Commit be8386a0 by liaoxing


parent baedf4a3
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ export default class Gitcan{
redamt:"", // Reduced Amount to be Paid .gidgrp.rec.redamt
outcur:"", // Amount Outstanding .gidgrp.rec.outcur
outamt:"", // Outstanding Amount .gidgrp.rec.outamt
......@@ -51,12 +51,14 @@
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="接收目的" prop="gidgrp.rec.purposin">
<c-input v-model="model.gidgrp.rec.purposin" maxlength="16" disabled placeholder="请输入"></c-input>
<c-select v-model="model.gidgrp.rec.purposin" style="width: 100%" disabled placeholder="请输入"
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="报文目的" prop="gidgrp.rec.purpos">
<c-input v-model="model.gidgrp.rec.purpos" disabled maxlength="16" placeholder="请输入"></c-input>
<c-select v-model="model.gidgrp.rec.purpos" disabled style="width: 100%" placeholder="请输入"
<c-col :span="24">
......@@ -173,7 +175,9 @@ export default {
props: ["model", "codes"],
mixins: [commonProcess],
data() {
return {};
return {
codes: {...CodeTable},
methods: {
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