Commit d4f83b31 by WF1020


parent 229b6dec
......@@ -19,17 +19,23 @@ export default {
async init() {
async init () {
const params = {
// spt: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('row_' + this.trnName))
spt: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('row_' + this.trnName)),
if ( typeof(this.$route.query.inr) == 'string' ){
params.spt = null
params.trnmod.trn =null
const loading = this.loading();
const res = await'/service/letopn/init', {
transName: this.trnName,
userId: window.sessionStorage.userId || 'ZL',
// loading.close();
if (! {
......@@ -123,8 +129,8 @@ export default {
async onLitpButgetref() {
let params = {
ptainr: this.model.ledgrp.apl.pts.ptainr,
businessType: 'LG',
tbl: 'LG',
businessType: 'LC',
tbl: 'LC',
const loading = this.loading();
let res = await'/service/letopn/getOwnRef', params);
......@@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ let checkObj = {
'ledgrp.rec.nomtop': [
{ type: 'number', required: false, message: '必输项', trigger: 'blur' },
{ type: 'number', max: 99, message: '长度不能超过2', trigger: 'blur' },
{ required: true, message: '必输项', trigger: 'blur' },
{ max: 99, message: '长度不能超过2', trigger: 'blur' },
'ledgrp.rec.nomton': [
{ type: 'number', required: false, message: '必输项', trigger: 'blur' },
{ type: 'number', max: 99, message: '长度不能超过2', trigger: 'blur' },
{ required: true, message: '必输项', trigger: 'blur' },
{ max: 99, message: '长度不能超过2', trigger: 'blur' },
'ledgrp.ben.adrelc': [
{ type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项' },
......@@ -189,10 +189,10 @@ let checkObj = {
{ max: 16, message: '长度不能超过16' },
'ledgrp.rec.opndat': [
{ type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
'ledgrp.rec.preadvdt': [
{ type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
'ledgrp.iss.pts.extkey': [
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项' },
......@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ let checkObj = {
{ max: 140, message: '长度不能超过140' },
'ledgrp.rec.shpdat': [
{ type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
'ledgrp.rec.advdat': [
{ type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
'ledgrp.iss.pts.adrblk': [
{ type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项' },
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ let checkObj = {
{ max: 140, message: '长度不能超过140' },
'ledgrp.rec.expdat': [
{ type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
'ledgrp.iss.adrelc': [
{ type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项' },
......@@ -319,8 +319,8 @@ let checkObj = {
{ max: 35, message: '长度不能超过35' },
'ledgrp.rec.prepers18': [
{ type: 'number', required: false, message: '必输项' },
{ type: 'number', max: 999, message: '长度不能超过3' },
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项' },
{ type: 'string', max: 999, message: '长度不能超过3' },
'ledgrp.rec.prepertxts18': [
......@@ -378,8 +378,8 @@ let checkObj = {
{ max: 65, message: '长度不能超过65' },
'ledgrp.rec.tenmaxday': [
{ type: 'number', required: false, message: '必输项' },
{ type: 'number', max: 9999, message: '长度不能超过4' },
{ required: true, message: '必输项' },
{ max: 9999, message: '长度不能超过4' },
'ledgrp.rec.porloa': [
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项' },
......@@ -558,15 +558,15 @@ let checkObj = {
{ max: 52000, message: '长度不能超过52000' },
'ledgrp.blk.lcrdoc': [
{ type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项' },
{ max: 52000, message: '长度不能超过52000' },
// 'ledgrp.blk.lcrdoc': [
// { required: true, message: '必输项' },
// { max: 52000, message: '长度不能超过52000' },
// ],
'ledgrp.blk.adlcnd': [
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项' },
{ max: 52000, message: '长度不能超过52000' },
// 'ledgrp.blk.adlcnd': [
// { required: true, message: '必输项' },
// { max: 52000, message: '长度不能超过52000' },
// ],
'ledgrp.blk.insbnk': [
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项' },
......@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ let checkObj = {
'setmod.docamt': [
{ type: 'number', required: false, message: '必输项' },
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项' },
{ max: 18, message: '整数位不能超过14位' },
pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/,
......@@ -592,23 +592,23 @@ let checkObj = {
{ max: 20, message: '长度不能超过20' },
'mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt': [
{ type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项' },
{ max: 60, message: '长度不能超过60' },
// 'mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt': [
// { type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项' },
// { max: 60, message: '长度不能超过60' },
// ],
'mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt': [
{ type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项' },
{ max: 60, message: '长度不能超过60' },
// 'mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt': [
// { type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项' },
// { max: 60, message: '长度不能超过60' },
// ],
'mtabut.coninf.conexedat': [
{ type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
'mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey': [
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项' },
{ max: 8, message: '长度不能超过8' },
// 'mtabut.coninf.conexedat': [
// { type: 'string', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
// ],
// 'mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey': [
// { type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项' },
// { max: 8, message: '长度不能超过8' },
// ],
'trnmod.trndoc.advnam': [
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项' },
......@@ -683,15 +683,15 @@ let checkObj = {
'ledgrp.rec.revtimes': [
{ type: 'number', required: false, message: '必输项' },
{ type: 'number', max: 99, message: '长度不能超过2' },
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项' },
{ type: 'string', max: 99, message: '长度不能超过2' },
'ledgrp.rec.revnbr': [
{ type: 'number', required: false, message: '必输项' },
{ type: 'number', max: 99, message: '长度不能超过2' },
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项' },
{ type: 'string', max: 99, message: '长度不能超过2' },
'ledgrp.rec.revdat': [
{ type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
{ type: 'string', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期' },
'ledgrp.blk.revcls': [
{ type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项' },
import Pts from '~/components/business/commonModel/Pts';
import Pub from '~/components/business/commonModel/index.js';
export default class Letopn{
constructor () { = {
number: '',
ledgrp: {
a2b: {
pts: new Pts().data,
blk: {
dftat: '',
revnotes: '',
feetxt: '',
mixdet: '',
revcls: '',
shpper: '',
addamtcov: '',
avbwthtxt: '',
defdet: '',
preper: ''
rec: {
tenmaxday: '',
nomton: '',
expplc: '',
stacty: '',
revtyp: '',
revtimes: '',
opndat: '',
nomtop: '',
avbwth: '',
revflg: '',
spcbenflg: '',
dbtflg: '',
shpdat: '',
revdat: '',
nam: '',
prepertxts18: '',
redclsflg: '',
cnfins: '',
nomspc: '',
shptrss18: '',
spcrcbflg: '',
collflg: '',
inctrf: '',
shpfro: '',
lcrtyp: '',
nonban: '',
ownref: '',
teskeyunc: '',
preadvdt: '',
avbby: '',
pordis: '',
apprul: '',
shppar: '',
prepers18: '',
expdat: '',
shpto: '',
revnbr: '',
chato: '',
cnfdet: '',
revcum: '',
aplbnkdirsnd: '',
advdat: '',
porloa: '',
apprultxt: ''
con: {
pts: new Pts().data,
cbs: {
opn2: {
cur: '',
amt: ''
max: {
cur: '',
amt: ''
nom1: {
cur: '',
amt: ''
max2: {
cur: '',
amt: ''
drw: {
pts: new Pts().data,
ben: {
pts: new Pts().data,
avb: {
pts: new Pts().data,
iss: {
pts: new Pts().data,
apl: {
pts: new Pts().data,
adv: {
pts: new Pts().data,
a2b: {
pts: new Pts().data,
apb: {
pts: new Pts().data,
rmb: {
pts: new Pts().data,
con: {
pts: new Pts().data,
export default class Letopn {
constructor() { = {
number: '',
ledgrp: {
a2b: {
pts: new Pts().data,
blk: {
dftat: '',
revnotes: '',
feetxt: '',
mixdet: '',
revcls: '',
shpper: '',
addamtcov: '',
avbwthtxt: '',
defdet: '',
preper: '',
rec: {
stagod: '',
tenmaxday: '',
nomton: '',
expplc: '',
stacty: '',
revtyp: '',
revtimes: '',
opndat: '',
nomtop: '',
avbwth: '',
revflg: '',
spcbenflg: '',
dbtflg: '',
shpdat: '',
revdat: '',
nam: '',
prepertxts18: '',
redclsflg: '',
cnfins: '',
nomspc: '',
shptrss18: '',
spcrcbflg: '',
collflg: '',
inctrf: '',
shpfro: '',
lcrtyp: '',
nonban: '',
ownref: '',
teskeyunc: '',
preadvdt: '',
avbby: '',
pordis: '',
apprul: '',
shppar: '',
prepers18: '',
expdat: '',
shpto: '',
revnbr: '',
chato: '',
cnfdet: '',
revcum: '',
aplbnkdirsnd: '',
advdat: '',
porloa: '',
apprultxt: '',
con: {
pts: new Pts().data,
cbs: {
opn2: {
cur: '',
amt: '',
letp: {
usr: {
extkey: ''
aamp: {
aammod: {
addamtflg: ''
max: {
cur: '',
amt: '',
setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod,
mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut,
trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod,
liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv,
docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan,
\ No newline at end of file
nom1: {
cur: '',
amt: '',
max2: {
cur: '',
amt: '',
drw: {
pts: new Pts().data,
ben: {
pts: new Pts().data,
avb: {
pts: new Pts().data,
iss: {
pts: new Pts().data,
apl: {
pts: new Pts().data,
adv: {
pts: new Pts().data,
a2b: {
pts: new Pts().data,
apb: {
pts: new Pts().data,
rmb: {
pts: new Pts().data,
con: {
pts: new Pts().data,
letp: {
usr: {
extkey: '',
aamp: {
aammod: {
addamtflg: '',
setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod,
mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut,
trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod,
liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv,
docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan,
......@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
grp: 'ledgrp',
rol: 'avb',
queryGridEtyPromptDialogData('AVB', 'B')
......@@ -444,11 +447,18 @@ export default {
immediate: true,
this.model.ledgrp.rec.tenmaxday = val.replace(/\D/g, '');
this.model.ledgrp.rec.prepers18 = val.replace(/\D/g, '');
handler(val, oldVal){
this.model.ledgrp.rec.tenmaxday = `${val}''`.replace(/\D/g, '');
immediate: true,
"model.ledgrp.rec.prepers18": {
handler(val, oldVal){
this.model.ledgrp.rec.prepers18 = `${val}''`.replace(/\D/g, '');
immediate: true,
<div class="eibs">
<c-col :span="22">
<el-form-item label="货物/服务描述" prop="lidgrp.blk.lcrgod">
<c-input type="textarea" v-model="model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod" maxlength="52000" :rows="30" show-word-limit placeholder="请输入货物或服务描述" ></c-input>
<c-col :span="2">
<c-button size="small" type="primary"
@click="queryGridEtyPromptDialogData('BLK', '')">
<c-col :span="18">
<el-form-item label="货物类型" prop="lidgrp.rec.stagod">
import Api from "~/service/Api"
import commonProcess from "~/mixin/commonProcess";
import CodeTable from "~/config/CodeTable"
import event from "../event"
export default {
inject: ['root'],
mixins: [commonProcess, event],
return {
<div class="eibs">
<c-col :span="20">
<el-form-item label="单据要求" prop="lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc">
<c-input type="textarea" v-model="model.lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc" maxlength="52000" :rows="30" show-word-limit placeholder="请输入单据要求" ></c-input>
<c-col :span="2">
<c-button size="small" type="primary" icon="el-icon-search"
@click="queryGridEtyPromptDialogData('BLK', '')">
import Api from "~/service/Api"
import commonProcess from "~/mixin/commonProcess";
import CodeTable from "~/config/CodeTable"
import event from "../event"
export default {
inject: ['root'],
mixins: [commonProcess, event],
return {
......@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@
<m-ptyp :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<el-collapse-item title="货物描述" name="dogp">
<m-doxp :model="model" :codes="codes" :dtyp="'dogp'" :rec="'led'"/>
<el-collapse-item title="货物" name="dogp">
<!-- 货物 -->
<m-doxp :model="model" :codes="codes" :dtyp="'dorp'" :rec="'led'" />
<el-collapse-item title="单据要求" name="dorp">
<m-doxp :model="model" :codes="codes" :dtyp="'dorp'" :rec="'led'"/>
<el-collapse-item title="单据" name="dorp" >
<!-- 单据 -->
<m-doxp :model="model" :codes="codes" :dtyp="'dorp'" :rec="'led'" />
<el-collapse-item title="附加条款" name="adcp">
......@@ -54,7 +55,9 @@ import Detp from './Detp'
import Ptyp from './Ptyp'
import Revp from './Revp'
import Aamp from './Aamp'
import Doxp from '~/views/Public/Doxp'
import Dogp from "./Dogp";
import Dorp from "./Dorp";
import Doxp from "~/views/Public/Doxp";
export default {
components: {
......@@ -62,8 +65,10 @@ export default {
'm-aamp': Aamp,
'm-detp': Detp,
'm-ptyp': Ptyp,
'm-doxp': Doxp,
'm-revp': Revp,
"m-dogp": Dogp,
"m-dorp": Dorp,
"m-doxp": Doxp,
inject: ["root"],
props: ["model", "codes"],
......@@ -31,11 +31,9 @@
model.ledgrp.ben.pts.adrblk && !model.ledgrp.rec.ownref
? false
: true
model.ledgrp.ben.pts.adrblk && !model.ledgrp.rec.ownref? false: true"
......@@ -357,6 +355,9 @@
rol: 'ben',
queryGridEtyPromptDialogData('ben', 'C')
......@@ -370,6 +371,9 @@
rol: 'iss',
queryGridEtyPromptDialogData('ISS', 'B')
......@@ -382,6 +386,9 @@
grp: 'ledgrp',
rol: 'apl',
queryGridEtyPromptDialogData('APL', 'C')
......@@ -438,11 +445,19 @@ export default {
return {};
this.model.ledgrp.rec.nomtop = val.replace(/\D/g, '');
handler(val,old) {
this.model.ledgrp.rec.nomtop = `${val}''`.replace(/\D/g, '');
this.model.ledgrp.rec.nomton = val.replace(/\D/g, '');
handler(val,old) {
this.model.ledgrp.rec.nomton = `${val}''`.replace(/\D/g, '');
methods: {
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
grp: 'ledgrp',
rol: 'adv',
queryGridEtyPromptDialogData('ADV', 'B')
......@@ -24,6 +27,9 @@
grp: 'ledgrp',
rol: 'a2b',
queryGridEtyPromptDialogData('A2B', 'C')
......@@ -54,6 +60,9 @@
grp: 'ledgrp',
rol: 'apb',
queryGridEtyPromptDialogData('APB', 'C')
......@@ -74,6 +83,9 @@
grp: 'ledgrp',
rol: 'rmb',
queryGridEtyPromptDialogData('RMB', 'B')
......@@ -87,6 +99,9 @@
grp: 'ledgrp',
rol: 'con',
queryGridEtyPromptDialogData('CON', 'B')
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