Commit a6169e1a by zhanghou


parent 703e7204
......@@ -474,7 +474,6 @@
<div ref="childRef" class="childRef"></div>
......@@ -484,7 +483,6 @@ import commonProcess from "~/mixin/commonProcess";
import Api from "~/service/Api";
import Utils from "~/utils/index";
import DocUtils from "~/utils/DocUtils";
import { renderAsync } from 'docx-preview';
export default {
inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"],
......@@ -609,7 +607,6 @@ export default {
let viewurl = "/#/docpan/show";
let XMLdata;
let base64Str =;
let bstr = window.atob(base64Str); // 解码 base-64 编码的字符串,base-64 编码使用方法是 btoa()
let length = bstr.length;
let u8arr = new Uint8Array(length); // 创建初始化为0的,包含length个元素的无符号整型数组
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