Commit 918ffa50 by 吴佳

2022.01.25 wujia cptsel

parent 5c57e73c
import Utils from "~/utils"
* Cptsel Check规则
let checkObj = {
for (const key in checkObj) {
if (, key)) {
checkObj[key] = checkObj[key] ? checkObj[key] : Utils.reflectCheck(key)
export default checkObj
* Cptsel Default规则
import Api from "~/service/Api";
import Utils from "~/utils/index"
export default {
"cpdgrp.pye.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn1" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"selbut.sptpenlab_descr" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"selbut.sptpenlab" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cpdgrp.rec.ownref" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cpdgrp.orc.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"selbut.trnpenlab" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"selbut.trnpenlab_descr" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cpdgrp.rec.paytyp" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"clsflg" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt10" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn10" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn11" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt11" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt1" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn9" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt9" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn8" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt8" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn7" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt7" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn6" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt6" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn5" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt5" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn4" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt4" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn3" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt3" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn2" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt2" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cpdgrp.pyb.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
import Api from "~/service/Api"
import Utils from "~/utils"
export default {
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 40,message:"长度不能超过40"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"}
{type: "number", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"},
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" }
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 40,message:"长度不能超过40"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"}
{type: "number", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"},
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" }
{type: "date", required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 40,message:"长度不能超过40"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 40,message:"长度不能超过40"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
\ No newline at end of file
import Api from "~/service/Api"
import Pts from "../Common/Pts"
export default class Cptsel{
constructor () { = {
dspclsdat:"", // Label Closed .selbut.dspclsdat
dsppndram:"", // Display Number of Req. of Amendment .selbut.dsppndram
sptpenlab:"", // Label showing pending items stored for contract .selbut.sptpenlab
trnpenlab:"", // Label showing stored uncommited transactions for contract .selbut.trnpenlab
sptpenlab_descr:"", // Description for SPTPENLAB .selbut.sptpenlab_descr
trnpenlab_descr:"", // Description for TRNPENLAB .selbut.trnpenlab_descr
ownref:"", // Reference .cpdgrp.rec.ownref
nam:"", // Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract .cpdgrp.rec.nam
valdat:"", // Value Date .cpdgrp.rec.valdat
paytyp:"", // Payment Type .cpdgrp.rec.paytyp
cur:"", // Received Amount
amt:"", // Balance
cur:"", // Payment Amount
amt:"", // Balance
pts:new Pts().data,
pts:new Pts().data,
pts:new Pts().data,
seainf:"", // .recget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recget.sdamod.dadsnd
clsflg:"", // Show closed Contract .clsflg
bitmap:"", // Bitmap for folder .cfgfil.bitmap
regside1:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside1
regside2:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside2
regside3:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside3
regside4:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside4
regside5:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside5
regside6:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside6
regside7:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside7
regside8:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside8
regside9:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside9
regside10:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside10
regside11:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside11
regside12:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside12
subtxt1:"", // submenu text 1 .cfgfil.subtxt1
subtxt2:"", // submenu text 2 .cfgfil.subtxt2
subtxt3:"", // submenu text 3 .cfgfil.subtxt3
subtxt4:"", // submenu text 4 .cfgfil.subtxt4
subtxt5:"", // submenu text 5 .cfgfil.subtxt5
subtxt6:"", // submenu text 6 .cfgfil.subtxt6
subtxt7:"", // submenu text 7 .cfgfil.subtxt7
subtxt8:"", // submenu text 8 .cfgfil.subtxt8
subtxt9:"", // submenu text 9 .cfgfil.subtxt9
subtxt10:"", // submenu text 10 .cfgfil.subtxt10
subtxt11:"", // submenu text 11 .cfgfil.subtxt11
regtxt1:"", // Register text 1 .cfgfil.regtxt1
regtxt2:"", // Register text 2 .cfgfil.regtxt2
regtxt3:"", // Register text 3 .cfgfil.regtxt3
regtxt4:"", // Register text 4 .cfgfil.regtxt4
regtxt5:"", // Register text 5 .cfgfil.regtxt5
regtxt6:"", // Register text 6 .cfgfil.regtxt6
regtxt7:"", // Register text 7 .cfgfil.regtxt7
regtxt8:"", // Register text 8 .cfgfil.regtxt8
regtxt9:"", // Register text 9 .cfgfil.regtxt9
regtxt10:"", // Register text 10 .cfgfil.regtxt10
regtxt11:"", // Register text 11 .cfgfil.regtxt11
regtxt12:"", // Register text 12 .cfgfil.regtxt12
hotsub1:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub1
hotsub2:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub2
hotsub3:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub3
hotsub4:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub4
hotsub5:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub5
hotsub6:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub6
hotsub7:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub7
hotsub8:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub8
hotsub9:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub9
hotsub10:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub10
hotsub11:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub11
hotreg1:"", // hotspot reg1 .cfgfil.hotreg1
hotreg2:"", // hotspot reg2 .cfgfil.hotreg2
hotreg3:"", // hotspot reg3 .cfgfil.hotreg3
hotreg4:"", // hotspot reg4 .cfgfil.hotreg4
hotreg5:"", // hotspot reg5 .cfgfil.hotreg5
hotreg6:"", // hotspot reg6 .cfgfil.hotreg6
hotreg7:"", // hotspot reg7 .cfgfil.hotreg7
hotreg8:"", // hotspot reg8 .cfgfil.hotreg8
hotreg9:"", // hotspot reg9 .cfgfil.hotreg9
hotreg10:"", // hotspot reg10 .cfgfil.hotreg10
hotreg11:"", // hotspot reg11 .cfgfil.hotreg11
hotreg12:"", // hotspot reg12 .cfgfil.hotreg12
subtrn1:"", // Submenu trn 1 .cfgfil.subtrn1
subtrn2:"", // Submenu trn 2 .cfgfil.subtrn2
subtrn3:"", // Submenu trn 3 .cfgfil.subtrn3
subtrn4:"", // Submenu trn 4 .cfgfil.subtrn4
subtrn5:"", // Submenu trn 5 .cfgfil.subtrn5
subtrn6:"", // Submenu trn 6 .cfgfil.subtrn6
subtrn7:"", // Submenu trn 7 .cfgfil.subtrn7
subtrn8:"", // Submenu trn 8 .cfgfil.subtrn8
subtrn9:"", // Submenu trn 9 .cfgfil.subtrn9
subtrn10:"", // Submenu trn 10 .cfgfil.subtrn10
subtrn11:"", // Submenu trn 11 .cfgfil.subtrn11
pageId: "" // ctx的key
\ No newline at end of file
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