflgCodes = [
{ label: "全部", value: "0" }, //待复核列表业务状态All
{ label: "已修改", value: "C" },
// { label: "Closed", value: "M" },
// { label: "Entered", value: "E" },
// { label: "External", value: "X" },
{ label: "已拾取", value: "P" },
{ label: "已拒绝", value: "N" },
{ label: "等待", value: "W" },
// await this.handleSearch()
// this.$store.commit("setTaskList", {key: "trnrel", val:})
computed: {},
......@@ -9,25 +9,20 @@
<!-- <el-tabs ref="elment" type="card" @tab-click="tabClick">
<el-tab-pane label="复核夹查询"> -->
<m-inftrnps :model="model" :codes="codes" ref="inftrnps" />
<m-inftrnps :codes="codes" ref="inftrnps" />
<!-- </el-tab-pane>
</el-tabs> -->
import CodeTable from "~/config/CodeTable";
import Trnrel from "../model";
import commonProcess from "~/mixin/commonProcess";
import Utils from "~/utils/index";
import Inftrnps from "./Inftrnps";
......@@ -38,7 +33,6 @@
"m-inftrnps": Inftrnps,
mixins: [commonProcess], // 里面包含了Default、Check等的公共处理
// computed: {},
provide() {
return {
root: this,
......@@ -47,14 +41,12 @@
data() {
return {
trnName: "trnrel",
model: new Trnrel().data,
rules: null,
codes: {
dflg: CodeTable.dflg,
bchtyp: CodeTable.bchtyp,
usrsort: CodeTable.usrsort,
// reload:false,
created() {
......@@ -63,7 +55,6 @@
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
that.model = Utils.copyValueFromVO(that.model,;
// that.$
......@@ -83,13 +74,10 @@
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
that.model = Utils.copyValueFromVO(that.model,;
// that.$
this.$store.commit("setLoadingFreshReview", false)
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